Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

WHY? If Biden had reclassified docs a year and a half ago and Trump still refused to return them??

Trump would be fucked
No, if Biden did something like that...something that no President has EVER done to the President who proceeded him...he would go down in history as the sleaziest President we've ever had!

There is ZERO chance that Biden reclassified the documents that Trump took with him! Claiming that he did simply underscores how pathetic your claims are in this debacle!
What's laughable is that the FBI was there in June...examined what was there in Mar A Lago...took boxes of materials with them.
Then they turn around less than two months later and RAID a former President's home because he has "dangerous" materials there? How does that work? Did those materials BECOME dangerous in the time since they were there before? This doesn't pass the smell test. Not even close!

Did it ever occur to you that Trump did not show them all the documents that he had when they were there in June?
30 heavily armed FBI agents raid a former President's home?

They were not heavily armed, most were not even armed at all.

The search had been going on for like 5 hours before anyone even found out about it.

The drama from you all does not really help your case
So when folks have been showing for years and years that the judicial system has been biased and participated in ACTUAL CORRUPTION against black and brown people -- Conservatives either ignored it, downplayed it or outright celebrated it......because in their mind, the boot is supposed to be on the necks of those "kind" of people...

But they expect us to believe they are suddenly for police and judicial reform because an orange idiot thought 27 boxes of classified material is his property to sell? FOH

The minute you folks latch onto another cult leader and regain the power you crave -- all of that bullshit about the FBI and judicial reform will go DIRECTLY OUT THE can't ignore REAL CORRUPTION all of these years just because it was happening to people you hate...
Biased system for blacks? Do you have any idea how many blacks ARENT getting caught? Do you know what the unsolved murder rates are in your neighborhoods? Half of your murders go unsolved because there are so fucking many of them. If anything the judicial system isnt strict enough on you people. :cuckoo:
No, if Biden did something like that...something that no President has EVER done to the President who proceeded him...he would go down in history as the sleaziest President we've ever had!

There is ZERO chance that Biden reclassified the documents that Trump took with him! Claiming that he did simply underscores how pathetic your claims are in this debacle!
There's exactly the same chance that Biden reclassified as there is that Trump declassified them...and it would happened in the sane exact way
They were not heavily armed, most were not even armed at all.

The search had been going on for like 5 hours before anyone even found out about it.

The drama from you all does not really help your case
They are on an endless agenda to muddy Trump's name or if you believe it is muddied already, his agendas. They are scared of the agendas because they follow the constitution. What Senator McCarthy warned about in the 1950's is reality today.
They are on an endless agenda to muddy Trump's name or if you believe it is muddied already, his agendas. They are scared of the agendas because they follow the constitution. What Senator McCarthy warned about in the 1950's is reality today.

No, if Biden did something like that...something that no President has EVER done to the President who proceeded him...he would go down in history as the sleaziest President we've ever had

And no President has EVER done a mass decalcification of boxloads classfifi3ed materials, assuming he actually did declassify them.
They were not heavily armed, most were not even armed at all.

The search had been going on for like 5 hours before anyone even found out about it.

The drama from you all does not really help your case
Would you consider an assault rifle heavily armed? They had them. For your information,'re not going to find FBI agents out in the field doing raids that AREN'T armed!
As for the "search"? It went on for 9 hours! 9 hours of going through everything they can in someone's home looking for any dirt they could possibly find with a "warrant" that allowed them to seize any document from the beginning of Trump's Presidency to the end! I'd love to see what evidence was provided to that Magistrate they Judge Shopped to get a warrant that was THAT all inclusive! The same kind of bullshit they gave the FISA Court to get the wire taps on Trump?
And no President has EVER done a mass decalcification of boxloads classfifi3ed materials, assuming he actually did declassify them.
EVERY President leaves the White House with boxes of documents, GG! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! What Biden's Justice Department just did was a disgusting overreach that WILL come back to bite them in the ass!
There's exactly the same chance that Biden reclassified as there is that Trump declassified them...and it would happened in the sane exact way
We know that Trump declassified them because the act of taking them does that since he's the ultimate authority on what is and isn't classified.

Your pathetic claim that Biden could have "reclassified" them simply illustrate how much of a farce this raid really was! How would Biden reclassify something when he doesn't know what it is? Or do you think Joe was there when the boxes were being packed doing an inventory!
Links please.

But not EVERY president leaves the White House with boxes of classified documents.
Oh my god...this is like talking to a retard! Once again...the President is the ultimate authority on what is and isn't classified! If a President leaves the White House with a box of documents...whatever those document may be...he has the authority to do so! EVERY President has left office with documents! NONE have ever been raided by the FBI to get them back! That's never happened in the entire history of our nation!

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