Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

Tell us all that you're a racist piece of shit, without actually saying that you're a racist piece of shit.

I did not intend that as a challenge to see just how off the rails you could go as far as showing what a hateful racist piece of shit you truly are, but if you insist…

Most black people called Cain an Uncle Tom... I just happen to concur.

So why wasn't he your nominee in 2012? Oh, that's right, because Mitt Romney was "White and Delightsome".

In 2008, the Evangelicals wouldn't vote for Romney because he was a Mormon, but by 2012, he could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu, and the Evangelicals would have been fine with it because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
I did not intend that as a challenge to see just how off the rails you could go as far as showing what a hateful racist piece of shit you truly are, but if you insist…

more honesty than you can stand, Mormon Bob?

So why didn't you support Cain in 2012?
more honesty than you can stand, Mormon Bob?

So why didn't you support Cain in 2012?

What makes you so certain I didn't?

To be honest, I don't remember now, who all the candidates were in the 2012 Republican primaries, or which one I ended up voting for. I do remember Cain as one candidate that I would have been happy to see as President.

If I did vote for him, he wouldn't have been the first Black candidate for President that I voted for. I do remember that in some primary, I voted for Alan Keyes.
The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge?

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

Irrefutable proof please. Oh. You don't have any. :cranky:
What makes you so certain I didn't?

To be honest, I don't remember now, who all the candidates were in the 2012 Republican primaries, or which one I ended up voting for. I do remember Cain as one candidate that I would have been happy to see as President.

If I did vote for him, he wouldn't have been the first Black candidate for President that I voted for. I do remember that in some primary, I voted for Alan Keyes.

Oh, come on, Bob, we all know that 2012 was the Mormon Moment, where your whacky cult got the GOP nomination. And no one in the Evangelical community complained about it because Obama was in the white house.

So you see, the big difference. No one ever thought that Keyes or Cain or Carson were ever going to be a nominee. They were just "The Uncle Tom we have on stage to show we aren't racist."

Meanwhile, the Democrats actually PUT a black man in the White House, and you guys have been losing your shit ever since.
You assume that the warrant was unwarranted.
What special power are you using to do that ?
It makes you look like an idiot.
Go and knock a nail in a piece of wood.
No he isn't. Reinhardt posted to facebook in 2017 a post that was critical of Donald Trump.

In my openion, he should have recused himself from judging Trump because of the highly negative prejudicial nature of criticizing the person you are about to judge. In fact, he should be disbarred for not recusing himself considering his earlier hostility to President Trump. He's a disgrace to the American Bar Association. He knew better, but his hate got the better of him, so he decided to go forth with his past history of hatred against Donald Trump in the years Trump was falsely accused by the overwhelming fictional nature of the Steele Dossier that was falsely passed around in liberal circles by the FBI as the gospel truth when it was the exact opposite--total calumny and more, false salacious accusations with not a shred of truth in any of it. Throw the bum out. He doesn't deserve to judge in a civil court ever again because he sold out acceptable ethics for status with the Democrats.
No he isn't. Reinhardt posted to facebook in 2017 a post that was critical of Donald Trump.

In my openion, he should have recused himself from judging Trump because of the highly negative prejudicial nature of criticizing the person you are about to judge. In fact, he should be disbarred for not recusing himself considering his earlier hostility to President Trump. He's a disgrace to the American Bar Association. He knew better, but his hate got the better of him, so he decided to go forth with his past history of hatred against Donald Trump in the years Trump was falsely accused by the overwhelming fictional nature of the Steele Dossier that was falsely passed around in liberal circles by the FBI as the gospel truth when it was the exact opposite--total calumny and more, false salacious accusations with not a shred of truth in any of it. Throw the bum out. He doesn't deserve to judge in a civil court ever again because he sold out acceptable ethics for status with the Democrats.
So the headbangers on the supreme court should recuse themselves when faced with extreme right wing crap ?

Trump comitted a crime and the FBI recovered boxes o stuff that trump should not have had. The warrant was fully justified.
Um, wow, this would be too much to unpack.

Yup, the drug companies did rush out vaccines, and Trump completely fucked up the distribution of them, so Biden had to start all over again.

No, conservatives only had the one Riot (Actually, an attempt to overthrow democracy, but why quibble?) but they had plenty of mass spreader events, like the Trump rally that killed Herman Cain.

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He died as he lived, a sad-ass Uncle Tom sucking up to White people.

As for layoff- most companies that did layoffs and modified working conditions did so without prompting from the government. Company that I worked for had us all working from home two weeks before Gov. Pritzker ordered the lockdowns. The one I work for now STILL has us on staggered shifts.

Of course, Trump's actual sin on Covid (which lead to the recession and riots, really) was his insistence that it just wasn't a big deal, and we shouldn't take it seriously, and made mask wearing and vaccinations a cultural issue when it never should have been.

That's why the US had more deaths than any country in the world. With 4% of the World's population, the US has 17% of the Covid Deaths... and you can lay all of that on Trump's mishandling of the crisis.
When you get your partisan blinders on, Joey you're one of the more amusing posters on the board! You can't admit that it was Trump that fast tracked the vaccines...can you? That it was Trump that got so many ventilators built that we had a surplus to give to other countries? Trump gave those things to Joe Biden walking in the door and then Joe (as he usually does!) managed to fuck up the distribution of the vaccines. Then Biden wasn't ready for the variants when they appeared. Just like he wasn't ready for the infant formula shortage. Just like he wasn't ready for the Russian incursion into Ukraine. Just like he wasn't ready for the pull out in Afghanistan. Just like he wasn't ready for the millions of illegals that have flooded our country since he got rid of Trump's border policies. Just like he's not ready for the drug overdoses that HIS border polices have caused. Just like he's not ready for the violent crime spike that's turned our cities into places people don't want to be. Just like he's clueless when it comes to curbing inflation...

Joe Biden is an AWFUL President, Joey and no amount of spin from you is going to change that!
So the headbangers on the supreme court should recuse themselves when faced with extreme right wing crap ?

Trump comitted a crime and the FBI recovered boxes o stuff that trump should not have had. The warrant was fully justified.
A warrant to take any document having to do with the entire Trump Presidency was "justified", Tommy? In order to justify a warrant you have to show evidence that a crime has been committed and then the judge will give you a warrant to seize evidence of that crime. I don't think I've ever heard of a warrant that was as broad as this one was. It was a license to fish. A President is the ultimate authority on classification. It's literally impossible for them to illegally possess classified information.
No one ever thought that Keyes or Cain or Carson were ever going to be a nominee. They were just "The Uncle Tom we have on stage to show we aren't racist."

I certainly did not think any such thing, and neither, do I think, did anyone else who supported these candidates.

That's just you projecting your own racism.


Meanwhile, the Democrats actually PUT a black man in the White House, and you guys have been losing your shit ever since.

Nobody hated Obama because he was black.

We hated him because he's a corrupt piece of shit who hates everything that America is supposed to stand for, and who spent his entire two terms fighting to subvert the Constitution, who promoted policies that were deeply harmful to the nation.

Biden is white, and we hate him just as much, for exactly the same reasons.

And if Keyes or Carson or Cain had been President, you would have seen us respond much more favorably.

Only in your degenerate racist mind does the color of anyone's skin have anything at all to do with any of this.

Really, your defense of President Obama's horrendous corruption and destructive policies, just because he's black, is a same aspect of your support for the mob of black subhuman criminals that picked a 7-11 clean a few days ago.

To a real human being, it is behavior and choices that define a person, not his race. To you, it's just race.

I know you would never understand this, and never will understand it, because it requires some degree of integrity and ethical character to understand, and you've already made it abundantly clear that you do not have any of that, and you deeply hate those who do.
When you get your partisan blinders on, Joey you're one of the more amusing posters on the board! You can't admit that it was Trump that fast tracked the vaccines...can you? That it was Trump that got so many ventilators built that we had a surplus to give to other countries? Trump gave those things to Joe Biden walking in the door and then Joe (as he usually does!) managed to fuck up the distribution of the vaccines.

What I remember was Trump promised us 10 million vaccination before the end of December, but he was too busy plotting revenge to make that happen.

Then Biden wasn't ready for the variants when they appeared.

Just like he wasn't ready for the infant formula shortage.
Infant Formula? Really? Biden was responsible for production control at a plant.
Just like he wasn't ready for the Russian incursion into Ukraine.
You mean after Trump spent four years pissing off our NATO allies?
Just like he wasn't ready for the pull out in Afghanistan.
You mean after Trump handed the country over to the Taliban at Doha?
Just like he wasn't ready for the millions of illegals that have flooded our country since he got rid of Trump's border policies. Just like he's not ready for the drug overdoses that HIS border polices have caused. Just like he's not ready for the violent crime spike that's turned our cities into places people don't want to be. Just like he's clueless when it comes to curbing inflation...
Oh, noes, a scary brown person might move in next door to you!!!

Nobody hated Obama because he was black.

Right, that's why you demanded to see his birth certificate, nothing we ever asked a white guy to do.

We hated him because he's a corrupt piece of shit who hates everything that America is supposed to stand for, and who spent his entire two terms fighting to subvert the Constitution, who promoted policies that were deeply harmful to the nation.

Really, what I remember was that he fixed the economy and got us all health care.

And if Keyes or Carson or Cain had been President, you would have seen us respond much more favorably.
Except you didn't pick Keyes, you picked the clinically retarded son of a former president.
You didn't pick Cain. You picked the Weird Mormon Robot you rejected 4 years earlier.
You didn't pick Carson... you picked the fake game show host.
Except you didn't pick Keyes, you picked the clinically retarded son of a former president.
You didn't pick Cain. You picked the Weird Mormon Robot you rejected 4 years earlier.
You didn't pick Carson... you picked the fake game show host.

Again, you're lying. You have no basis to claim anything about how I voted in any election, overriding how I myself say I voted.

But then, as always, lying is what you do. Lying is what you are. Lying is what defines you.
I never demanded any such thing, and neither did any but a handful of outliers at the fringes of conservatism.

As always, you're lying.

Outliers, Mormon Bob? That was Trump's whole Schtick! The only difference between Trump and the other ten bags of bad ideas that ran in 2016 is that Trump was the only one openly hawking these crazy conspiracy theories that the black guy might not be eligible to be President because he wasn't born here.

Again, you're lying. You have no basis to claim anything about how I voted in any election, overriding how I myself say I voted.

Really? Gee, you make all sorts of suppossitions about my life based on nothing, and even stick with them when given proof of otherwise.

I don't believe anything you say short of proof, because basically, Mormons lie all the time. LDS- Lie Daily Stupids.
So the headbangers on the supreme court should recuse themselves when faced with extreme right wing crap ?

Trump comitted a crime and the FBI recovered boxes o stuff that trump should not have had. The warrant was fully justified.
What crime? Congressional number or Constitutional tenet please, which should not counter declassification by the POTUS. Which practically proves to me that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. And have due respect for the Constitution. It is NOT 'right wing crap.' If you think otherwise, you have been had by the left wing propaganda machine which operates on untruthfulness if the truth does not touch base with 'em. But you knew that as a foreigner, yes? I thought so. Unless the Canadian Constitution deems our Constitution irrelevant, in which case, keep shouting your ineptitude of American standards per OUR Constitution. Thank you very much.
What crime? Congressional number or Constitutional tenet please, which should not counter declassification by the POTUS. Which practically proves to me that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. And have due respect for the Constitution.

Let me remind you. Whether the papers were classified documents or rolls of toilet paper. They were stolen US government property.
What I remember was Trump promised us 10 million vaccination before the end of December, but he was too busy plotting revenge to make that happen.

Infant Formula? Really? Biden was responsible for production control at a plant.

You mean after Trump spent four years pissing off our NATO allies?

You mean after Trump handed the country over to the Taliban at Doha?

Oh, noes, a scary brown person might move in next door to you!!!

Right, that's why you demanded to see his birth certificate, nothing we ever asked a white guy to do.

Really, what I remember was that he fixed the economy and got us all health care.

Except you didn't pick Keyes, you picked the clinically retarded son of a former president.
You didn't pick Cain. You picked the Weird Mormon Robot you rejected 4 years earlier.
You didn't pick Carson... you picked the fake game show host.

"Right, that's why you demanded to see his birth certificate, nothing we ever asked a white guy to do."

So we should have ignored the fact that his mother and grandparents were card-carrying Communists who wanted to force all Americans under their commie thumbs? We didn't ask enough questions about his politics. And guess what. Obama improved absolutely nothing about raising up opportunities for black people. Those of us who sympathized with the fairness he should have returned to blacks, were hard-pressed when we realized he was using his office for self-centered purposes, not equal justice for people who were guaranteed that by the Constitutional equality amendments made to racial minorities following surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. The Surrender - Appomattox Court House National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service). On December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, officially ending the institution of slavery, was ratified.

This page is dear to me: 13th Amendment

That said, the Thirteenth Amendment was the first introduction of race in the Constitution. The founders bitterly fought over the question of slavery, could not become a union if slavery was banned at the time, because without the Southern States, there could be no victory over the Redcoats. Those who were against slavery were bitterly disappointed, and I hope that black people will let it go as Dr. Martin Luther King would have advised, knowing that the true goal was for people to be looked upon in the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. He couldn't have gotten his point across better, and many of us were completely horrified by his assassination when we found out about it.

Martin Luther King Jr., an African-American clergyman and civil rights leader, was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, at 6:01 p.m. CST. He was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he died at 7:05 p.m. He was a prominent leader of the civil rights movement and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was known for his use of nonviolence. Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - Wikipedia.​
My son was four years old on that dreadful day, and I so terribly unhappy to hear of it as could be, because I loved Dr. Martin Luther King as a man of justice and heart who fought racial hatred that begat injustice. He stood for fairness and unity between all human beings. Had we not had to get the British off our backs, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would not be on an assassination kill list, and we likely would be British subjects today. It's taken many years, and Donald Trump personally looked into racial fairness principles when he encouraged private industries to pitch in getting people off the welfare roles with superb jobs that paid well and delivered equal opportunity. The idiot press ignored all of that, but I think God didn't ignore that Donald Trump kept his promise to all to bring fairness, prosperity, and peace to America, and he went a step further by showing the world the way to peace and cleaning up the ocean of plastics. He championed all these excellent causes, and the disgraced press. Oh, my sweet new puppy is begging for food. God bless peace on earth, and President Trump, I hope his critics will give him another chance at bringing about world peace through the joy of being able to make a good enough living to have the American come true for all people in our country, and the countries that were about to become peace leaders when he was betrayed by calumny launched against him by his rivals who hated his success and the consequences of their failure. Has the current Democrat deep state brought about peace here and abroad? Nope!
What crime? Congressional number or Constitutional tenet please, which should not counter declassification by the POTUS. Which practically proves to me that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about. And have due respect for the Constitution. It is NOT 'right wing crap.' If you think otherwise, you have been had by the left wing propaganda machine which operates on untruthfulness if the truth does not touch base with 'em. But you knew that as a foreigner, yes? I thought so. Unless the Canadian Constitution deems our Constitution irrelevant, in which case, keep shouting your ineptitude of American standards per OUR Constitution. Thank you very much.
Trump had 25 boxes of govt papers in his spare room. he was not entitled to them. I believe that he will be charged under the Espionage Act.
There will be likely more charges when they find out who he sold stuff to.

You will not be aware that Trump works for you and does not have imperial powers ?

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