Meet Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar

3.GLSEN believes that learning about the diversity of humankind is an essential part of education in a democratic society, and affirms the right of students to learn in classroom environments that nurture diversity. GLSEN encourages schools to allow students in all grade levels access to curricula, trainings, texts and materials -- in all areas including but not limited to, history, literature, family life, sexuality and health education -- that are relevant, comprehensive, age-appropriate, medically-accurate and inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression. GLSEN calls upon public policy makers to remove any prohibitive laws that forbid or discourage in-school discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.

The GLSEN Public Policy Platform | GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network

When I Suggested that 5th Grade Sex Ed would be a Target for the Agenda I was Attacked... Right here on this Board.


Them's some Inconvenient Words from Obama's Safe School Czar's Organization...

Probably why the crickets are a chirpin' here also. :thup:



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