Meghan McCain: Idea Of Gingrich Becoming Our Nominee Makes My Stomach Turn

Sour grapes is all it is with the new demented conservatives. With the likes of you people, the GOP is an embarrassment. Look at the motley group of presidential candidates!!! All losers, just like you people.
"You people"??

Yes, I thought I made it clear. The demented Republicans. If you're not one, then don't worry about it.
Sour grapes is all it is with the new demented conservatives. With the likes of you people, the GOP is an embarrassment. Look at the motley group of presidential candidates!!! All losers, just like you people.
Dementia is the exclusive province of liberal/progressive/socialists.
Obama is going to get beat by one of those losers. And even if he wins, he is going to be a 4 year lame duck because the GOP will take the Senate. Democrats left over will filibuster and stall any legislation. THEY will get the blame for lack of new legislation.
You may as well resolve yourself to the realization the there is impending doom for your side.
Oh. Who the fuck is Meghan Mc Cain? And who gives a rat's ass what comes out of her pie hole.

We'll see.
Apparently all the GOP candidates scare Jane Fonda...


Jane Fonda has long been known for her political activism, and she did not hold back when asked on Friday by CNN host Piers Morgan about her take on the GOP candidates for president.

"They all scare me frankly," Fonda said, when asked to comment on the intellectual capacity of each member of the field. "I get depressed and scared when I look at the Republican debates."

In response to Morgan seemingly singling out Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney as the smartest and least threatening of the candidates, Fonda continued to lump the presidential hopefuls together.

"I'm worried about anybody getting elected to office who says we have to do away with or privatize social security, we have to reduce medical health insurance, we have to not raise taxes," she responded. "And, oh, there's no problem with the environment, this is all made up by the left, the scientists don't really know what they're talking about -- this worries me."

More: GOP Debates: Jane Fonda 'Scared' Of Republican Candidates (VIDEO)

Oh Noes! Jane Fonda hates GOPers? Wow! This is really important news! Whatever will the GOP do? How can they live without her support?

Fucking idiot. Hanoi Jane can shove her communistic opinions where the sun don't shine.

I just knew you would have to make some comment about Jane Fonda. You're such a predictable know nothing mouthy bitch.
Sour grapes is all it is with the new demented conservatives. With the likes of you people, the GOP is an embarrassment. Look at the motley group of presidential candidates!!! All losers, just like you people.
"You people"??

Yes, I thought I made it clear. The demented Republicans. If you're not one, then don't worry about it.

The New York Times said:
Talking about the nation's economic problems, Mr. Perot said: "Financially, at least, it's going to be a long, hot summer. I don't have to tell you who gets hurt first when this sort of thing happens, do I? You, your people do. Your people do. I know that and you know that." One man called out objecting to the phrase. He called out again later when Mr. Perot said it was "your people" who suffer most from runaway crime.

Willie Clark, president of the N.A.A.C.P. branch in San Bernadino, Calif., said the overall tone of Mr. Perot's remarks and particularly his use of the phrase "your people" reflected how culturally out of touch he was with his audience.

"When he said 'you people' or 'your people,' it was like waving a red flag in front of a bull," he said. "It's something white folks have used when they don't want to call you ******, but they don't want to treat you like an equal."

Apparently all the GOP candidates scare Jane Fonda...


Jane Fonda has long been known for her political activism, and she did not hold back when asked on Friday by CNN host Piers Morgan about her take on the GOP candidates for president.

"They all scare me frankly," Fonda said, when asked to comment on the intellectual capacity of each member of the field. "I get depressed and scared when I look at the Republican debates."

In response to Morgan seemingly singling out Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney as the smartest and least threatening of the candidates, Fonda continued to lump the presidential hopefuls together.

"I'm worried about anybody getting elected to office who says we have to do away with or privatize social security, we have to reduce medical health insurance, we have to not raise taxes," she responded. "And, oh, there's no problem with the environment, this is all made up by the left, the scientists don't really know what they're talking about -- this worries me."

More: GOP Debates: Jane Fonda 'Scared' Of Republican Candidates (VIDEO)
Looking good at 74.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

She speaks the truth. He has no appeal to the middle.
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Who is Mehgan McCain and why should I give a fuck what she thinks?
By Meghan McCain

I consider myself an optimistic person. Even though we are in the midst of a terrible recession, I still think America’s glory days are ahead of us. After spending most of my life around politics, I still believe that politicians run for office to serve their country and try to change things for the better. However, do you know one of the few things that can make me a cynic? Politicians with a history of ethically questionable behavior who miraculously reinvent themselves as the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Politicians with a history of corruption who think people who question their history “don’t have a clue” about America and what is right for our country. I am, of course, referring to Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn. What exactly are we doing as a party? How is it possible that out of all the great politicians in the GOP—and all of the imperfect, but still admirable, politicians running—this is the guy we’re left with?

If we nominate Gingrich, we lose to President Obama.

More: Meghan McCain on Why Newt Gingrich Can't Beat Obama

Who is Mehgan McCain and why should I give a fuck what she thinks?

She's got decent tits... other than that.... whatever.
What's really amusing is that she likes Bachmann who is alot more conservative than Newt.

What has she said about her dad's candidacy in retrospect?

Hearing that would help me decide whether I'd want to listen to anything else she had to say.
Why should anyone care what she had to say, one way or the other, any more than any other brain dead celebutard?

agreed. if Chelsea Clinton became an at large pundit spending almost all of her hot air on trashing democrats, she would not have near the megaphone this woman has.

Its the flip side of why the media ever gave McCain any love and hailed him as a maverick, was only when he was trashing the gop, when he went against dems he was a crazy old coot. this shit is so old. Look at how they treated their own maverick, Lieberman.

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