Meet Team Obama in Syria: the rebels he supports over Assad

War is sucks...go away

Yes war is ugly. Which is why we should be avoiding it at all costs.

Life sucks yes, but it will get even more so if Obama insists on attacking Syria

And it is you who needs to get your head out of your backside, Plasmabrain.
Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.
those war scenes are no different than Nam. Were you guys the hippies or the conservatives back then?
Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?
2007 The New Yorker: "To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East.... The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."

According to retired NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks after 9/11 revealed plans to "attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years", starting with Iraq and moving on to "Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." Clark argues that this strategy is fundamentally about control of the region's vast oil and gas resources currently valued at over $170 Trillion US dollars.

In 2009, Assad refused to sign an agreement with Qatar for an overland pipeline running from the Gulf to Europe via Syria to protect the interests of its Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplied of natural gas.
2007 The New Yorker: "To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East.... The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."

According to retired NATO Secretary General Wesley Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks after 9/11 revealed plans to "attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years", starting with Iraq and moving on to "Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran." Clark argues that this strategy is fundamentally about control of the region's vast oil and gas resources currently valued at over $170 Trillion US dollars.

In 2009, Assad refused to sign an agreement with Qatar for an overland pipeline running from the Gulf to Europe via Syria to protect the interests of its Russian ally, which is Europe's top supplied of natural gas.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are pulling the strings here. Qatar must have that pipeline and have poured untold millions into funding the *cough* rebels to depose Assad.

Qatar also has the US by the short and curlies because it has the only US base of operations in the ME.

The potential act of aggression by America to bomb Syria has nothing at all to do with this alleged chemical weapon attack.

It has everything to do with weakening Assad so there can be regime change and consequently Qatar can have its desired pipeline.

Just a quick aside. All this bullshit for a pipeline in the ME and libs bitch about the Keystone?

Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

Because it's been done in the past is not an excuse to continue doing it. This intervention sh*t just isn't working over there no matter who is pushing for it.

How about we stop doing what doesn't work and find a new way to do things.
Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

No other president has done anything remotely like what obama is doing, republican or democrat. If you want to use Viet Nam, it would be democrat LBJ. That war was ended by republican Richard Nixon.
OP- These rebel barbarians aren't the free syrian army the usa supports. They're the jihadists Boooosh produced with his idiocy in the stupidest wars ever...Gad the Pub dupes are hysterical after weeks of this bs LOL...
OP- These rebel barbarians aren't the free syrian army the usa supports. They're the jihadists Boooosh produced with his idiocy in the stupidest wars ever...Gad the Pub dupes are hysterical after weeks of this bs LOL...

Stop with your bullshit that this is "Bush's" team. You appear more fucked up daily.

Read the article and you can find out about "the uncle" and his history. It has nothing to do with Bush.

You're just a broken record these days.

Now to anotherTeam Obama: Free Syrian Army then.....:eusa_angel: Wow. You libs just pick the best teams.

Pure as the driven snow. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Atrocities in Syria show the rebels' true colours, and have given Assad a boost in the propaganda war

Sometime on Tuesday four dazed and bleeding men were dragged, in their underpants, in to what appears to be a school yard. A cartoon of Mickey Mouse was on the wall. To chants of 'Free Army forever! Be ready for us Assad' the men were mown down with AK-47s.

The firing lasted for a minute. Someone with a mobile phone camera zoomed in to check that the victims were dead.

The victims were mostly from the Berri clan, who are said to be close to the Assad government. They may have been local gangsters running a pro-government militia. Regardless of that, the four men who were shot clearly did not get any kind of trial.

Grudgingly, spokesmen for the Free Syrian Army admitted that no orders had been issued to shoot these men and that what happened was 'unacceptable'.

These killings were so ghastly that they finally made it on to last night's BBC 10'o Clock News.

Since the rebels and the Assad regime are engaged in a sophisticated propaganda war, aimed at the general public in the world outside, we could say that the score went from Rebels 10-Assad 0 to about Rebels 10: Assad 1 last night.


Rebel atrocities in Syria show the rebels' true colours, and given Assad a boost in the propaganda war | Mail Online
franco you really should have researched your team better. So should have your President. These dudes are really fucked up whacko radical Islamists. :)

Daniel Wagner
The Dark Side of the Free Syrian Army

From the article. And this was in Huffington Post and yes I read HuffPo...

The primary reason Aleppo was attacked by the FSA is because it was and remains supportive of the government.

In response, the FSA has been acting more like a force opposed to the citizens of Syria than a force intended to secure their freedom.

For example, it has in the recent past stolen wheat reserves intended for the residents of Aleppo and sold it to private Turkish grain traders, expropriated stocks of pharmaceuticals and forcibly resold them back to its owners, and ransacked schools. These are hardly the actions of a 'liberation force.'

In the outskirts of Aleppo, the FSA has implemented a Sharia law enforcement police force that is a replica of the Wahhabi police in Saudi Arabia -- forcing ordinary citizens to abide by the Sharia code. This is being done in a secular country which has never known Sharia Law.

This type of action is currently also being implemented in northern Mali, where the West has officially declared its opposition to the al-Qaeda government that took control earlier this year.

If what is happening near Aleppo is representative of what may happen if the FSA assumes control of Syria, the country may become an Islamic state. Is that really what the U.S. and other Western countries are intending to tacitly support?

Although it has been widely reported that more than 40,000 Syrians have died in the conflict over the past 18 months, it has not been widely reported in the Western media that 25,000 of these have been from the Syrian military -- leaving the impression that all the deaths have been civilians.

Lebanese newspapers such as Al-Akhbar and Assafir, and Alex Jones', have broadcast a disturbing video of a 12-year-old child apparently forced by the FSA to cut off the head of a Syrian military officer.

Daniel Wagner: The Dark Side of the Free Syrian Army
This may just be the split in the democratic party. Democrats are jumping the obama ship as fast as they can leaving only the fringe obamabots holding up his hem.
This may just be the split in the democratic party. Democrats are jumping the obama ship as fast as they can leaving only the fringe obamabots holding up his hem.

I really think every congress critter and senator should get notified of Team Obama's antics in Syria. The vote taken on action or inaction on Syria will be most revealing.

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Both sides are a class of barbarian, participating in rank barbarity of various levels. And we want to pick a side? If you put the rebels in power, they may as well be just as bad as the Government they oppose. Liberals are such absent minded people, they give no thought to the ramifications of their foolhardiness.

Really? No conservative/GOP president has never done the same?

Because it's been done in the past is not an excuse to continue doing it. This intervention sh*t just isn't working over there no matter who is pushing for it.

How about we stop doing what doesn't work and find a new way to do things.

good luck, your working with the humans of Earth.

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