Memphis Police Allow Kidnapping Suspect to Refuse to ID Location of Victim

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Funny. That's what I say about some posters in this thread. Why would I be called "a regular F. Lee Bailey" ? Because I want to get the location of the woman ASAP, and try to save her, if she's still alive ?


Take a look the comment of yours that I responded to, and try to put 20 and 2 together...

Take a look the comment of yours that I responded to, and try to put 20 and 2 together...
I've seen all I need to see. The woman could still be alive, and the cops are screwing up by letting the dirtbag call the shots. Take him to the woodchipper.
If you want to talk about the constitution, cite what part of it and how it applies to this case.

In the meantime, here's a question for you. Suppose a captured jihadist tells cops that a nuclear bomb is going to explode in New York City (which has extremely high population density) tomorrow. Has capability of killing MILLIONS of people instantly.

Cops could stop it if they knew where to go. Jihadist says he knows, but refuses to tell them. You beat it out of him, or you let millions of people die ? (millions more after radiation spreads).
You've not read the 6th Amendment, I take it.
I suggest what I mentioned in the OP. Electric shocks to the genitals is more painful and the wood chipper is more frightening.
In any case, the point of reference and concern should be the VICTIM, not the Criminal.
Sorry but doing anything to the suspect would allow him to walk on the charges, besides like was already said she is likely already dead or he would give her up.
I've seen all I need to see. The woman could still be alive, and the cops are screwing up by letting the dirtbag call the shots. Take him to the woodchipper.

How stupid.

Kill him, and she's still alive, and you've eliminated every chance you ever would've had of finding her, and she'll die.

You really need to think this shit through...
You've not read the 6th Amendment, I take it.

Amendment VI​

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Yeah, so what about it ?
You mean a "decent, religious, decent place" where people get tortured by the police in order to get them to talk?
YEAH, in order to save the life of the victim, whom you seem to have no interest or sympathy for.

And I haven't seen any answer to my question of Post # 45 >> " captured jihadist tells cops that a nuclear bomb is going to explode in New York City tomorrow. Has capability of killing MILLIONS of people instantly."
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YEAH, in order to save the life of the victim, whom you seem to have no interest or sympathy for.

And I haven't seen any answer to my question of Post # 45 >> " captured jihadist tells cops that a nuclear bomb is going to explode in New York City tomorrow. Has capability of killing MILLIONS of people instantly."
I don't know about your country, but we aren't supposed to torture.
Sorry but doing anything to the suspect would allow him to walk on the charges, besides like was already said she is likely already dead or he would give her up.
1. There are plenty of ways Abston could have been forced to reveal the victim's location, without any marks being made on him, and without any way for him to prove anything about it.
2. Nobody knew if victim was dead or alive, and since it was onky confirmed that they found her dead on Tuesday, and cops had Abston in custody on Saturday, there was a 3 day gap (72 hours) in which she could have been alive some of that time, and possibly could have been rescued.
3. In a press conference held today, the Memphis cops claimed that they did everythng they could to locate and try to save Eliza. No, they didn't. They put their priority preference on the criminal suspect, not the victim.
How stupid.

Kill him, and she's still alive, and you've eliminated every chance you ever would've had of finding her, and she'll die.

You really need to think this shit through...
Wow. You are a conclusion jumper, I see. I never said anything about killing anybody. Why do you ?
And I think YOU are who needs to do the more thinking. And the more sympathizing with the victim, rather than the criminal suspect.
I don't know about your country, but we aren't supposed to torture.
What we are "supposed" to do, should be relevant to the circumstances. I will take your answer to be that you would let millions of people die in a nuclear blast, rather than force a terrorist to talk.
What we are "supposed" to do, should be relevant to the circumstances. I will take your answer to be that you would let millions of people die in a nuclear blast, rather than force a terrorist to talk.
Once you allow torture there is no stopping who when or why it is used and it is proven that torture provides false confessions and statements to be made
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