Meet Team Obama in Syria: the rebels he supports over Assad

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

Because it's been done in the past is not an excuse to continue doing it. This intervention sh*t just isn't working over there no matter who is pushing for it.

How about we stop doing what doesn't work and find a new way to do things.

good luck, your working with the humans of Earth.

Human is not a word I would use to describe the muslims in the middle east.

Here's my new plan. Let's cut off all aid, monetary and food to the middle east. And then let's ship in several tons of small arms and ammunition, just drop it off in a few locations and step back and watch the carnage. Within two months we can stroll in, pick up the weapons and ammo left over and do it with no resistance at all. We can pick countries like Israel or maybe one or two more we want to see survive and use our military to help protect them. But let's stop pretending we can get the entire middle east on board to be anything other than radical muslims. It's futile.
Because it's been done in the past is not an excuse to continue doing it. This intervention sh*t just isn't working over there no matter who is pushing for it.

How about we stop doing what doesn't work and find a new way to do things.

good luck, your working with the humans of Earth.

Human is not a word I would use to describe the muslims in the middle east.

Here's my new plan. Let's cut off all aid, monetary and food to the middle east. And then let's ship in several tons of small arms and ammunition, just drop it off in a few locations and step back and watch the carnage. Within two months we can stroll in, pick up the weapons and ammo left over and do it with no resistance at all. We can pick countries like Israel or maybe one or two more we want to see survive and use our military to help protect them. But let's stop pretending we can get the entire middle east on board to be anything other than radical muslims. It's futile.

surely you joust.
good luck, your working with the humans of Earth.

Human is not a word I would use to describe the muslims in the middle east.

Here's my new plan. Let's cut off all aid, monetary and food to the middle east. And then let's ship in several tons of small arms and ammunition, just drop it off in a few locations and step back and watch the carnage. Within two months we can stroll in, pick up the weapons and ammo left over and do it with no resistance at all. We can pick countries like Israel or maybe one or two more we want to see survive and use our military to help protect them. But let's stop pretending we can get the entire middle east on board to be anything other than radical muslims. It's futile.

surely you joust.

I do not jest in the least. Let's help them kill each other off since that seems to be their ultimate goal anyway. As long as they are killing each other they can't f*ck with us so let's just sit back and watch.
OP- sorry, there are good rebels in Syria, and we are going to arm them...after grounding Assad's jets....

You attack Syria you are breaking International law. That's just for starters.

And anytime you want to share with the rest of the class who the "good" rebels are feel free to do so.

Come on now. Don't be shy. Who are they?
Yeah, I'm usually laughing at the "Liberal Intellectual Elite", but to you it's rage

I really dont care what you laugh at.

You are seriously disturbed. You need to check yourself into a qualified mental health institution.

You'll think I'm being an evil bastard for pointing this out, but I fear you were very abused as a child. Your negativity is overpowering. Do you ever get laid? Does your partner kill herself afterward? You're a black hole of emotional need sucking everything in.

You need help. Get the help, stand by your politics and live happy.
Neat story....maybe you should call up hannity or something....maybe he will care.
Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

Really? You have room to talk being an Obama supporter?
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Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

this ^ there is not clear choice
So what? Civil wars are brutal. American colonist lynched many loyalist, in fact that's where the term Lynched came from. Col. Charles Lynch of Virginia.

I still oppose intervention.

"So what?"

Very sad mentality.
No wonder obama and the scumbag left wants to help the Syrian Rebels...

Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians After U.S. ?Liberates? Syria | FrontPage Magazine

Syrian rebels kill 11, mainly Christians, in checkpoint attack - World News

Syrian rebels to Christians: Flee or die!

Hundreds more like these. Some worse.

And is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM making a Big Deal™ out of it?

Hell no. They can't do anything that might displease their Lord and Master, the Annointed One, the Holy One, their Jesus, their God, their leader, their Shepherd....

I hate dimocraps.

And now, the Stuttering Clusterfukk and the left wants to give these same murdering scum the protection of the United States Air Force?

We've never had a Military Coup in this Country but.........

Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times

Those are our friends, the ones we want to arm and put in power in Syria. How dare anyone criticize these courageous warriors standing against Syrias Hitler?

You support Hamas and Hezbollah you crazy old hag and they are just the same as those people.
War is sucks...go away

Obama likes it.

Be fair, every Congressman who casts a vote for war likes all of this, it is their thing.

Even if Congressmen and Senators aren't necessarily pro war, one can always follow the money to understand the reasoning for their vote.

And I don't believe any of these people care at all about Syria or Syrians.

To them this is just all a game and human carnage be damned.

Senators who backed Syria resolution got 83 per cent more defense lobby money than those who voted against it, campaign finance numbers show

:eusa_whistle: From the article:

On average, a 'yes'-voting senator received 83 per cent more money from defense contractors than one who voted 'no.'

:eusa_whistle:: And the biggest slut for money? The Maverick.

The phenomenon crossed party lines. Sen. John McCain of Arizona, one of three Republicans to vote in the affirmative, collected the largest amount – $176,300 – for his campaigns.

The next largest numbers belonged to Democrats, including $127,350 given to Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and $101,025 given to Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine.

All three voted yes

Senators who backed Syria resolution got 83 per cent more defense lobby money | Mail Online
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War is sucks...go away

Obama likes it.

I know what's missing. A snappy name.

You know along the lines of Kelly's Heroes or the Dirty Dozen but with an Islamic ring to it.

Something all the liberals can get behind. Maybe a theme song too.

"Stop Draggin My Heart Around" by Stevie and Tom would work. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. That would go with the video testarosa put up earlier.



[ame=]DIO -''Eat Your Heart Out'' - YouTube[/ame]
Human is not a word I would use to describe the muslims in the middle east.

Here's my new plan. Let's cut off all aid, monetary and food to the middle east. And then let's ship in several tons of small arms and ammunition, just drop it off in a few locations and step back and watch the carnage. Within two months we can stroll in, pick up the weapons and ammo left over and do it with no resistance at all. We can pick countries like Israel or maybe one or two more we want to see survive and use our military to help protect them. But let's stop pretending we can get the entire middle east on board to be anything other than radical muslims. It's futile.

surely you joust.

I do not jest in the least. Let's help them kill each other off since that seems to be their ultimate goal anyway. As long as they are killing each other they can't f*ck with us so let's just sit back and watch.

I said joust, not jest. Get it?
Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

No other president has done anything remotely like what obama is doing, republican or democrat. If you want to use Viet Nam, it would be democrat LBJ. That war was ended by republican Richard Nixon.

G.O.P. Agrees: The President Doesn?t Need Approval to Attack Syria?So Long as He?s a Republican | Vanity Fair

Which brings us to the recent debate about the power of the president to take military action in Syria without congressional approval. Suddenly, it has become a sacrosanct argument among many conservatives—and even some liberals—that the president is hidebound by the Constitution and history to sit on his hands until after Congress finishes some chin stroking and decides it’s O.K. to act. And that is simply malarkey. That’s not to say that plenty of people haven’t been deceived by the recent drumbeat of calls about the limits of executive power into thinking that President Obama can’t do anything with the military if Congress says no.

Oh and btw, Nixon pulled our troops out. The North Vietnamese ended the war and unified their country.
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I see the usual retarded suspects who think there is only one group of rebels, and who are completely clueless where the people of Syria are in this struggle.

The people of Syria reject the Islamic extremists as much as they reject Assad. It is they who the United States is concerned with and trying to protect from chemical weapons attacks.

You fucking, fucking, fucking idiots. Stop swallowing Putin's cock.

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