Melania's Crows: American Drugs(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What kinds of patriotic rhetoric should we expect from TrumpUSA citizens?

Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron) is the first 'celebrity-president' since Ronald Reagan (a movie-star). Will Trumponomics be considered as 'gloomy' as Reaganomics? How will TrumpUSA citizens be considered (in terms of dependency on bazaar-candy) in relation to citizens of Reagan's America?

Will TrumpUSA citizens be considered 'consumerism patriots' by future historians/sociologists?

What do you think?



"My name is Ajay Satan. I'm a radical Internet-blogger and dress up in colorful/outlandish vigilantism-themed costumes for democracy-themed self-portrait photos in my posts about political criticism, political cartoons, and populism rhetoric in modern America ('TrumpUSA'). I'm a fan of the Trump Administration but I try to keep 'tabs' on President Trump's politics of consumerism and how it informs pedestrian ideals. I wonder if the First Lady (Melania Trump), for example, is intrigued by everyday chatter about capitalism-consciousness."


"I collect toy-guns, vintage postage-stamps, and comic books, since these iconic/ornamental items in the American 'bazaar' capture a special social fascination with the imagination of society couture/aesthetics. Such items reflect Americans' interest in praising the 'idealism' behind consumerism culture and help us feel more 'optimistic' about our Wall Street and Burger King universe. I've been collecting these items and making blogs about Christian values found in TrumpUSA and what citizens feel they can do to promote more democratic dialogue in everyday life."


"Two months ago, I had a strange/eerie dream in which I was being followed/haunted by the spirit/specter of a strange black-haired woman, resembling someone I met in a science lab I worked at in California in the late 1990s(!). This woman seemed to be 'urging' me to write more passionately/convincingly about the problems in TrumpUSA and those associated with capitalism arrogance. When I awoke from this eerie dream in a cold sweat, I decided to go to the library to do more formal research on capitalism culture, and I swore I saw the specter/spirit of the haunting woman from my dream-sleep, and she seemed to be wanting to send me some kind of doomsayer-omen(!)."


"I decided to make a blog with me dressed up as a Scarecrow(!) and holding my soccer trophy from my youth (wearing gloves) and offering a peace-sign with my hand/fingers. The blog was about Scarecrow talking about the virtue of TrumpUSA citizens considering the consumerism/media/entertainment value of sports-marketing in this new age of capitalism-driven networks (e.g., European Union). Sports, after all, encourage peaceful competitive behaviors which can help humanity appreciate how marketing can be both thrilling and non-violent (e.g., PyeongChang Olympics)."


"I got so many positive comments/feedback about my Scarecrow/sports blog on the Internet that I decided to return to that library where I encountered that haunting spirit/specter of the eerie woman I saw in my dream-sleep experience(!). I was in the lower level of the library where I saw the woman-specter before I wrote my Scarecrow/sports blog and looking for a special book about the history of politics in European sports. I was eager to see that woman-specter again, hoping she'd congratulate me for my globalization-idealistic blog. Meanwhile, I found a terrific book at that library about Dutch soccer and Dutch politics (e.g., Apartheid)."


"Suddenly, I saw the woman-specter again, and this time, she was smiling(!). She was obviously pleased by my Scarecrow/sports blog and wanted to praise me, so I grabbed the excellent Dutch soccer/politics book I found and waved to the woman-specter peacefully (acknowledging her happiness towards me!) and then ran upstairs to depart from the library with my Dutch soccer/politics book. I went home and then drew a color-pencil child-like drawing/doodle of the Marvel Comics urban terrorist/villain Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) for my new blog about 'American anarchy.' I believe TrumpUSA can become a 'soapbox' for pedestrian/patriotic drama."




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