Medical bills #1 reason for bankruptcy

There are literally tons of insurance plans to keep people from bankruptcy because of medical issues but healthy people don't want to spend the money. Take a look at the federally run education system. It has been a mess for decades. What would happen if the incompetent federal government assumed responsibility for health care? God help us. Notice that nobody travels to the U.K for medical treatment?
hahah....yep....they are known for letting people die in the alley outside the ER over there....hahahah....
Need a letter from the health ministry to get in...don't have it???....tough crumpets!!!

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There are literally tons of insurance plans to keep people from bankruptcy because of medical issues but healthy people don't want to spend the money. Take a look at the federally run education system. It has been a mess for decades. What would happen if the incompetent federal government assumed responsibility for health care? God help us. Notice that nobody travels to the U.K for medical treatment?
I don’t hear anyone complaining about Medicare. In fact, it is constantly is rated as one of the best government benefits.
Nope.....I don't know who is doing the rating.must be people that don't need any pharmacy assistance.

Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Isn’t Obamacare great?

Doesn’t matter if you support it or not. Dems shoved it down America’s throat and it’s wonderful because they say it is.
Filings have dropped about 50 percent, from 1,536,799 in 2010 to 770,846 in 2016 (see chart, below). Those years also represent the time frame when the ACA took effect. Although courts never ask people to declare why they’re filing, many bankruptcy and legal experts agree that medical bills had been a leading cause of personal bankruptcy before public healthcare coverage expanded under the ACA. Unlike other causes of debt, medical bills are often unexpected, involuntary, and large.

Yes it is great.

It's still the largest reason people file bankruptcy.
Our great and wonderful government no matter who is potus can spend enormous sums on war, but there just isn’t enough for HC.

Americans: healthcare please
Biden: Sorry did you say airstrikes on Iraq and Syria?
Americans: no, healthcare
Biden: Alright, you drive a hard bargain, but here are your airstrikes on Iraq and Syria.

It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.
It’s disgusting, yet the wingers somehow think he’s different from Don and rest of the warmongering assholes in DC.

Americans should be in the streets demanding their government stop nonstop wars.

Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
A lot of cost drivers were addressed. Coverage was expanded. Both in Medicaid and personal plans. Those are folks that would have previously be indigent or fall into bankruptcy.

It was never meant to fix everything. Hell, the Dems can’t even get buy in from the Repubs to wear masks during a global pandemic that has killed 600k Americans without it being called Marxist or tyranny. Good luck getting them to tackle the healthcare that they hid from while in power. What happened to repeal and replace?
Yeah funny how those 600,000 never actually showed up in the national All Causes death totals eh? Gotta wonder about that.
It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.

So what do you want to see done about it, surrender the rest of our freedom to government via monopolizing our healthcare?
They actually think it will be more available .hahahahah. ...hooboy...leties
Allowing the federal government to confiscate money (at the point of a gun) from everyone to offer sub-standard health care including illegal aliens is a bad idea. The government is the worst choice for health care.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
A lot of cost drivers were addressed. Coverage was expanded. Both in Medicaid and personal plans. Those are folks that would have previously be indigent or fall into bankruptcy.

It was never meant to fix everything. Hell, the Dems can’t even get buy in from the Repubs to wear masks during a global pandemic that has killed 600k Americans without it being called Marxist or tyranny. Good luck getting them to tackle the healthcare that they hid from while in power. What happened to repeal and replace?

Nothing was addressed on cost side.

I will note that the (D)'s might have had an easier time with masks if the guy pushing them wasn't playing both sides of the aisle.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The #1 reason healthcare should be nationalized. amazingly obtuse of you.... You have a badly managed system that is failing from debt and you want to hand it to the worst money management group on the face of the planet to fix it? hahahahaha...... You lefties are a scream....


Come up with a better plan.
Not sure how we can attack the problem...... If you allow doctors to operate independently...only the rich would be able to afford health care. Having Insurance companies in between us and what we need to survive also has its drawbacks since they only operate if they make a profit and who can blame them for that? I do think that people who purposely sabotage their health should be called out for it....but that can have a slippery slope too....eventually someone may claim that eating meat is just like smoking cigarettes.
I know one thing for sure....having congress do the heavy lifting on health care ensures that graft, favoritism and politics will be folded into every doctor's visit.


Only because we continue to make excuses and re-elect those who continually fail us. The next thread where Biden supporters explain why ramping up bombing in Syria makes sense should be a fun one.
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Allowing the federal government to confiscate money (at the point of a gun) from everyone to offer sub-standard health care including illegal aliens is a bad idea. The government is the worst choice for health care.

Why shouldn't we want to make sure that those processing our food and caring for our kids are healthy?
August West i have no idea what he calls himself.

but it’s a name used o refer to him by many.

Not sure why you didn’t know that about your Dear Leader
I don’t hear anyone complaining about Medicare. In fact, it is constantly is rated as one of the best government benefits.

That's true. But if there were a bank where you could deposit a 200.00 check and withdraw $300.00, that would be the best bank too.

Medicare also becomes part of politics to scare people: Obama robbed Medicare.......Trump robbed Medicare..........Bush robbed Medicare. I mean we read about it all the time. However with Medicare, it only effects a small percentage of our people. Imagine how political it would get if we all had government healthcare.
Not sure how we can attack the problem

The real problem is we are not focusing on costs, only who pays for it, and there are a bunch of things we can do to lower cost.

The first of course is liability. Depending on what field of medical you get into, doctors are paying up to six figures for Malpractice insurance. What would help is if our country had a loser pays all law. You can sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are responsible for all the costs associated with the person you tried to sue. It would not only greatly help in our medical care, but all matters outside of medical. It would eliminate the ambulance chasers that plague our country.

It would also cut down on defensive medicine. Years ago, you mostly seen your family doctor. The only time you'd see a specialist is if your doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. Today, your family doctor is nothing more than a referral service. If you are having a problem with your ear, he has you see an ear, nose and throat specialist. If you having a problem with your eyes, you go to the optometrist. One specialist could send you to another specialist. When you finally get to the person who's going to work on you, they run you through every test possible to cover their ass in case something goes wrong and you try to sue them. Defensive medicine is a huge drawn on our healthcare costs because you need to see four or more people instead of one like years ago.

Government healthcare. Medicare and Medicaid often only pay 2/3 of the bill for their patients. Doctors and hospitals must up their prices to recoup those losses, which of course is passed on to our insurance companies who then have to increase their premiums. Instead of Medicare for all, how about Medicare and Medicaid start paying the entire bill so those costs don't get transferred to the private market?

Health savings accounts. All this paperwork passing around costs insurance companies and doctors office staff a lot of money. Any article I read on the subject, the insurance companies site all the paperwork as costly enough to have to increase rates. With a medical savings account, you get a deduction out of your paycheck every pay period like SS or Medicare. When you go to see your doctor, it comes out of there first. That would help eliminate all this paperwork pushing for a stupid office visit. In a lot of cases, people who pay cash get a discount on the price of seeing a doctor.

These are just a few of my ideas, but there are more. The bottom line is let's bring down medical care costs first, and THEN figure out how to pay for it.
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That’s absurd. Shouldn’t we expect more from the world’s most expensive hc system?
Of course we should, but let me tell you, people come from all over the world to get our healthcare. As a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their main campus downtown, you are the person who feels like a foreigner. Our healthcare quality is the best, but it's also the most expensive.
Which would be worse? Government run or privately run?

Based on the care my grandparents received I would say the government run shit is worse.
Which would be worse? Government run or privately run?

Based on the care my grandparents received I would say the government run shit is worse.

What you are saying is that they have coverage. Did they have to file bankruptcy? I have NOT advocated for a system outside of it all needing addressed. I have zero belief that a private system will ever address costs. I have very little belief a government run one will.

I think everyone should just go to the E.R. and refuse to pay.
That’s absurd. Shouldn’t we expect more from the world’s most expensive hc system?
Of course we should, but let me tell you, people come from all over the world to get our healthcare. As a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their main campus downtown, you are the person who feels like a foreigner. Our healthcare quality is the best, but it's also the most expensive.
I doubt it’s the best any longer. It may still be for the wealthy, who can afford the best care. It’s not a fair system, but I suspect you don’t care about fairness.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
A lot of cost drivers were addressed. Coverage was expanded. Both in Medicaid and personal plans. Those are folks that would have previously be indigent or fall into bankruptcy.

It was never meant to fix everything. Hell, the Dems can’t even get buy in from the Repubs to wear masks during a global pandemic that has killed 600k Americans without it being called Marxist or tyranny. Good luck getting them to tackle the healthcare that they hid from while in power. What happened to repeal and replace?

Nothing was addressed on cost side.

I will note that the (D)'s might have had an easier time with masks if the guy pushing them wasn't playing both sides of the aisle.
That is just factually wrong. Simply having more people covered contributes to lower or at least slower cost growth.

BTW… there’s nothing political about wearing a mask. At least there shouldn’t be.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
A lot of cost drivers were addressed. Coverage was expanded. Both in Medicaid and personal plans. Those are folks that would have previously be indigent or fall into bankruptcy.

It was never meant to fix everything. Hell, the Dems can’t even get buy in from the Repubs to wear masks during a global pandemic that has killed 600k Americans without it being called Marxist or tyranny. Good luck getting them to tackle the healthcare that they hid from while in power. What happened to repeal and replace?

Nothing was addressed on cost side.

I will note that the (D)'s might have had an easier time with masks if the guy pushing them wasn't playing both sides of the aisle.
That is just factually wrong. Simply having more people covered contributes to lower or at least slower cost growth.

BTW… there’s nothing political about wearing a mask. At least there shouldn’t be.

If there is nothing political then you shouldn't have made a political point about it.

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