Meet Team Obama in Syria: the rebels he supports over Assad

When we invaded Iraq, Al Qaeda FLOODED into Iraq. Where were all you Putin cock gobblers then? Probably still in diapers. I didn't hear ANYONE saying Bush was on the side of Al Qaeda by pushing out Hussein.

Fucking retards with memories like that of goldfish. In fact, I am going to call you goldfish from now on.

And is AQ running Iraq today?

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Doesn't look like the Syrian people want our "concern" or "protection".

‘Hands off’: Syrians form human shields outside possible US strike targets

As the US Congress inches closer to a decision on a military strike on Syria, citing allegations that Assad forces used chemical weapons against the civilian population, activists in Damascus are stepping up their protest against possible attacks.

[ame=]Syrians create human shields to protect country from US bombs - YouTube[/ame]
Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times

SOME Syrian rebels. There are many factions involved. I know you are desperate to paint all the rebels with the same black and white brush, but it does not work that way, simpleton.

The Syrian people are not these people. They Syrian people reject the extremism of both sides, and it is they our country is trying to protect from chemical weapons.

I did not see you jackasses posting videos of the Al Qaeda atrocities in Iraq and try to pin them on Bush for throwing out Hussein.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And is Al Qaeda in charge in Iraq today?


Speaking of people on their knees...stop gobbling Putin's cock. You are his bitch. His little useful idiot.
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Doesn't look like the Syrian people want our "concern" or "protection".

‘Hands off’: Syrians form human shields outside possible US strike targets

Those are Alawite supporters of Assad the chemical warfare criminal, moron.
Obama likes it.

I know what's missing. A snappy name.

You know along the lines of Kelly's Heroes or the Dirty Dozen but with an Islamic ring to it.

Something all the liberals can get behind. Maybe a theme song too.

"Stop Draggin My Heart Around" by Stevie and Tom would work. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. That would go with the video testarosa put up earlier.



[ame=]DIO -''Eat Your Heart Out'' - YouTube[/ame]

Oooh. I like.

Snappy name time for team Obama. Think "Kelly's Heroes" but with a radical Islamist ring to it.

Doesn't look like the Syrian people want our "concern" or "protection".

‘Hands off’: Syrians form human shields outside possible US strike targets

Those are Alawite supporters of Assad the chemical warfare criminal, moron.

It's the paid terrorists aka rebels who have already been named by the United Nations for using Sarin.

The UN Chemical Weapons team put that out there a couple of months ago.

To date no one has proved Assad has used WMD's.

Deal with it.

Hey if you are thrilled with the *cough* rebels you are backing, you know the crazy guys who rape and pillage and cut the hearts out of soldiers and eat them be happy.

You are on Team Obama's side. The barbarians. And there is video and there are photos.
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Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times

SOME Syrian rebels. There are many factions involved. I know you are desperate to paint all the rebels with the same black and white brush, but it does not work that way, simpleton.

The Syrian people are not these people. They Syrian people reject the extremism of both sides, and it is they our country is trying to protect from chemical weapons.

I did not see you jackasses posting videos of the Al Qaeda atrocities in Iraq and try to pin them on Bush for throwing out Hussein.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And is Al Qaeda in charge in Iraq today?


Speaking of people on their knees...stop gobbling Putin's cock. You are his bitch. His little useful idiot.

Wow, pathetic Warmonger meltdown there. Chill out, your bloodthirst for death & carnage will be quenched real soon. Be patient there little nutter.
Doesn't look like the Syrian people want our "concern" or "protection".

‘Hands off’: Syrians form human shields outside possible US strike targets

Those are Alawite supporters of Assad the chemical warfare criminal, moron.

I have read they include students and people of Syria from all walks of life. They are people who love their country and who do not want it bombed by foreign invaders. There would be Americans doing the same if we were facing attacks from an outside country as Syria is.
Those are our friends, the ones we want to arm and put in power in Syria. How dare anyone criticize these courageous warriors standing against Syrias Hitler?

That's right ****, those are EXACTLY who we want to put in power. :cuckoo:

Actually you fucking pile of shit asshole, how come you support the same types of muslim extremists like hamas and hezbollah, you hypocritical fucking turd?

Pssssssssssst. Try decaff.

She's being a smart ass.

Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

The Syrian rebels posed casually, standing over their prisoners with firearms pointed down at the shirtless and terrified men.

The prisoners, seven in all, were captured Syrian soldiers. Five were trussed, their backs marked with red welts. They kept their faces pressed to the dirt as the rebels’ commander recited a bitter revolutionary verse.

"For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”

The moment the poem ended, the commander, known as “the Uncle,” fired a bullet into the back of the first prisoner’s head. His gunmen followed suit, promptly killing all the men at their feet...

Syrian Rebels Execute 7 Soldiers - Video - The New York Times

SOME Syrian rebels. There are many factions involved. I know you are desperate to paint all the rebels with the same black and white brush, but it does not work that way, simpleton.

The Syrian people are not these people. They Syrian people reject the extremism of both sides, and it is they our country is trying to protect from chemical weapons.

I did not see you jackasses posting videos of the Al Qaeda atrocities in Iraq and try to pin them on Bush for throwing out Hussein.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And is Al Qaeda in charge in Iraq today?


Speaking of people on their knees...stop gobbling Putin's cock. You are his bitch. His little useful idiot.

Wow, pathetic Warmonger meltdown there. Chill out, your bloodthirst for death & carnage will be quenched real soon. Be patient there little nutter.

g5000 is melting down faster than Chernobyl did. :)

I love the reactions of libs when they have to come face to face with the reality of this situation.

They have to come out of Obama's Neverland to face that one more time Obama is willing to turn over a stable country in the ME to radical Islamic Jihadists.


It's not good enough that he gave Egypt to the hardline MB by creating a vacuum left by his pressuring of Mubarak to leave office.

It's not good enough that Libya has turned into a lawless land run by militias.

No. Now he wants to hand Syria over to AQ's Syrian branch Al Nusra and the FSA who are just as freaking radical.

And he's negotiating with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Something really stinks in Denmark over this pattern.
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As long as we're backing the "good guys..."

What a clusterfuck...

Remember that we backed Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran and the Taliban in their war against Russia, so who we consider the "good guys" depends on the circumstance at any particular moment.
SOME Syrian rebels. There are many factions involved. I know you are desperate to paint all the rebels with the same black and white brush, but it does not work that way, simpleton.

The Syrian people are not these people. They Syrian people reject the extremism of both sides, and it is they our country is trying to protect from chemical weapons.

I did not see you jackasses posting videos of the Al Qaeda atrocities in Iraq and try to pin them on Bush for throwing out Hussein.

Hypocrites in the extreme.

And is Al Qaeda in charge in Iraq today?


Speaking of people on their knees...stop gobbling Putin's cock. You are his bitch. His little useful idiot.

Wow, pathetic Warmonger meltdown there. Chill out, your bloodthirst for death & carnage will be quenched real soon. Be patient there little nutter.

g5000 is melting down faster than Chernobyl did. :)

I love the reactions of libs when they have to come face to face with the reality of this situation.

They have to come out of Obama's Neverland to face that one more time Obama is willing to turn over a stable country in the ME to radical Islamic Jihadists.


It's not good enough that he gave Egypt to the hardline MB by creating a vacuum left by his pressuring of Mubarak to leave office.

It's not good enough that Libya has turned into a lawless land run by militias.

No. Now he wants to hand Syria over to AQ's Syrian branch Al Nusra and the FSA who are just as freaking radical.

And he's negotiating with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Something really stinks in Denmark over this pattern.

We did not have our government trying to back anyone that was committing atrocities... When we removed Saddam after his repeated violations of the cease fire agreement, we were not asking to arm AlQ... Obamalama and the pro-intervention people now are trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes when painting the picture of those he wants to 'help'...

NEITHER side in this should have any help in arms.. NOW, if we somehow wanted to send some humanitarian aid of some sort, I can KIND OF see that, even though I am not really keen on foreign aid when we are running record debt and deficit, but it is preferable to arming any of these fucks or bombing Syria because some Syrians gassed other Syrians and other Syrians shot other Syrians etc
I'm perplexed by Obama's support of bombing Syria. And Kerry's pompous attitude is so grating.

I'm glad most liberals are opposed to this stupid idea of bombing Syria. I was afraid that there'd be a lot of "well, he's a Democrat so it's okay" from liberals. It's not okay.

There are other ways to go after Assad for his use of chemical weapons. And the chances of helping vile Islamists take Syria over is a real problem.

We should not bomb Syria over WMD, and the same goes for Iran.
OP- sorry, there are good rebels in Syria, and we are going to arm them...after grounding Assad's jets....

You attack Syria you are breaking International law. That's just for starters.

And anytime you want to share with the rest of the class who the "good" rebels are feel free to do so.

Come on now. Don't be shy. Who are they?

wait now international law matters?
is there anything you morons wont flip on in order to bash Obama?You are trash.

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