Meet Two Nutjob Republicans

Still don't want to talk about your candidates' pro-slavery and pro-death penalty for children positions?

C'mon Holmes YOU brought up that other shit twice, I bitched slapped you.

The only thing you bitch slap, is your dick. And I didn't bring it up.

On another note, would you care to discuss your candidates' pro-slavery and pro-death penalty for children positions?
yeah a whack job is anyone who doesn't THINK like they do..

don't ya know

In this case, a whack job is a man who believes slavery was beneficial to black people and a man who believes that misbehaving children should be put to death. Is that how you think?

Both of those characterizations are bald faced lies.

That's why no one pays attention to anything you post, dipshit.
yeah a whack job is anyone who doesn't THINK like they do..

don't ya know

In this case, a whack job is a man who believes slavery was beneficial to black people and a man who believes that misbehaving children should be put to death. Is that how you think?

Both of those characterizations are bald faced lies.

That's why no one pays attention to anything you post, dipshit.

You're an idiot. Read the candidates' own words and suck on them, you sack of shit.

From Charlie Fuqua's book, God's Law:

Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

"The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21:

This passage does not give parents blanket authority to kill their children. They must follow the proper procedure in order to have the death penalty executed against their children."

Jon Hubbard's book ,Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative :

Jon Hubbard, Arkansas Legislator, Defends Pro-Slavery Comments

“Slavery was cruel, but as a result of slavery, we have African-Americans living in this country today who are living here in situations that are probably much better to endure than if they were living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you had the choice knowing the lifestyle of people living in Africa and knowing the lifestyle of people living in the United States, which would you choose? Pure and simple.”

You should do a little research before opening your mouth.
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Poor've been bitch sallped on Fast and Furious and Solyndra.

You are an idot holmes.
Poor've been bitch sallped on Fast and Furious and Solyndra.

You are an idot holmes.

Learn to spell 'idiot' then get back to me, moron.

Would you care to discuss your candidates' pro-slavery and pro-death penalty for children positions?
Poor've been bitch sallped on Fast and Furious and Solyndra.

You are an idot holmes.

Learn to spell 'idiot' then get back to me, moron.

Would you care to discuss your candidates' pro-slavery and pro-death penalty for children positions?

Poor Jose, you just aren't very bright, do you have a green card?
-solyndra ate up 500 mn of taxpayer $$$, hello. Then the admin. allowed the contract to be re-written where in the private equity firms , yea those evil bastards like Bain capital, get paid ahead of the taxpayers when they went under.....:badgrin:

-wrong- F&F did not start under bush, that was operation Wide Receiver and they did not let guns 'walk'....

-149 dems voted too, ( as opposed to 147 reps) to cut 500 mn from a 2.3 Bn prgrm. for security, which in no way excuses the requests for more in Libya etc etc .....who told State to cut the Libyan funding despite all those requests for more from state? so the gop is responsible for Hillarys shop fucking up?

talk about being filled with holes:rolleyes:

Would any of you wingnuts care to discuss your party's pro-slavery and pro-death penalty for children candidates, or would you rather continue to deflect with off-topic nonsense?

:lol:you should have left it alone then.

you answered, you got pwned....thats the way it goes when you shoot from the lip.

The only thing you pwned is your computer monitor with the spittle you let fly at it.

woweeee, whaaaat a comeback!!!!!!! man you're so good...:razz:

In this case, a whack job is a man who believes slavery was beneficial to black people and a man who believes that misbehaving children should be put to death. Is that how you think?

Both of those characterizations are bald faced lies.

That's why no one pays attention to anything you post, dipshit.

You're an idiot. Read the candidates' own words and suck on them, you sack of shit.

From Charlie Fuqua's book, God's Law:

Charlie Fuqua, Arkansas Legislative Candidate, Endorses Death Penalty For Rebellious Children In Book

"The maintenance of civil order in society rests on the foundation of family discipline. Therefore, a child who disrespects his parents must be permanently removed from society in a way that gives an example to all other children of the importance of respect for parents. The death penalty for rebellious children is not something to be taken lightly. The guidelines for administering the death penalty to rebellious children are given in Deut 21:18-21:

This passage does not give parents blanket authority to kill their children. They must follow the proper procedure in order to have the death penalty executed against their children."

Jon Hubbard's book ,Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative :

Jon Hubbard, Arkansas Legislator, Defends Pro-Slavery Comments

“Slavery was cruel, but as a result of slavery, we have African-Americans living in this country today who are living here in situations that are probably much better to endure than if they were living in Sub-Saharan Africa. If you had the choice knowing the lifestyle of people living in Africa and knowing the lifestyle of people living in the United States, which would you choose? Pure and simple.”

You should do a little research before opening your mouth.

You appear to be the idiot here (big shock, I know). Are you familiar with the laws mentioned in Deuteronomy on the rebellious son? No? What a shock.
As for the comment about slavery, he is correct. The average American black living in the worst poverty in America enjoys a lifestyle comparable to middle class people in most of Africa. That isn't really an argument in favor of slavery today, nor does he make it such. But people like you who cannot read and understand a simple paragraph would hear that. Because you're stupid.

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