Medical bills #1 reason for bankruptcy

Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.

Best we could have done was run our insurance like we do auto insurance. That is, have health insurance for catastrophic events and be allowed to shop around for routine care. But nope, we have/had the "cadillac plans", mostly thanks to unions, where every little thing was covered including deductibles. People paid not one thin dime for their health care, and got used to it. So, we are still left with the idea that "insurance" should pay for routine care: check ups, sore throats, etc. And so our healthcare is pricey.

It's FAR less expensive for insurance to pay for routine check ups. Are you sure you are a teacher?

Most every other first world country can pull it off.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Yes, but its been less since the ACA.
This past April I had an accident and suffered 3rd degree burns on both legs and I`ll need to wear compression socks for a year or so. I was required to make a 20% co-pay for these socks and the 20% was $142 dollars. These are $700 socks I`m wearing. Ya, we`re being gouged.
We have insurance industry run health care.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
Ideally, yes.

But unfortunately, it isn't.

What do you think should be the #1 reason for declaring personal bankruptcy?

No idea. I'm discussing our lack of adequate health care for millions.
In other words, you're fucking clueless because you haven't thoroughly applied any serious thought regarding the matter that you are bitching and whining about.

Typical Democrat.

Perhaps after you get older and wiser you will, if you are willing to learn and have the capability to learn, actually put some reasonable and rational thought into the matter rather than mindlessly parroting Democratic party of slavery bullshit.

There is a reason that wiser folks tend to vote Republican.
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justoffal yep...Obamacare was nothing but a scam by the Dems to pay off their big pharma and insurance donors.

You know who suffered? The working class. Just another example of the left war on the working man
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.

Best we could have done was run our insurance like we do auto insurance. That is, have health insurance for catastrophic events and be allowed to shop around for routine care. But nope, we have/had the "cadillac plans", mostly thanks to unions, where every little thing was covered including deductibles. People paid not one thin dime for their health care, and got used to it. So, we are still left with the idea that "insurance" should pay for routine care: check ups, sore throats, etc. And so our healthcare is pricey.

It's FAR less expensive for insurance to pay for routine check ups. Are you sure you are a teacher?

Most every other first world country can pull it off.

If you're talking about "every other first world country" you're talking about gov health care. In which case, you don't really get "routine check ups".
I thought Obama, Xiden and Nancy P fixed all this with Obamacare?
Its getting more and more popular. The best thing about the ACA is pre-existing conditions which we all have some times or other either by accident or health status.
Its getting better day by day.

well yeah, that's one part of it, and very popular and never going anywhere.

But the law is more then that one little part....MUCH MUCH MUCH more.

I also wouldn't say it's getting "more popular" it's seems to have leveled off...and actually down since last fall: KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

About half the country seems to view it favorablely, and that is likely folks like yourself that really are clueless about the law, other then one little part of it

well yeah, that's one part of it, and very popular and never going anywhere.

But the law is more then that one little part....MUCH MUCH MUCH more.

I also wouldn't say it's getting "more popular" it's seems to have leveled off...and actually down since last fall: KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

About half the country seems to view it favorablely, and that is likely folks like yourself that really are clueless about the law, other then one little part of it
I'm not clueless about the ACA.
That’s because overturning Obamacare would eliminate several taxes that were imposed to help pay for the law’s expansion, including a 0.9% Medicare tax on single Americans who earn more than $200,000 a year or couples who make $250,000, the report said.-----------------------

I'm sure the rich don't even notice it.

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