Meet my new girlfriend

I don't intend to marry her.

First of all, congratulations.
I hope that you both have lots of fun together.

Secondly, are you against marriage in general, ever, or you just don't feel like marrying this particular young woman?

First of all, congratulations.
I hope that you both have lots of fun together.

Secondly, are you against marriage in general, ever, or you just don't feel like marrying this particular young woman?

I never enter into a relationship with marriage in mind but wouldn't rule it out if I find the right woman.
Do you really think that all attractive women are: "HIGH-HIGH maintenance", selfish big spenders with "fake personalities"?

People can't help the way they look, to a point. I, for example, could stand to loose at least 20 pounds but I think that you're generalizing about attractive women.

Many times attractive people who come across as arrogant are really just shy.

For what it's worth, I'm over 70 years old and have spent plenty of time on the ropes in the ring of love.

Finally, you usually find what you're looking for. In other words, if you expect attractive women to be arrogant, selfish and devoid of personality, that's probably what / who you'll find.

If nothing else, I hope you will agree that not all generalizations are accurate.

Dude... this is an obvious joke thread.
Stay Calm
I don't intend to marry her.
Good for you. Just pay her the $750 she charges for a "date". Then you you get what you want, she gets what she wants and you don't have to worry about her taking you to the cleaners after the divorce and her Black boyfriend moving into your house and raising your kids.
Good for you. Just pay her the $750 she charges for a "date". Then you you get what you want, she gets what she wants and you don't have to worry about her taking you to the cleaners after the divorce and her Black boyfriend moving into your house and raising your kids.
I'm not paying her anything, I don't have any kids and she isn't attracted to black men.
Looks like HIGH-HIGH maintenance to me.
No thanks... not even close. Even if I could afford the $200k a year she would spend.

At any rate... she isn't all that anyway.
Fake hair, probably fake tits, certainly fake personality and selfish to the max.
you’re making an awful lot of assumptions about a complete stranger based only on a photo
I cannot believe people are believing this...
Blaster you deserve an award for this thread... we need to keep this going so we can easily filter out the gullible. I might find something worthless to sell to them for $1000.
I cannot believe people are believing this...
Blaster you deserve an award for this thread... we need to keep this going so we can easily filter out the gullible. I might find something worthless to sell to them for $1000.
I'm having a blast reading all the posts here. 👍
Alright a few dudes have said this. I admit, I don't see it. Maybe her face is full? She seems slim though.

I say this with no personal animus. This could always change but for now, I'm at my high school weight. Which, I know, is weird. Just weird.
That's you. This is what I see in her. I've seen it happen over and over again. Girls from school, relatives.

I can sense which ones are gonna go that way. She reminds of a cousin that went that way.

Part of it is the extremely smooth look. The prettiest girl in the school went that way, meanwhile

the tomboy in that class still looks just like she did in 8th grade.
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In about 6 years, she'll be a chubber and that ass will be about 3 feet wide.

So, a Puffer.
So, a Puffer.
Huh, never seen one like that. Looks extremely poisonous.

They fill out a little sometimes. :dunno: I'm of the age to where I don't care. All I care about is how they

treat me. That's first and foremost. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
That's you. This is what I see in her. I've seen it happen over and over again. Girls from school, relatives.

I can sense which ones are gonna go that way. She reminds of a cousin that went that way.

Part of it is the extremely smooth look. The prettiest girl in the school went that way, meanwhile

the tomboy in that class still looks just like she did in 8th grade.

I know it's me. I say that so people don't say "well you're just fat that's why you're whatever".

I wonder if what you're picking up on is the "peaked in high school" thing. Huh
Alright a few dudes have said this. I admit, I don't see it. Maybe her face is full? She seems slim though.

I say this with no personal animus. This could always change but for now, I'm at my high school weight. Which, I know, is weird. Just weird.
Not if you were a fat, ugly cow in high school.

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