Medicare is bankrupt by 2026 and Social Security by 2034, how do we save them?

To save Social Security do you favor the conservative or liberal options?

  • Conservative: raise the retirement age, means-test, reduce the COLAs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Progressive: increase payroll taxes, lift the cap on taxable benefits

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Combination: Do ALL of the above which reduces the impact to all age groups (shared sacrifice)

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Stop electing muppets to government.

Change the way people vote to proportional representation.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Stop electing muppets to government.

Change the way people vote to proportional representation.
Cause that makes the money work out. Idiot.
We don’t. Let it go bankrupt.

when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Roll back the idiotic tax-cuts.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Oh, I dunno, how about not allowing Congress to steal money from it.

Call me crazy.

In other words, forget about it. I'm sure it will all work out.

when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL

when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL

View attachment 213892

Trust has not a goddamn thing to do with it but nice try.

just because an entity offers their good faith pledge does NOT mean I place trust into the equation.

Trust may be your f***ing concept; NOT mine.
when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL

View attachment 213892

Trust has not a goddamn thing to do with it but nice try.
Riddle me this..................Where is all that money paid into it..............

They could do what the Nazi socialists did.

Just round up the Jews, take their gold and send them away, off in a kinder, gentler way, of course. Naturally, not to Israel. Maybe to Madagascar like Hitler originally thought about sending them.

After all, the Left hates the Zionists.
when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL

View attachment 213892

Trust has not a goddamn thing to do with it but nice try.
Riddle me this..................Where is all that money paid into it..............


It was taken by Congress and "reinvested" back into America.


I just love this thread.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS
How is it we never hear how welfare will be broke by X year?
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Let it die like John McCain.
when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL

View attachment 213892

Trust has not a goddamn thing to do with it but nice try.
Riddle me this..................Where is all that money paid into it..............


Gone. Stoopit fat Hobbitses stoles it from us.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

You don't save something that has been proven not to work in theory, or in practice...

You repeal it and save the nation instead.

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