Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

Wow, you lefties really don’t like it when a few people on the right use your techniques.
Can you show me how many folks were defending these fools for harassing SCOTUS Judges
I defend their First Amendment right to protest. I defend the same for MAGAs who peacefully protest what they want to as well. That doesn't include threats or actions on private property.
You're really not that bright. The President is the ultimate authority on what is and isn't classified. If Donald Trump wanted to take ANYTHING with him he has that authority.
Speaking of morons, when Biden is sworn in, he's no longer the President. Further there are procedures for declassifying docs.
Please cite facts to support they take nuclear secrets to a golf resort and stick them in a basement with no security.

Edit well maybe Kennedy.
hahah nuclear secrets! also trumps house was guarded by federal agents
Please cite facts to support they take nuclear secrets to a golf resort and stick them in a basement with no security.

Edit well maybe Kennedy.
I don't care. I'm more concerned with a demented fool with his hand on the launch button.
A pretty secure border, sub $2.00 a gallon gas, affordable grocery prices.

Yeah, those things were horrible...
Gas wasn't under 2 dollars when Trump was president.
Because Hillary's little FBI files contains a naughty you dossier on each and every controllee picked to do the dirt on Donald Trump, and the FBI is not their only tattling targets. They have tattle target information on all the lily-white Justices who do what they say so their children will not have to suffer a divorce/broken family when they find out that mommie or daddy had a sex affair, with whom or several whoms, when and where, for how long and a video or two or three or four or.... :FIREdevil: Divorce is a little expensive when the bruised spouse gets half of the $500,000/per annum gummint paycheck. And the Demmies do not care one whit for the slave taxpayers who feather their nests. Now don't you wish you had gotten that juris dr. law degree. :muahaha:
That is not answering my question, Hillary doesn't work at the DOJ or FBI.
They were all declassified, doll. As President, he declassified them appropriately, long before he brought them home as other presidents have, to give to their Presidential libraries. What patoots our prejudiced leftist lockstep press members have made of themselves supporting the Steel dossier that was denied by not only British Spy, Steele, but also by several leftist lawyers, who quite frankly, are fed up with the leftist Deep State because the proofs are coming in one by one that the unsuccessful framing of President Trump may have consequences for the leftist loons who populate the shadow government they are using to force free people into the slavery of Communist oligarchs they are already fighting each other over who has the most power when all is said and done. They're not counting on losing the respect of former Democrat lawyers who are going Republican and Independent. Woke is not the exclusive property of Communism. Independents are downright angry at the Diddly doo Demmies. We on the right, just want justice for the correct interpretation of laws and language, both of which have taken multiple hits by the left. How nice it must be for you, protected by your border to bawl, bray and brawl online like a simpleton. Good day, sir. In addition to a hungry puppy who now needs to go out for a walk, there's a birthday party I have to prepare for in my family of friends today. Please remove your blinders that are hiding from you the correctness and kindnesses President Trump has shown the people of the United States and the world the ways of peace. All of us were not pleased when the Democrat administrators shut down the oil pipeline from Canada to the United States that would have brought prosperity to beautiful Canada that is already rich in majestic forests, mountains, and crystal glaciers that punctuate the continental Rockies with sparkling aqua color.
Tell me another president who brought classified documents to his personal residence. If he had declassified them properly why would the FBI need to raid MaraLaGo?

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