Melania - you go girl

Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
just leave the kids out of it. period. either side. no exceptions.
She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'
I bet a $100 someone wrote that statement for her, she is too dumb....and where was she when her husband insults everyone ? Stupid gold digger she is
Correction. She speaks five.

"The first lady is a polyglot as she picked up several languages during the course of her modeling career.

According to Vox, in addition to English and her native Slovene, Melania also speaks Serbo-Croatian, Italian, German and French. Her son, Barron, knows English, Slovenian, and she has been teaching him French as well."

Now, don't you feel stupid?
Nope she doesn't it was debunked. You asked me if I spoke 4 and I told you I'm fluent in 5. Anything else?
She also have people write what she has to say, she is a dumb gold digger nothing more nothing else.
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
just leave the kids out of it. period. either side. no exceptions.

Sure. But AGAIN ---- nobody brought a kid INTO it.

As in post 23, which was never answered. Because it can't be.
She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'
I bet a $100 someone wrote that statement for her, she is too dumb....and where was she when her husband insults everyone ? Stupid gold digger she is
Correction. She speaks five.

"The first lady is a polyglot as she picked up several languages during the course of her modeling career.

According to Vox, in addition to English and her native Slovene, Melania also speaks Serbo-Croatian, Italian, German and French. Her son, Barron, knows English, Slovenian, and she has been teaching him French as well."

Now, don't you feel stupid?
Nope she doesn't it was debunked. You asked me if I spoke 4 and I told you I'm fluent in 5. Anything else?
She also have people write what she has to say, she is a dumb gold digger nothing more nothing else.
you Leftwingers.....all and each one of you....are so full of hate.....

you are sick!

you are scum!
B-a-r-r-o-n. Two R's.

Get that tattooed on yourself so ya don't forget it before you attack others.

all these loser socialists.....answering there is no tomorrow.

disgusting creatures....

Hear that? It used to be "Reading is fundamental". Now it's "disgusting".

like it has been said

leave the children out of this...

what scum you are

Once Again AGAIN --- see post 64, which sees back to post 23. THERE AIN'T NO CHILDREN IN IT. Unless you're calling Rump a child, in which case you'll get no argument from me.
She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'
I bet a $100 someone wrote that statement for her, she is too dumb....and where was she when her husband insults everyone ? Stupid gold digger she is
Correction. She speaks five.

"The first lady is a polyglot as she picked up several languages during the course of her modeling career.

According to Vox, in addition to English and her native Slovene, Melania also speaks Serbo-Croatian, Italian, German and French. Her son, Barron, knows English, Slovenian, and she has been teaching him French as well."

Now, don't you feel stupid?
Guuuuuuys bear witness, this fool claims Melania speaks five ok let's start with Italian.
She meets kids say the universal hello , how are you and then speaks to the kids in english that called fluent ? Proof ?
Minute 5:50

She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'
I bet a $100 someone wrote that statement for her, she is too dumb....and where was she when her husband insults everyone ? Stupid gold digger she is
Correction. She speaks five.

"The first lady is a polyglot as she picked up several languages during the course of her modeling career.

According to Vox, in addition to English and her native Slovene, Melania also speaks Serbo-Croatian, Italian, German and French. Her son, Barron, knows English, Slovenian, and she has been teaching him French as well."

Now, don't you feel stupid?
Nope she doesn't it was debunked. You asked me if I spoke 4 and I told you I'm fluent in 5. Anything else?
She also have people write what she has to say, she is a dumb gold digger nothing more nothing else.
I challenge you to show a video of melania speaking German, Italian or French fluently got all day.
She is fluent at taking nude picture and lying about having a college degree though.
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
She was just protecting her son from being the butt of jokes. She's a good mom and a very classy First Lady.
Well, I'm thinking that's a bit of an stretch. Again, a mistake for her to say that? Yeah, ok, I'll give you that, but to make a major issue out of it, nah, I'm not seeing that.

She made the comment with intent toward trump, not barron.

Besides that, the only people who would make personal jokes against a 13 year old barron would most likely those on the left, which would expose a major character flaw.
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
The right attacked Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama. But say Barron's name and rightards throw a shit storm.
Link us up to a Republican called witness who slammed a minor child of a President in a Congressional Hearing, Sport.

I’ll wait.
That's just it, karlan didnt slam barron, she was slamming trump. I just dont see how this is a big deal.

So, she used Barron's name, because if his name, that's it. She apologized, realized maybe she shouldnt have brought barrons name into it, let it go.

I really don't think she was trying to do harm to barron, just that his name fit in her analogy.
She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'
I bet a $100 someone wrote that statement for her, she is too dumb....and where was she when her husband insults everyone ? Stupid gold digger she is
Correction. She speaks five.

"The first lady is a polyglot as she picked up several languages during the course of her modeling career.

According to Vox, in addition to English and her native Slovene, Melania also speaks Serbo-Croatian, Italian, German and French. Her son, Barron, knows English, Slovenian, and she has been teaching him French as well."

Now, don't you feel stupid?
Nope she doesn't it was debunked. You asked me if I spoke 4 and I told you I'm fluent in 5. Anything else?
She also have people write what she has to say, she is a dumb gold digger nothing more nothing else.
You couldn't find one video to back the claims of the gold digger.

Here is a vide ina French school, where she says bonjour and she proceeds in her broken ass language....fuck even her husband struggles with English. Hahaha

Fluent in French my ass.
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
Just like shitforbrains ad libbing the phone call

Just like bringing KFC to a hearing and placing a chicken figurine
in the empty chair designated for the US Attorney General

This isn't a fucking joke
The very people who profess Trump is an embarrassment
are an embarrassment them damn selves

It's like a bunch of fucking kids, it's pathetic

All these idiots have shown their true colors
I expect/ed Trump's behavior/disposition/demeanor
I didn't expect worse, if no better, from the rest

Honestly, I'd like to beat the shit out of some of them

Maybe if you pull your head out of your ass
you can see better....or just open your mouth
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
The right attacked Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama. But say Barron's name and rightards throw a shit storm.
It's the same for all you dimwits. Y'all don't give a fuck about the kids, it's just another weapon in your arsenal.

And before you get stupid, I defended the Obama girls AND his wife regularly on this board.

I may be an ass but even I have boundaries.
Eh...I don't know. It's not like she was saying anything bad about barron. She was really attacking trump in this and only used Barron because of his name. I'm just not seeing the outrage here. Had she said something disparaging about barron, I could see it, but this wasnt that.

What am I not seeing here?
The right attacked Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton, Malia and Sasha Obama. But say Barron's name and rightards throw a shit storm.

They weren’t brought up neat as much as President Trumps kids. Even though Amy Carter was a pig, Malia is a druggy and alcoholic. So quit your snowflake crying.

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She may not be able to become president, but she sure the hell would get my vote.

Melania Trump slams impeachment witness: 'you should be ashamed'

The woman said nothing disparaging about her son, or even untoward. All she said was that Trump was not a king. That he could name his son Barron, but he could not make him a baron.

I mean conservatives publically questioned whether Chelsea Clinton was Bill's daughter or not when she was a teenager.

Your a libtard You would think that way.

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Melania should stick to porn.

Yah but porn while reading Michelle Obama's speeches doesn't do much for me....
You peeps still worried about Mooch and Barry? That's over and done with. Move on.

The only idiots that need to move on is you libtards. I hope you like saying President Trump because you Assholes will be saying it till 2024. Keep creating fake ways to get the President impeached. You Snowflakes need to get over it.

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