Memphis Police Allow Kidnapping Suspect to Refuse to ID Location of Victim

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Because I'm not familiar with the Abu Ghraib, and don't know if you are either. I DO know that the suggestion I made here would work, and could have possibly saved Eliza Fletcher's life.

Why haven't YOU responded to Post # 216. (more related to the TOPIC of this thread)

The problem with our conversation is this. You keep creating theoretical scenarios in which you. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt to say you honestly believe. You honestly believe Torture would work.

I keep presenting you with real situations in which torture did not work.

I present information from actual interrogators. People who question other people for a living. You reject it. You question what makes them experts.

I give you statistics in which empathy and understanding is 14 times more effective than torture. You ignore this.

You keep coming up with the fictional to counter the factual. I’m not sure what to say.

You won’t debate the issue. That speaks loudly to your integrity and intelligence.

Instead you come up with an insulting scenario where I supposedly am kidnapped and make a cell phone call to police to tell them not to torture the suspect. You don’t even realize how idiotic the scenario is.

If I could call the cops on a cell phone they would know right where I was.

Cell Phones have had mandated GPS chips since the end of the 20th Century.

I keep waiting for you to come up with a relevant argument based not in your fevered B-Movie delusions but in fact. I suspect you are incapable.
The problem with our conversation is this. You keep creating theoretical scenarios in which you. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt to say you honestly believe. You honestly believe Torture would work.

I keep presenting you with real situations in which torture did not work.

I present information from actual interrogators. People who question other people for a living. You reject it. You question what makes them experts.

I give you statistics in which empathy and understanding is 14 times more effective than torture. You ignore this.

You keep coming up with the fictional to counter the factual. I’m not sure what to say.

You won’t debate the issue. That speaks loudly to your integrity and intelligence.

Instead you come up with an insulting scenario where I supposedly am kidnapped and make a cell phone call to police to tell them not to torture the suspect. You don’t even realize how idiotic the scenario is.

If I could call the cops on a cell phone they would know right where I was.

Cell Phones have had mandated GPS chips since the end of the 20th Century.

I keep waiting for you to come up with a relevant argument based not in your fevered B-Movie delusions but in fact. I suspect you are incapable.
You rarely post anything that is consistent with what is correct. I gave you a HYPOTHETICAL scenario, that I created. The part about the cell phone location is irrelevant to the thrust of the post (and you're probably smart enough to know that so I question your credibility). Oh, OK wanna use homing pigeons then ? That's not what were talking about.

The POINT is that you would care more about this worthless, disgusting, subhuman barbarian, than you do about a decent, innocent mother whose safety and life is in question, with very limited time to act to save her.

Oh, so it's the Constitution, is it ? And nothing is above the Constitution, right ? Yes there is. It is COMMON SENSE, and the need to save an innocent person's (and a mother) LIFE. And I've been debating this all week long, and your little techy talks don't sway my argument one iota.
You rarely post anything that is consistent with what is correct. I gave you a HYPOTHETICAL scenario, that I created. The part about the cell phone location is irrelevant to the thrust of the post (and you're probably smart enough to know that so I question your credibility). Oh, OK wanna use homing pigeons then ? That's not what were talking about.

The POINT is that you would care more about this worthless, disgusting, subhuman barbarian, than you do about a decent, innocent mother whose safety and life is in question, with very limited time to act to save her.

Oh, so it's the Constitution, is it ? And nothing is above the Constitution, right ? Yes there is. It is COMMON SENSE, and the need to save an innocent person's (and a mother) LIFE. And I've been debating this all week long, and your little techy talks don't sway my argument one iota.

Your argument has been idiotic all week.

If the cops had tortured the guy. He would be free right now to get another woman. Period.

The Judge would have dismissed all charges. So another woman would be waiting to be kidnapped.

It is the Constitution above all else. Period. Every society must have laws. The laws must be based upon principles. Our laws are based upon the Constitution.

Without laws we have anarchy. Now if you want to go that route. We can. But you won’t like it. Because while you can torture to your hearts content. Others can do unto you as they want.

You keep coming up with more insane and idiotic scenarios. Ok. Here is one for you.

Let’s say the cops tortured the guy and got the woman back. Great. Now he’s free because the entire case is tainted by the torture. And that is exactly what would happen.

Now the guy kidnaps your daughter. She’s being raped and brutalized because the cops fucked up the first chance to hold him. Another woman. They get him and torture him and get the next woman back alive. Guess what? He’s free again.

All he has to do to get away Scott free is take a minute or two of your testicular electrodes and he’s free to rape again.

As far as changing your opinion. I don’t give a shit about that. I am just exposing you as a sadistic jackass who has no clue about reality. You’ve been watching too many seasons of 24 or whatever fantasy shows you have watched.

That’s something that we need to deal with. The fictional shows. I hate the nonsense. NCIS. In reality Gibbs would have the worst closed case record in history. Every single baddie would go free because Gibbs violates the law in every case. They would either fire him in desperation or send him to prison for his crimes.

The Vietnamese tortured our people for months before they broke. Are you suggesting you could have broken them in minutes? Even when they broke they gave false information in many cases.

You want to believe it would work. Fiction. Plain and simple fiction. Push the guy into a wood chipper. The kidnap victim is still dead. And you get the joys of going to prison in his place.

You are still insisting fiction is real. That is your problem. You are detached from reality.
Your argument has been idiotic all week.

If the cops had tortured the guy. He would be free right now to get another woman. Period.

The Judge would have dismissed all charges. So another woman would be waiting to be kidnapped.

It is the Constitution above all else. Period. Every society must have laws. The laws must be based upon principles. Our laws are based upon the Constitution.

Without laws we have anarchy. Now if you want to go that route. We can. But you won’t like it. Because while you can torture to your hearts content. Others can do unto you as they want.

You keep coming up with more insane and idiotic scenarios. Ok. Here is one for you.

Let’s say the cops tortured the guy and got the woman back. Great. Now he’s free because the entire case is tainted by the torture. And that is exactly what would happen.

Now the guy kidnaps your daughter. She’s being raped and brutalized because the cops fucked up the first chance to hold him. Another woman. They get him and torture him and get the next woman back alive. Guess what? He’s free again.

All he has to do to get away Scott free is take a minute or two of your testicular electrodes and he’s free to rape again.

As far as changing your opinion. I don’t give a shit about that. I am just exposing you as a sadistic jackass who has no clue about reality. You’ve been watching too many seasons of 24 or whatever fantasy shows you have watched.

That’s something that we need to deal with. The fictional shows. I hate the nonsense. NCIS. In reality Gibbs would have the worst closed case record in history. Every single baddie would go free because Gibbs violates the law in every case. They would either fire him in desperation or send him to prison for his crimes.

The Vietnamese tortured our people for months before they broke. Are you suggesting you could have broken them in minutes? Even when they broke they gave false information in many cases.

You want to believe it would work. Fiction. Plain and simple fiction. Push the guy into a wood chipper. The kidnap victim is still dead. And you get the joys of going to prison in his place.

You are still insisting fiction is real. That is your problem. You are detached from reality.
You talk too much, and you have no idea how far from reality all your thoughts are. I see no point to try to reason with you, and reconstruct all your scatterbrained notions. This is a very simple matter, and you are one of those guys who thinks he has to be so smart, and turn it into something complicated You're nothing but a ridiculous pain in the ass.

There's a reason why this thread has almost twice as many people who agree with me, as who agree with you. You're just wrong. 😐

:puhleeze:If it was YOU tied up somewhere starving, you would hope cops don't pressure (even 1/2 hour in a very cold room would do it) the suspect to reveal your location ? YEAH, RIIIIIIIIIIGHT-
- you don't know how silly you sound. :rolleyes:

"tainted by the torture".....OMG, did you think the cops were going to pressure the guy in front of a press conference ? Oh God, somebody please help this lost, poor soul.
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You talk too much, and you have no idea how far from reality all your thoughts are. I see no point to try to reason with you, and reconstruct all your scatterbrained notions. This is a very simple matter, and you are one of those guys who thinks he has to be so smart, and turn it into something complicated You're nothing but a ridiculous pain in the ass.

There's a reason why this thread has almost twice as many people who agree with me, as who agree with you. You're just wrong. 😐

:puhleeze:If it was YOU tied up somewhere starving, you would hope cops don't pressure (even 1/2 hour in a very cold room would do it) the suspect to reveal your location ? YEAH, RIIIIIIIIIIGHT- View attachment 694686 - you don't know how silly you sound. :rolleyes:

"tainted by the torture".....OMG, did you think the cops were going to pressure the guy in front of a press conference ? Oh God, somebody please help this lost, poor soul.

You are an absolute blithering idiot.

The majority believed the earth was flat. Christopher Columbus was in the minority. Who was right again? The majority thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Who was it that said it wasn’t?

Just because the Majority says it, doesn’t make it true, factual, or right.

But let’s get to this idiotic statement that the cops won’t do it in front of a press conference. The entire Police Station is wired for video these days. Idiot.

Hallways, interview rooms, cells, everything is wired for video. So where are the cops going to take the guy? And the fact that they took him means they admit that they’re doing it.

Idiot. You have less grasp on reality than a mental patient at the State Hospital for the insane.

Frankly. All your idiocy comes down to this idea. The cops can do it and lie. But they can’t lie. Not and get away with it. The FBI lied in the Bundy Case, and the Bundy Clan was walking out with Charges Dismissed.

But what happens when the cops lie? We know from Baltimore and other cities what happens. Hundreds of criminals are let out of prison. Because the prosecutors can’t claim that the cop was caught lying here, but he was totally truthful in every other case. The Jury won’t believe it.

So hundreds of criminals go free when a cop lies. Or breaks the rules. But you don’t care. You want to use a demonstrably flawed fictional belief.

Alan West used torture. And he got nothing in return except kicked out of the Army.

So keep on with your idiotic ideals. Your fictions are Hollywood staples of every cop or action show in history. In reality, even Napoleon knew it didn’t work. And he has been dead for two centuries.
You are an absolute blithering idiot.

The majority believed the earth was flat. Christopher Columbus was in the minority. Who was right again? The majority thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. Who was it that said it wasn’t?

Just because the Majority says it, doesn’t make it true, factual, or right.

But let’s get to this idiotic statement that the cops won’t do it in front of a press conference. The entire Police Station is wired for video these days. Idiot.

Hallways, interview rooms, cells, everything is wired for video. So where are the cops going to take the guy? And the fact that they took him means they admit that they’re doing it.

Idiot. You have less grasp on reality than a mental patient at the State Hospital for the insane.

Frankly. All your idiocy comes down to this idea. The cops can do it and lie. But they can’t lie. Not and get away with it. The FBI lied in the Bundy Case, and the Bundy Clan was walking out with Charges Dismissed.

But what happens when the cops lie? We know from Baltimore and other cities what happens. Hundreds of criminals are let out of prison. Because the prosecutors can’t claim that the cop was caught lying here, but he was totally truthful in every other case. The Jury won’t believe it.

So hundreds of criminals go free when a cop lies. Or breaks the rules. But you don’t care. You want to use a demonstrably flawed fictional belief.

Alan West used torture. And he got nothing in return except kicked out of the Army.

So keep on with your idiotic ideals. Your fictions are Hollywood staples of every cop or action show in history. In reality, even Napoleon knew it didn’t work. And he has been dead for two centuries.
-Oh, the entire police station, is it. Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) and what's to stop the cops from taking the suspect out of the police station. HA HA HA.Sorry, but this is to funny, I suppose you never heard that hundreds of crime suspects have even been sent to other countries (which practice torture) for interrogation. Of course. that might be a bit time consuming, for cases that require immediate action, but I'm just mentioning it to show how ignorant your post is.

You know what bothers me about your posts ? All you talk about is the suspect, and his rights. When do you talk about Eliza Fletcher ?

You know those on the left often make absurd claims (like torture doesn't work). Uh huh. When even just sub-torture methods are employed every day, and they work.
Leftists say that social workers can do a better job at crime scenes than police. I remember when they used to say that crossing the Mexican border is only a civil tort, not a crime (it is both a tort AND a crime). You can go crazy listening to leftist talk. :rolleyes:
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