Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'


Mar 12, 2012
or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
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or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?
Some say Seal is gay. That in itself is fine by me. As long as he doesn't try to convince the rest of us to join his lifestyle.

or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?
somehow, i fully expected such a post from those such as you. perhaps you should go read the part where i said it was not a choice but a genetic attribute.

i am secure enough with my sexuality that your remarks do not threaten me. if people want to think i am gay based upon my objecting to the murders of two kids at a tel aviv gay youth center then it says far, far more about them than it says about me.

my lifestyle includes promoting equal rights for people and to fight for that. i don't want and don't need people with attitudes such as yours to join me in that fight.

thank you.
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or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?

i have no evidence that arab gays would rather live in israel or, if they do, what their reasons would be. you of course, being a man of christian integrity and given to the truth will produce such evidence from a neitral and objective study.

i have objected to the mistreatment of and discrimination against gays, women, racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic minorities, the disabled, the elderly when i come across it. the treatment of gays and women in some muslim countries is deplorable. i would be perhaps more inclined to mention it were not those who rant and rave about it such haters themselves and only bring it up to demonise others.

also, and very importantly, this is the israel/palestine forum and that is something you fail completely to grasp. perhaps you are very stupid, and i cannot hold that against you as intelligence too is a genetic attribute. instead though, i think it is more a case of your being a mean and bigoted person, things you can contril bit fail to do so.

would you mind horribly not disrupting the board with your attention demanding, petty little posts. they really are nothing more than spamming the board, which i believe is against the rules.

thank you in advance for your consideration.
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The bold = :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stop it with your bullshit please, I can't take any more laughing, I'm gonna have a heart attack !

How the hell can ONE person be full of so much shit, I mean really? I don't even think you are fooling yourself hahaha
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or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?

i have no evidence that arab gays would rather live in israel or, if they do, what their reasons would be. you of course, being a man of christian integrity and given to the truth will produce such evidence from a neitral and objective study.

i have objected to the mistreatment of and discrimination against gays, women, racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic minorities, the disabled, the elderly when i come across it. the treatment of gays and women in some muslim countries is deplorable. i would be perhaps more inclined to mention it were not those who rant and rave about it such haters themselves and only bring it up to demonise others.

also, and very importantly, this is the israel/palestine forum and that is something you fail completely to grasp. perhaps you are very srupid, and i cannot hold that against you as intelligence too is a genetic attribute. instead though, i think it is more a case of your being a mean and bigoted person, things you can contril bit fail to do so.

would you mind horribly not disrupting the board with your attention demanding, petty little posts. they really are nothing more than spamming the board, which i believe is against the rules.

thank you in advance for your consideration.

Perhaps you are very what ??? :cuckoo:
or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
Ha ha ha. Have you checked the treatment of gays by Palestinians and Muslims? Or are you just praying that people don't really know?

In a day and age where gays are being killed and tortured by Muslims, Bigot boy Jew hater here can only look towards Jews. Hilarious! Keep 'em coming....
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Some say Seal is gay. That in itself is fine by me. As long as he doesn't try to convince the rest of us to join his lifestyle.

somehow, i fully expected such a post from those such as you. perhaps you should go read the part where i said it was not a choice but a genetic attribute.

i am secure enough with my sexuality that your remarks do not threaten me. if people want to think i am gay based upon my objecting to the murders of two kids at a tel aviv gay youth center then it says far, far more about them than it says about me.

my lifestyle includes promoting equal rights for people and to fight for that. i don't want and don't need people with attitudes such as yours to join me in that fight.

thank you.
Hey Squeal, tell the truth, while Israel has tolerance for gays and holds gay pride parades, Hamas and the Paletinians are busy trying to kill them.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?

i have no evidence that arab gays would rather live in israel or, if they do, what their reasons would be. you of course, being a man of christian integrity and given to the truth will produce such evidence from a neitral and objective study.

i have objected to the mistreatment of and discrimination against gays, women, racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic minorities, the disabled, the elderly when i come across it. the treatment of gays and women in some muslim countries is deplorable. i would be perhaps more inclined to mention it were not those who rant and rave about it such haters themselves and only bring it up to demonise others.

also, and very importantly, this is the israel/palestine forum and that is something you fail completely to grasp. perhaps you are very srupid, and i cannot hold that against you as intelligence too is a genetic attribute. instead though, i think it is more a case of your being a mean and bigoted person, things you can contril bit fail to do so.

would you mind horribly not disrupting the board with your attention demanding, petty little posts. they really are nothing more than spamming the board, which i believe is against the rules.

thank you in advance for your consideration.

Perhaps you are very what ??? :cuckoo:
...srupid. Now stop making racist comments.
I wonder if Seal can tell us why Arab gays like to live in Israel whereas they are afraid they will be murdered in Muslim countries. I guess when Seal sees pictures of Gays hanging at the end of a rope in Iran with their dead bodies swinging in the breeze, he thinks "Now how can I blame the Jews for this?" Isn't it strange that Seal never showed his concern or compassion for Gays before even though Gays have been harassed and murdered right and left in the Arab world?

i have no evidence that arab gays would rather live in israel or, if they do, what their reasons would be. you of course, being a man of christian integrity and given to the truth will produce such evidence from a neitral and objective study.

i have objected to the mistreatment of and discrimination against gays, women, racial, religious, cultural, and ethnic minorities, the disabled, the elderly when i come across it. the treatment of gays and women in some muslim countries is deplorable. i would be perhaps more inclined to mention it were not those who rant and rave about it such haters themselves and only bring it up to demonise others.

also, and very importantly, this is the israel/palestine forum and that is something you fail completely to grasp. perhaps you are very srupid, and i cannot hold that against you as intelligence too is a genetic attribute. instead though, i think it is more a case of your being a mean and bigoted person, things you can contril bit fail to do so.

would you mind horribly not disrupting the board with your attention demanding, petty little posts. they really are nothing more than spamming the board, which i believe is against the rules.

thank you in advance for your consideration.

Perhaps you are very what ??? :cuckoo:

LOL...i figure someone with your extraordinary detectiving skills would recognise that the "r" key is to the immediate left of the "t" key and that perhaps it was a typo, but perhaps i overestimated your intelligence.

i will change it right away to accomodate your sensitivities, and with my apologies.

thank you.
or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
Ha ha ha. Have you checked the treatment of gays by Palestinians and Muslims? Or are you just praying that people don't really know?

In a day and age where gays are being killed and tortured by Muslims, Bogor boy Jew hater here can only look towards Jews. Hilarious! Keep 'em coming....

my post was originally in the israel/palestine forum and taken from an israeli jewish newspaper. in my opening comment i made a statement that homophobia needs to stop in israel (as the incident occurred in tel aviv) and around the world. the last time i checked palestine was part of this world and muslims, unless you can produce contrary evidence, were earthlings.

when asked by the person who seems to think that the entire muslim world is located within the indefined borders of palestine/israel, i adressed that issue, again condemning homophobia i imagine there is a homophope perhaps on some ice station on the north pole. i condemn him or her position as well.

i think it is extraordinary sad commentary that a post about the reaction to an incident where two young people, (either gay or supporters or gay friends) were killed is not treaated with a discussion worthy of the problem but strays to diversions about the muslim world and allegations about my own sexuality.

i apologise for not being more sensitive to the needs of those who responded to my post by not acknowledging that the killing of gays in israel is perfectly kosher as long as it doesn't exceed the number of gays killed in iran.

thank you for your concern and compassion.
or russia. i glanced very quickly and at first thought this might be about the olympics.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia'

Tel Aviv mayor, MKs on hand for ceremony marking fourth anniversary of deadly shooting spree at gay youth center. 'Attitude towards the members of the community has not improved,' activist says

Itay Blumenthal Published: 08.03.13, 23:25 / Israel News

A few weeks after the Barnoar murder case was solved, dozens of people marked Saturday evening the fourth anniversary of the shooting spree at the gay youth center in central Tel Aviv, which left two people dead and 11 injured.

Many of those on hand criticized the government's refusal to define the shooting as a hate crime. "Despite common perception, the attitude towards the members of the community has not improved," said Michal Sher, an LGBT helpline volunteer who presented data indicating that violence against gays was still rampant in Israel.

Memorial for Barnoar victims: 'Eradicate homophobia' - Israel News, Ynetnews

people really do have to begin to understand that being gay is not a lifestyle choice or a sin against god. it is a genetically determined attribute and attacks on homosexuals need to be treated as hate crimes in israel and around the world.
Ha ha ha. Have you checked the treatment of gays by Palestinians and Muslims? Or are you just praying that people don't really know?

In a day and age where gays are being killed and tortured by Muslims, Bogor boy Jew hater here can only look towards Jews. Hilarious! Keep 'em coming....

my post was originally in the israel/palestine forum and taken from an israeli jewish newspaper. in my opening comment i made a statement that homophobia needs to stop in israel (as the incident occurred in tel aviv) and around the world. the last time i checked palestine was part of this world and muslims, unless you can produce contrary evidence, were earthlings.

when asked by the person who seems to think that the entire muslim world is located within the indefined borders of palestine/israel, i adressed that issue, again condemning homophobia i imagine there is a homophope perhaps on some ice station on the north pole. i condemn him or her position as well.

i think it is extraordinary sad commentary that a post about the reaction to an incident where two young people, (either gay or supporters or gay friends) were killed is not treaated with a discussion worthy of the problem but strays to diversions about the muslim world and allegations about my own sexuality.

i apologise for not being more sensitive to the needs of those who responded to my post by not acknowledging that the killing of gays in israel is perfectly kosher as long as it doesn't exceed the number of gays killed in iran.

thank you for your concern and compassion.
Actually Israel is one of the most tolerant countries towards gays.

If you're concerned, You'll find the worst savagery and barbarism towards gays in Muslim societies. But we all know that your fake concern for gays emanates from your hatred of Jews, just like your fake concern for the Palestinians. :clap:

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