Medical bills #1 reason for bankruptcy

justoffal yep...Obamacare was nothing but a scam by the Dems to pay off their big pharma and insurance donors.

You know who suffered? The working class. Just another example of the left war on the working man

They created Commie Care knowing it would be a total mess. Once they at least partly destroyed the healthcare system we had before, it opens the Pandora's box to socialized care. When discussing the subject, this is what Democrats see as the fix to their terrible plan of Commie Care. The real solution is to get rid of the entire thing and start from scratch.
Its getting more and more popular. The best thing about the ACA is pre-existing conditions which we all have some times or other either by accident or health status.
Its getting better day by day.

Commie Care is a lie and always was. I can't get it and still keep my provider because they offer no reasonable plans for the world famous Cleveland Clinic. Oh, you can buy plans. They sell one for each department. So if you want total coverage at the Clinic, you'd have to buy a half-dozen plans or so to have everything covered, and who could afford that? The only other way is if you have the gift to see into the future to know what parts of the Clinic you are going to use for the next year or two.
So you have an issue with a Doctor, many jumped ship when the ACA was instigated??
None of these plan will work for you?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Yes, but its been less since the ACA.

This is what is so sad with Obamacare.

Medical Debt Is Leaving Americans Bankrupt, Even with Health Insurance​

Medical Debt Is Leaving Americans Bankrupt, Even with Health Insurance - SUM

The Insurance and Pharmaceutical industries thank Obama.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
Ideally, yes.

But unfortunately, it isn't.

What do you think should be the #1 reason for declaring personal bankruptcy?

No idea. I'm discussing our lack of adequate health care for millions.
In other words, you're fucking clueless because you haven't thoroughly applied any serious thought regarding the matter that you are bitching and whining about.

Typical Democrat.

Perhaps after you get older and wiser you will, if you are willing to learn and have the capability to learn, actually put some reasonable and rational thought into the matter rather than mindlessly parroting Democratic party of slavery bullshit.

There is a reason that wiser folks tend to vote Republican.

Bite me, I'm not a Democrat. Once again all that matters to you is politics. Screw people.
Sad story. Too bad it's not true. After years of a thriving bankruptcy practice and conversations with many other bankruptcy attorneys, the number one reason is credit card debt. Second reason is the death of a primary breadwinner.
I definitely believe a person's passing leading to bankruptcy, especially if the surviving family members have to pay for the funeral, burial, cremating, etc.

God bless you always!!!

Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.

Best we could have done was run our insurance like we do auto insurance. That is, have health insurance for catastrophic events and be allowed to shop around for routine care. But nope, we have/had the "cadillac plans", mostly thanks to unions, where every little thing was covered including deductibles. People paid not one thin dime for their health care, and got used to it. So, we are still left with the idea that "insurance" should pay for routine care: check ups, sore throats, etc. And so our healthcare is pricey.

It's FAR less expensive for insurance to pay for routine check ups. Are you sure you are a teacher?

Most every other first world country can pull it off.

If you're talking about "every other first world country" you're talking about gov health care. In which case, you don't really get "routine check ups".

Yes you do. Sheesh.

They may not provide them for a 19 year old indeed they do.

Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care | Periodic Preventive Health Visits
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you hyperpartisanly, stupidly, lazily and conveniently attacking an obvious strawman again?


We are still waiting on Trump's great health care plan that he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.
August West

um the former President. Barry Obama.

You clearly don’t know much about the people you support. Barry was a nickname of the President, there is even a movie from 2016 about his years at Columbia called Barry
Um.. a lot of people had nicknames growing up. Does Obama still call himself Barry or do you get some sort of satisfaction by calling him Barry?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you attacking a strawman?

Funny. This is the #1 bitch. I don't need you to admit it.
Why would they bitch about it if it "hasn't sunk in yet" according to you?

Wow, my post just went completely over your head. This isn't a surprise.

You bitch because you're ignorant, obviously. Is English your first language?

Holy crap.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you attacking a strawman?

Funny. This is the #1 bitch. I don't need you to admit it.
Why would they bitch about it if it "hasn't sunk in yet" according to you?

Wow, my post just went completely over your head. This isn't a surprise.

You bitch because you're ignorant, obviously. Is English your first language?

Holy crap.
Your entire ad hominem post aside, could you explai to the USMB forum why you are dodging the question?

The question you dodged is...

Why would they bitch about paying for other peoples' health care if it "hasn't sunk in yet" that they are already paying for other peoples' heath care?

Ask yourself why that question has you so thoroughly stumped.
You bitch about paying for other's people health care BECAUSE it hasn't sunk in yet that you're already doing it.

Holy shit. I can't make this more clear. A normal adult will understand this. If you still don't understand, I can't help you.
First of all, you are lying to the USMB forum. I have never bitched about paying for other peoples' health care. Any USMB forumer can freely search through all 23,332 of my posts and none will find a single post in which I bitch about paying for other peoples' health care. Capisce?

Why are you lying to the USMB forum again?

Furthermore, you are displaying your cognitive dissonance again.

Why would somebody bitch about paying for somebody else's healthcare if they did not even know that they were paying for it? How would they know what to bitch about in the first place if they didn't know it was even happening?

Your cognitive dissonance is palpable.

Cognitive dissonance is a very common symptom experienced by folks like you who suffer from a serious TDS affliction.

If you want help, I can help you. Feel free to PM me. I won't charge you a dime for my services. I never do.

If you do not know you are paying for it maybe you should be spending less time here and more time educating yourself.
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justoffal yep...Obamacare was nothing but a scam by the Dems to pay off their big pharma and insurance donors.

You know who suffered? The working class. Just another example of the left war on the working man

They created Commie Care knowing it would be a total mess. Once they at least partly destroyed the healthcare system we had before, it opens the Pandora's box to socialized care. When discussing the subject, this is what Democrats see as the fix to their terrible plan of Commie Care. The real solution is to get rid of the entire thing and start from scratch.
Do you have a list of countries that have "Commie Care" that are considering moving to a U.S. style of care? Show us what you have.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Obama wanted to add a public option but it was rejected by the insurance companies and their unwitting dupes screaming "Socialism".

He allowed insurance companies to write Obamacare because he was so afraid of losing their campaign dollars.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Our great and wonderful government no matter who is potus can spend enormous sums on war, but there just isn’t enough for HC.

Americans: healthcare please
Biden: Sorry did you say airstrikes on Iraq and Syria?
Americans: no, healthcare
Biden: Alright, you drive a hard bargain, but here are your airstrikes on Iraq and Syria.

It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Obama wanted to add a public option but it was rejected by the insurance companies and their unwitting dupes screaming "Socialism".
And Obama being the good corporatist lackey did as he was told. Just like all our recent presidents.
Damn Straight...... the Hilarious thing about Obama is that he managed to pose as the socialist savior and nothing could be further from the Truth... Barry loves him some corporate profit lemme tall long as he gets a piece of it he's fine.

So true. He’s an obvious corporatist neocon but his supporters somehow think he was a liberal left wing politician.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The ACA was designed to get us closer to universal coverage and to help slow the growth of cost. It was not meant to solve every problem in one fell swoop.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The #1 reason healthcare should be nationalized.

I do not care how we do but we have to do something so that people can afford health care when they need it. You would think this would be a #1 concern for a "Christian" nation. We would rather drop bombs on people who have never done a thing to us.
It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.

So what do you want to see done about it, surrender the rest of our freedom to government via monopolizing our healthcare?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Our great and wonderful government no matter who is potus can spend enormous sums on war, but there just isn’t enough for HC.

Americans: healthcare please
Biden: Sorry did you say airstrikes on Iraq and Syria?
Americans: no, healthcare
Biden: Alright, you drive a hard bargain, but here are your airstrikes on Iraq and Syria.

It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.
It’s disgusting, yet the wingers somehow think he’s different from Don and rest of the warmongering assholes in DC.

Americans should be in the streets demanding their government stop nonstop wars.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Obama wanted to add a public option but it was rejected by the insurance companies and their unwitting dupes screaming "Socialism".

He allowed insurance companies to write Obamacare because he was so afraid of losing their campaign dollars.
No. He couldn`t sell his plan without including the insurance crooks. It was Obamacare as it is or nothing.

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