Meet Judge Bruce Reinhart the magistrate who approved the FBI search warrant into Trump's Mar-a-Lago home receiving threats from MAGA supporters

The FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago has drawn attention to Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off the search warrant.
MAGA supporters were incensed by the raid, calling for protests at FBI field offices and gathering outside of Mar-a-Lago.
Reinhart has also received violent and antisemitic threats since approving the warrant.
The judge's official bio has been removed from the US District Court Southern District of Florida websitelikely because of the threats he's received, according to Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.
Here's what we know about him.

Why is the party of Law and Order threatening this Judge

Let's see if the same folks who were whining about folks harassing SC Judges will have the same thing to say when it comes to this Judge.

What the fuck we're using your tactics against you the old roll over Republican party vis gone. You hit with a fist we're going to hit you with a 18 wheeler. And damn that feels good.
Do you apply the same standard to judges in the Supreme Court?
Do you? The old Republican party is dead we no longer roll over for you bitches we're giving you exactly what you deserve.
How do we know this Judge wasn't just following the LAW.
I have heard arguments saying the magistrate was following the law and arguments saying he wasn’t.

Obviously that will be determined in court somewhere up the road.
Talk? Who cares about "talk", Jason! The only thing that matters is what a politician accomplishes! Literally everything that Biden touches turns to shit. I could care less about Trump's bragging if his policies work!
I put a list of Biden's first year in office. Maybe you know, maybe not.
I wouldn't care if I made a billion while Trump was in office. The bad shit he pulled including dead and injured government employees and all, just so he could remain president cancels any good he might have done while president.
idiot libs been gunning for supreme court judges for a while now...whats the problem with a little payback
The only problem I have with pay back is making sure it's the worse thing that should be done. Keep hitting until all life is gone.
Do you? The old Republican party is dead we no longer roll over for you bitches we're giving you exactly what you deserve.
In other words you’ve become the party of delusional anti-American lunatics and I don’t mean that in a nice way.
I put a list of Biden's first year in office. Maybe you know, maybe not.
I wouldn't care if I made a billion while Trump was in office. The bad shit he pulled including dead and injured government employees and all, just so he could remain president cancels any good he might have done while president.
With all due respect, Jason...Biden's first year in office was awful only to be followed by an even worse year! He's clueless. Always has been clueless. And will now be clueless and senile. What dead government employees are you referring to?
Really Q NUT?

"We’ve got lots of theories, we just don’t have the evidence." Rudy Giuliani.

Just like all the rest of the GQP..............................................FOS.
you are just to fucking stupid to understand TRUTH

you are just to fucking stupid to understand TRUTH
May 11 2016
“I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working on that over the next period of time,” he said.
In late February, nearly a year after promising Hewitt he’d release the tax returns, he told the radio host that he’d do so "at some point, probably."

But two days later, Trump said at a CNN debate that he couldn’t release the tax returns because he’s been audited every year for the last 12 years. He claimed after the debate that the IRS had targeted him for being a "strong Christian."
What the fuck we're using your tactics against you the old roll over Republican party vis gone. You hit with a fist we're going to hit you with a 18 wheeler. And damn that feels good.

Except you as scaring the crap out of the straights, buddy. The thing is, you guys will only get control of Congress because of Gerrymandering, not because you've changed any minds....

And you will do exactly what you did in 1995 and 2011... engage in policies that please your crazy base, but alienate the rest of the country.

With all due respect, Jason...Biden's first year in office was awful only to be followed by an even worse year! He's clueless. Always has been clueless. And will now be clueless and senile. What dead government employees are you referring to?

Really? Frankly, I didn't see riots in the streets or millions of layoffs in Biden's first year. We continued to have Covid Deaths because Trump let the disease spread through the country, and fought actively against masking, vaccinations or other preventive measures.

I would take 2021 over 2020 any day of my life. Same with 2022.
Except you as scaring the crap out of the straights, buddy. The thing is, you guys will only get control of Congress because of Gerrymandering, not because you've changed any minds....

And you will do exactly what you did in 1995 and 2011... engage in policies that please your crazy base, but alienate the rest of the country.

Really? Frankly, I didn't see riots in the streets or millions of layoffs in Biden's first year. We continued to have Covid Deaths because Trump let the disease spread through the country, and fought actively against masking, vaccinations or other preventive measures.

I would take 2021 over 2020 any day of my life. Same with 2022.
Trump fast tracked the vaccines you partisan hack! If it hadn't been for him there wouldn't have been the vaccines for you liberals to force people to take! Trump no more let the disease spread through the country then Biden did! As for the riots in the streets? There was one in Washington DC that didn't last 24 hours that was caused by liberals rioted in the streets for the better part of a year and a half so spare us that nonsense! Same thing for layoffs! Those were caused by liberal Governors shutting down their economies not by Trump. They could have done what Kristi Noem did in South Dakota but chose not to. That's on THEM...not on Trump!
Trump fast tracked the vaccines you partisan hack! If it hadn't been for him there wouldn't have been the vaccines for you liberals to force people to take! Trump no more let the disease spread through the country then Biden did! As for the riots in the streets? There was one in Washington DC that didn't last 24 hours that was caused by liberals rioted in the streets for the better part of a year and a half so spare us that nonsense! Same thing for layoffs! Those were caused by liberal Governors shutting down their economies not by Trump. They could have done what Kristi Noem did in South Dakota but chose not to. That's on THEM...not on Trump!

Um, wow, this would be too much to unpack.

Yup, the drug companies did rush out vaccines, and Trump completely fucked up the distribution of them, so Biden had to start all over again.

No, conservatives only had the one Riot (Actually, an attempt to overthrow democracy, but why quibble?) but they had plenty of mass spreader events, like the Trump rally that killed Herman Cain.


He died as he lived, a sad-ass Uncle Tom sucking up to White people.

As for layoff- most companies that did layoffs and modified working conditions did so without prompting from the government. Company that I worked for had us all working from home two weeks before Gov. Pritzker ordered the lockdowns. The one I work for now STILL has us on staggered shifts.

Of course, Trump's actual sin on Covid (which lead to the recession and riots, really) was his insistence that it just wasn't a big deal, and we shouldn't take it seriously, and made mask wearing and vaccinations a cultural issue when it never should have been.

That's why the US had more deaths than any country in the world. With 4% of the World's population, the US has 17% of the Covid Deaths... and you can lay all of that on Trump's mishandling of the crisis.
Tell us all that you're a racist piece of shit, without actually saying that you're a racist piece of shit.

Most black people called Cain an Uncle Tom... I just happen to concur.

So why wasn't he your nominee in 2012? Oh, that's right, because Mitt Romney was "White and Delightsome".

In 2008, the Evangelicals wouldn't vote for Romney because he was a Mormon, but by 2012, he could have been sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu, and the Evangelicals would have been fine with it because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

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