Medical bills #1 reason for bankruptcy

It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.

So what do you want to see done about it, surrender the rest of our freedom to government via monopolizing our healthcare?

Being able to afford to see a doctor when we need one is surrendering our freedoms? I'd be fine with offering you a opt out if that is what you wish.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Obama wanted to add a public option but it was rejected by the insurance companies and their unwitting dupes screaming "Socialism".

He allowed insurance companies to write Obamacare because he was so afraid of losing their campaign dollars.
No. He couldn`t sell his plan without including the insurance crooks. It was Obamacare as it is or nothing.

He could have. He was too lazy to put in the work.
It makes no sense to me. We waste trillions on war (I see where Biden is happily going to toss our wealth haphazardly in the middle east some more) with nothing to show for it but millions here still can not afford to go see a doctor.

So what do you want to see done about it, surrender the rest of our freedom to government via monopolizing our healthcare?
The con viewpoint comes out. Terribly uninformed. The entire western world has universal HC. Have they lost their freedom?

Is it freedom to go bankrupt from HC costs? Are you at all concerned about the enormous HC costs in this country, while life expectancy is falling?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.
My wife and I are retired and we normally in a year don't spend much more than 6% of our income in a year for medical expenses. Maybe other people are doing it wrong.

If the fucking government would stay out of the business of making health care a friggin welfare benefit for all the welfare queens (that we have to pay for) and if they would stop regulating the hell out of it then it would be cheaper for all of us.
Do you have a list of countries that have "Commie Care" that are considering moving to a U.S. style of care? Show us what you have.

The problem is once you create a government system and get people on it, it's almost impossible to get rid of. I call this my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a raccoon digging in your garbage can looking for something to eat. In empathy, you go inside and fetch the animal that nice very meaty ham bone you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyway. You give to the raccoon and he eats in delight. Now give it about ten seconds and try to take that ham bone away from that raccoon and see what he does to you.

Our politicians (particularly Democrats) are well aware of my raccoon theory, although they probably call it something else. But they know once they poison our society with yet another government program, it's nearly impossible to remove it; at least not without getting your hand chewed up.

They also realize the more they make you dependent on them, the more power they have which means less freedom for you. In healthcare, nearly everything you do in life is related to it. Therefore once government controls healthcare for everybody, they have the power to tell you what you are allowed to have and what you are not: what to eat, what you can't eat, what to drink, how much of it you can drink, how much you must exercise, what kind of activities you are allowed or not allowed to participate in. And don't think it would never come to that.

Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you hyperpartisanly, stupidly, lazily and conveniently attacking an obvious strawman again?


We are still waiting on Trump's great health care plan that he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.
You are dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Could you explain to the USMB forum here, or even to yourself in private solitude, the reason that you are dodging the question?

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Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The #1 reason healthcare should be nationalized. amazingly obtuse of you.... You have a badly managed system that is failing from debt and you want to hand it to the worst money management group on the face of the planet to fix it? hahahahaha...... You lefties are a scream....

The con viewpoint comes out. Terribly uninformed. The entire western world has universal HC. Have they lost their freedom?

Is it freedom to go bankrupt from HC costs? Are you at all concerned about the enormous HC costs in this country, while life expectancy is falling?

Life expectancy has nothing to do with healthcare. In fact most people who die have been on government healthcare when they expired.
My wife and I are retired and we normally in a year don't spend much more than 6% of our income in a year for medical expenses. Maybe other people are doing it wrong.

If the fucking government would stay out of the business of making health care a friggin welfare benefit for all the welfare queens (that we have to pay for) and if they would stop regulating the hell out of it then it would be cheaper for all of us.
We currently have seven (7) different health care delivery/payment systems, none of which communicate directly with each other:
  1. Individual/ACA
  2. Group
  3. VA
  4. Medicare
  5. Medicaid
  6. Worker's Comp
  7. Indigent
We should be embarrassed, but somehow we're not.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you hyperpartisanly, stupidly, lazily and conveniently attacking an obvious strawman again?


We are still waiting on Trump's great health care plan that he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.
You are dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Do I need to provide proof that the sun rises in the East also?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The #1 reason healthcare should be nationalized. amazingly obtuse of you.... You have a badly managed system that is failing from debt and you want to hand it to the worst money management group on the face of the planet to fix it? hahahahaha...... You lefties are a scream....


Come up with a better plan.
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth?
The Right will tell you that they don't want to pay for someone else's health care.

Somehow it hasn't yet sunk in that they already are.
Can you quote a few of these people on the right saying that, or are you hyperpartisanly, stupidly, lazily and conveniently attacking an obvious strawman again?


We are still waiting on Trump's great health care plan that he had ready to go that everyone was going to love.
You are dodging the question.

Why are you dodging the question?

Do I need to provide proof that the sun rises in the East also?
Is that a trick question? :laugh:
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
Obama care does nothing but pile money into insurance company coffers...that's all it ever did.
Coverage. Of course it makes possible for people who could not previously afford it to have coverage. That gives you protection from bills that cause bankruptcy. Not the opposite.

Millions can still not afford the co-pays and deductibles. Absolutely nothing on the cost side was addressed. Sadly the Democrats still won't address this. They seem to prefer on running on "Trump bad" still as opposed to what they have planned to do about health care costs.
A lot of cost drivers were addressed. Coverage was expanded. Both in Medicaid and personal plans. Those are folks that would have previously be indigent or fall into bankruptcy.

It was never meant to fix everything. Hell, the Dems can’t even get buy in from the Repubs to wear masks during a global pandemic that has killed 600k Americans without it being called Marxist or tyranny. Good luck getting them to tackle the healthcare that they hid from while in power. What happened to repeal and replace?
There are literally tons of insurance plans to keep people from bankruptcy because of medical issues but healthy people don't want to spend the money. Take a look at the federally run education system. It has been a mess for decades. What would happen if the incompetent federal government assumed responsibility for health care? God help us. Notice that nobody travels to the U.K for medical treatment?
The con viewpoint comes out. Terribly uninformed. The entire western world has universal HC. Have they lost their freedom?

Is it freedom to go bankrupt from HC costs? Are you at all concerned about the enormous HC costs in this country, while life expectancy is falling?

Life expectancy has nothing to do with healthcare. In fact most people who die have been on government healthcare when they expired.
That’s absurd. Shouldn’t we expect more from the world’s most expensive hc system?
Should medical bills be the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the "greatest" country on Earth? I think the article put it best.

Medical debt is a 'uniquely American problem' caused by a 'very broken' system, expert explains

A uniquely American problem. And before anyone points out that this is still going on even after Obamacare, I NEVER supported Obamacare.
The #1 reason healthcare should be nationalized. amazingly obtuse of you.... You have a badly managed system that is failing from debt and you want to hand it to the worst money management group on the face of the planet to fix it? hahahahaha...... You lefties are a scream....


Come up with a better plan.
Not sure how we can attack the problem...... If you allow doctors to operate independently...only the rich would be able to afford health care. Having Insurance companies in between us and what we need to survive also has its drawbacks since they only operate if they make a profit and who can blame them for that? I do think that people who purposely sabotage their health should be called out for it....but that can have a slippery slope too....eventually someone may claim that eating meat is just like smoking cigarettes.
I know one thing for sure....having congress do the heavy lifting on health care ensures that graft, favoritism and politics will be folded into every doctor's visit.

There are literally tons of insurance plans to keep people from bankruptcy because of medical issues but healthy people don't want to spend the money. Take a look at the federally run education system. It has been a mess for decades. What would happen if the incompetent federal government assumed responsibility for health care? God help us. Notice that nobody travels to the U.K for medical treatment?
I don’t hear anyone complaining about Medicare. In fact, it is constantly is rated as one of the best government benefits.

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