Zone1 Meeting your mate late in life.

i meet my partner when i was 28 , we were married in 2007 ,No kids But we are still together very much in love
My buddy and I were waiting on a streetcar to the barracks at Karlsplatz in Munich when a beautiful redhead got off another tram and went into a coffee shop I said we would catch another ride and went into the shop. I gathered from the shopkeeper that Red was a beautician and they were room mates. I walked over to her table and asked if she spoke English . She said ''Yes" and I asked her "When are we getting married" She told me "Tomorrow." My buddy said he was going to catch the tram so I was glad he left.
I was 2 months away from 20 and she had just turned 22. Being in Germany at that time and applying for marriage meant at least a year of background checks and interviews and denials all the way up to the Division Commander. Even though everything went OK, after 8 months of checking I had to return to the States and when the final approval came for her visa, she had to wait until 6 months after her baby was born in order for him to travel. I don't know how that happened to begin with.
To make a long story short, last month we celebrated our 62nd year of wedded bliss.
The End.
My buddy and I were waiting on a streetcar to the barracks at Karlsplatz in Munich when a beautiful redhead got off another tram and went into a coffee shop I said we would catch another ride and went into the shop. I gathered from the shopkeeper that Red was a beautician and they were room mates. I walked over to her table and asked if she spoke English . She said ''Yes" and I asked her "When are we getting married" She told me "Tomorrow." My buddy said he was going to catch the tram so I was glad he left.
I was 2 months away from 20 and she had just turned 22. Being in Germany at that time and applying for marriage meant at least a year of background checks and interviews and denials all the way up to the Division Commander. Even though everything went OK, after 8 months of checking I had to return to the States and when the final approval came for her visa, she had to wait until 6 months after her baby was born in order for him to travel. I don't know how that happened to begin with.
To make a long story short, last month we celebrated our 62nd year of wedded bliss.
The End.
"The end"?

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