Meet The Managers Set To Present the Fastest Impeachment Based on The Weakest Case In US History


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Pelosi names Schiff, Nadler among 7 House Dems to make impeachment case against President Trump

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi:

Pelosi declared as one of her requirements to proceed with Impeachment 'bipartisanship.

- Not only did she not get 'bipartisanship', several Democrats refused to go along with the admitted political sham, one Democrat switched parties completely out of disgust

Pelosi declared she was against Impeachment of a President so close to an election because it amounted to stripping American voters of their Constitutional right to choose their own leaders....before she declared the American people can not be trusted with that decision regarding THIS President

Pelosi declared the House was 'forced' to rush at break-neck speed to remove this President from office because he was such an immediate threat to this country....and as soon as the Articles of Impeachment she slammed on the breaks and refused to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, completely exposing her claim was a lie

-During the House Judiciary Committee coup hearing, the Democrats' own Constitutional expert testified under oath and not only said the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break any law, and did NOT abuse his power, he also testified that the only ones who HAVE abused their power have been the DEMOCRATS. As if to prove Turley's testimony was accurate, Pelosi immediately refused to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate and attempted to dictate to the Senate how they would / should run their Impeachment process.


Schiff spent 2+ years lying to the American people and Congress, engaging in SEDITION by intentionally, falsely repeating the claim that he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President...only to be forced to finally admit he had no such evidence.

Schiff admitted to leaking classified information to hurt the President.

Schiff collaborated with the IC IG - WHO NOW WORKS FOR SCHIFF - to create the entire 'Ukraine Impeachment'. AFTER the DOJ reviewed the Whistle Blower complaint and DISMISSED it because there was no crime / no evidence / no witness, the IC IG changed the Whistle Blower rules that enabled the complaint to go right to Schiff who then blew it up into a House Impeachment, one the Democrats have openly declared is a POLITICAL Impeachment and does not have anything to do with an actual crime or actual 'Impeachable Offense'.

Schiff stated he and his staff had direct contact with the Whistle Blower prior to the complaint being filed, making him a 'Contact Witness', which should have mandated that he recuse himself from the entire Impeachment process in the House. Instead, Schiff - both witness and co- leader of the House Impeachment process - refused to recuse himself. Schiff also lied later about not knowing the identity of the Whistle Blower.

During the House Intel Committee coup hearings, Committee Chairman Schiff attempted to present a personally-authored fictional account of the phone call between President Trump and the current Ukraine President as EVIDENCE of criminal activity by the President. When his FALSE / MANUFACTURED evidence was challenged and identified as manufactured false evidence, Schiff and the liberal MSM quickly claimed the reading of the document before the committee had been a 'parody' intended as 'humor'.

It has come to light not long ago that Schiff has received large amounts of money from BOTH a Russian-born Arms dealer who was working with corrupt former Ukraine officials AND from Burisma, the known corrupt Ukraine energy company owned by the notorious Ukraine criminal known for working with Vladimir Putin - the same Burisma at the center of the Hunter Biden scandal - the SAME Burisma at the center of Joe Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM!


Nadler is notorious for and will go down in history for being the politician / Democrat who demanded the United Stated Attorney General - the leading law enforcement official in the entire nation - BREAK THE LAW, threatened to punish the US AG if he refused to break the law, and then successfully led the CENSURE of the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW...a law Nadler himself helped pass!

Pelosi also tapped House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.; Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo.; Val Demings, D-Fla.; Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas; and Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.

The GOP is going to have a field day with these guys.... :p

Pelosi announces House impeachment managers to prosecute case against Trump
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I think these are the House managers

She want bipartisanship?

Which of the Managers is a Republican?
Everyone knows the Trumpublicans are willing to accept the Shakedown King's corruption in demanding a foreign country publicly announce an investigation into his main political rival based of flimsy Russian propaganda.

Just like everyone knew the Democrats were willing to accept Slick's corruption of lying about a blowjob from not his wife.

Trumpublicans will own it.
Meet The Managers Set To Present the Fastest Impeachment Based on The Weakest Case In US History

Soooooooooo .... this group is going to impeach Bill Clinton, are they?

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