Medicare is bankrupt by 2026 and Social Security by 2034, how do we save them?

To save Social Security do you favor the conservative or liberal options?

  • Conservative: raise the retirement age, means-test, reduce the COLAs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Progressive: increase payroll taxes, lift the cap on taxable benefits

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Combination: Do ALL of the above which reduces the impact to all age groups (shared sacrifice)

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
We don’t. Let it go bankrupt.

when the US government allows seniors to get FUCKED that have paid into these programs for DECADES, then expect some SERIOUS civil unrest in America. If folks do not think that 'family' members won't look after gramps & granny, after they are getting screwed by Uncle Sam; LOL
Well obummer took 960 billion to fund his obummercare tell that mofo to put it back!
Lyndon Johnson on Social Security

1968: raided the Trust Fund to help pay for the Vietnam War
Today, the federal government automatically puts all of the money that should be set aside for the Social Security Trust Fund into the General Fund. Raiding the Social Security Trust Fund was a precedent set in 1968 by another progressive president, Lyndon B. Johnson, to help pay for the Vietnam War. To date, the federal government has borrowed over $2 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund to spend on other programs.
Contrary to what many Americans believe and what progressives love to say, there is no money in the Trust Fund to pay future benefits. Furthermore, the fundamentally flawed program faces a severe demographic crisis as members of the baby boom generation begin to retire. The mess we face with Social Security, a program so many are now dependent on, is yet another example of a failed progressive policy, where the potential for unintended consequences was ignored at the program's inception. [See FactCheck on this issue].

Source: Now Or Never, by Sen. Jim DeMint, p. 80-81 , Jan 10, 2012

Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

If Congress adopted President Bush's idea to invest social security into the stock market, it wouldn't be a problem.

Buying the market at the lows of 08-09, SS recipients would be sitting pretty now
Lyndon Johnson on Social Security

1968: raided the Trust Fund to help pay for the Vietnam War
Today, the federal government automatically puts all of the money that should be set aside for the Social Security Trust Fund into the General Fund. Raiding the Social Security Trust Fund was a precedent set in 1968 by another progressive president, Lyndon B. Johnson, to help pay for the Vietnam War. To date, the federal government has borrowed over $2 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund to spend on other programs.
Contrary to what many Americans believe and what progressives love to say, there is no money in the Trust Fund to pay future benefits. Furthermore, the fundamentally flawed program faces a severe demographic crisis as members of the baby boom generation begin to retire. The mess we face with Social Security, a program so many are now dependent on, is yet another example of a failed progressive policy, where the potential for unintended consequences was ignored at the program's inception. [See FactCheck on this issue].

Source: Now Or Never, by Sen. Jim DeMint, p. 80-81 , Jan 10, 2012


I'm glad to know that Johnson is (still) burning in Hell
I'm not on Medicare and my pension is privately funded ... so ... who cares?
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

If Congress adopted President Bush's idea to invest social security into the stock market, it wouldn't be a problem.

Buying the market at the lows of 08-09, SS recipients would be sitting pretty now

oh sure; all of that $$$$ would have dissolved into NOTHING starting about October, 2008.

Bush is a fvcking moron.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Roll back the idiotic tax-cuts.

Why did they pay for it?

Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Roll back the idiotic tax-cuts.

Why did they pay for it?



Why did [WHO?] pay for [WHAT?]
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

Roll back the idiotic tax-cuts.

Why did they pay for it?



Why did [WHO?] pay for [WHAT?]

Don't answer a question with a question it's not polite

Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

If Congress adopted President Bush's idea to invest social security into the stock market, it wouldn't be a problem.

Buying the market at the lows of 08-09, SS recipients would be sitting pretty now

oh sure; all of that $$$$ would have dissolved into NOTHING starting about October, 2008.

Bush is a fvcking moron.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with the Trump Market and how its been soaring.

October 2008 would have been when Social Security would be GETTING IN to the market- at its low.

The way to make money is to buy low, and then sell high.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS
None of your answers make any sense. The correct answer is stop giving tax breaks to billionaire and megacorp and insist that companies pay an actual living wage so not only will the people what are gonna use it contribute to it they also won't need welfare, food stamps, or any other backdoor corporate subsidies to eat so that money will be available as well.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

If Congress adopted President Bush's idea to invest social security into the stock market, it wouldn't be a problem.

Buying the market at the lows of 08-09, SS recipients would be sitting pretty now

oh sure; all of that $$$$ would have dissolved into NOTHING starting about October, 2008.

Bush is a fvcking moron.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with the Trump Market and how its been soaring.

October 2008 would have been when Social Security would be GETTING IN to the market- at its low.

The way to make money is to buy low, and then sell high.

Yes; I understand markets. The market bottom was around March 9, 2009. I don't need a lesson in stupid azz GW Bush crap.
The Tax Lawyer's Blog - Founding Fathers Quotes on Taxes and Govern...

Thomas Jefferson:

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

Alexander Hamilton:

If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare… The powers of Congress would subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.

John Adams:

The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.

James Madison:

As a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.

If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions.

It is sufficiently obvious, that persons and property are the two great subjects on which Governments are to act; and that the rights of persons, and the rights of property, are the objects, for the protection of which Government was instituted. These rights cannot well be separated.

There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS
No socialist entitlement program like Social Security and Medicare is worth saving, anyway it’s impossible to save them. Only fucking morons want anything to do with them
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS

If Congress adopted President Bush's idea to invest social security into the stock market, it wouldn't be a problem.

Buying the market at the lows of 08-09, SS recipients would be sitting pretty now

oh sure; all of that $$$$ would have dissolved into NOTHING starting about October, 2008.

Bush is a fvcking moron.

Apparently you are unfamiliar with the Trump Market and how its been soaring.

October 2008 would have been when Social Security would be GETTING IN to the market- at its low.

The way to make money is to buy low, and then sell high.

Yes; I understand markets. The market bottom was around March 9, 2009. I don't need a lesson in stupid azz GW Bush crap.
Clinton signed the law......pushed by establishment Republicans that allowed Too Big to fail companies to SELF REGULATE......

In committee.........Dems said nothing was broken as they pushed to look into the Housing Bubble from hell that would help cause the crash.......

Getting rid of the Glass Steigal act...........was a stupid move...........
We don’t. Let it go bankrupt.

...that was a straight up psychopath comment.

Are you a psychopath Mike?
I will never see a penny from them even though I paid into them all my life so I say fuck them...
We are not the only one in the world with mass debt and future debt from hell..................

They will continue the debt until they pull the plug and cause a global meltdown from hell......

Forcing a Global Reset...............when ...........who knows.......but Hell will follow.
Why are people talking about "Medicare for all" when its going bankrupt and can't fully pay what is owed current retirees? (just google it)
Unless we fix Medicare it will be able to only pay 91% of benefits by 2026. Read the following article:
Repeat after me: Social Security and Medicare are not insolvent
So we all will need to pay more to keep Medicare afloat....

Social security will only be able to pay 77% unless we do the following (from the article):
"Conservatives favor benefit cuts to SS via higher retirement ages, more means-testing and a less generous annual cost-of-living adjustment. Progressives advocate gradually increasing payroll taxes and lifting the cap on taxable benefits. Considering that middle-class households depend mainly on Social Security for support in retirement, it would be wiser to follow the progressive agenda."

Please share your ideas on ways to save Medicare and SS
How is it we never hear how welfare will be broke by X year?
Be ause corporate interests won't let it.

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