Meet the next Supreme court justice Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Blacks comprise 13% of population and 25% of SC. Potential overrepresentation. Libbies make up shit to bitch about which is their feelings governed method.
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The Repubs can really do a ph ukn with her and her past and family and shit. Dam! They can get everything criminally done with her family and friends. Even with much of it neutered. Drugs, abortions, misdemeanors, felonies, domestic issues, fraudulent lawsuits, playing the system for massive financial payouts, we can go on for a while. Meanwhile in East Asia, they are kicking our asses in.
This is why I keep saying Biden isn't the problem anymore. The problem now is his people he has seeded throughout the government in seats of power. Even if he was kicked out right now America would continue it's downward trend because he has poisoned the well.

The garden has too many weeds in it so simply fix it by pulling a few. And the more weeds you have the faster they get out of control.
The last pick for the court was the least qualified & the most extreme in her views. So what did you expect? John Roberts may lean corporate & right but at he is at the very least brilliant & makes an effort towards being fair. just my opinion but we have two dummies on the court & I have hope for another great mind, who was not just chosen for there political party choice. We will have to wait and see.

As promised, we all knew Biden would choose a radical left activist judge who will vote up and down the Progressive agenda for America, with a history of defending terrorists at Gitmo Bay and advocating for illegal immigrants more than American citizens.

She will be a good Uncle Tom for the Left as Blacks live in a perpetual cycle of Black on Black violence and despair in Democrat cities around the country with no hope in sight.
She has to be confirmed, and that is not at all guaranteed.
The last pick for the court was the least qualified & the most extreme in her views. So what did you expect? John Roberts may lean corporate & right but at he is at the very least brilliant & makes an effort towards being fair. just my opinion but we have two dummies on the court & I have hope for another great mind, who was not just chosen for there political party choice. We will have to wait and see.
Again, what are the qualifications again?

With her 22.2% of SC is black and 13% of the population
This over representation is so unfair I may have to find my very first own safe space
Say, does anyone remember the Left wing freak who protested when Kav had his hearing as she smeared menstrua blood all over her so the police would not want to grab her and force her to leave as she became unruly?

I tried to find an article on it but it looks as though the Left has censored all articles about it.

Just look at this old thread on another forum who cited an article that is now gone

More than likely some documentation re: the bloody situation at the Code Pink Hall of Fame...

Not because she is an uber liberal? weird, that's all I looked at in her.

RW is playing the race card, I guess.

Which of her opinions do you disagree with?

Do you believe our President should not appoint a Liberal to a 6-3 Conservative Court?

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