Megachurch pastor and ex-Trump adviser admits child sexual abuse

Maybe we shouldn’t let GOP members or Pastors read to children in Libraries anymore. It should definitely be a crime to bring a child to a GOP event or Church. Didn’t Desantis just pass some law providing easier access in schools for these types of groomers?

Statistically these types of molesters do not stop.
He si probably still at it.
Lefties have short memories so let me remind them about the Rev. Jim Jones. Jones was the darling of the democrat party and it isn't hard to find photos of him posing with high profile democrats and even 1st Lady Roslyn Carter. Jones was truly influential in the democrat party but pretending that an obscure Dallas, Tx. Rev. was an adviser to Trump is a sign of desperation for the desperate left.
Its not saying that all republicans are paedos.. But it is clear that people like you will enable it as necessary.
The point of the reference id to show what a disgrace this chap is. He goes from advising the Prez to raping pre teens. Probably the same day.
That is shocking.
What makes him an avowed racist, because he spoke of the evil that whites have done and some continue to do to black folks in America.

Denmark Vescey was a troublemaker and race baiter.

Gabriel Prosser was a troublemaker and race baiter.

Nat Turner was a troublemaker and race baiter.

Marcus Garvey was a troublemaker and race baiter.

You called Dr King a troublemaker and race baiter.

You called Medgar Evers a troublemaker and a race baiter.

Jesse Jackson is called a race baiter and troublemaker.

Al Sharpton is called a race baiter and troublemaker.

Why is it that any black man that has ever stood up for black folks in this country is labeled as a racist, race baiter, troublemaker, communist, etc. ?
Because of good ole' American white supremacy.

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