Memphis Police Allow Kidnapping Suspect to Refuse to ID Location of Victim

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This is insane. Video and DNA has assured police they have the right guy who kidnapped a schoolteacher, Eliza Fletcher. The suspect Cleotha Abston, refuses to tell police of the location of Eliza. Whaaaat?

Did it ever occur to these cops that right now (if she's still alive) that Eliza could be tied up somewhere starving to death, attacked by wild animals, or oth life-threatenimg conditions, while this dirtbag goon plays games with them.

If he won't tell them where she is, they should be beating it out of him, and employing whatever it takes to get him to give the location of this dangerously threatened woman. A few toes on the edge of a full throttle woodchipper ought to do the trick, or electric shocks to the genitals. The rescue and safety of Eliza Fletcher should be the priority, not addressing the rights of a kidnapping lowlife.

You belong in a straitjacket, in a padded cell with the door welded closed, in the highest-security ward of a maximum-security nut house.
If they asked you a question, and you refused to answer it, and they walked you over to a very loud woodchipper, and stuck your face about one inch from the moving blades, you would be hollering the answers at the top of your lungs.

OH No, torture (or just the threat of it) doesn't work. What kind of pills make you stupid, huh ?

The "experts" HA HA HA. Did those "experts" (nothing more than anti-torture shills) have electric wires attacked to their balls, when they made these "claims" ?
Stop being a DUPE. :rolleyes:

Then help me out. Why did the torture of the same people at Abu Ghraib go on for months? Surely they broke in seconds right?

The experts are the people actually doing this stuff. The ones actually questioning prisoners and suspects. The ones who actually do this work.

Alan West decided to try his hand at it. He allowed a Prisoner to be roughed up. And the execution of the prisoner was staged. The prisoner began babbling and naming names. Only. None of the names were actually terrorists. None. That is what happens. The real life experiences of Alan West. The real story. The actual history backing up the experience of others.

But let’s look to the tough guys. The folks who think that the Miranda Warning is scream all you want. We don’t care.

The Soviets had a Serial Killer.

He wasn’t broken by the usual techniques. He wasn’t broken by intimidation or coercion. Even roughing him up had no effect. He was broken in two hours by someone using the effective techniques. Nine days with no success. Two hours to success.

Wood chipper? What happens if he doesn’t start talking in sixty seconds? You have to follow through on the threat. You have to feed him to the chipper. And then the information is lost. If you don’t. He knows you are not seriously going to kill him.

And he will have beaten you.

You said you were a Soldier. I say you were a cook or supply clerk if you were ever in. Something far to the rear removed from danger. Otherwise you would understand such things better. You would have been trained.

But that isn’t the real reason I doubt you. You would have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.

You would have understood that half of the Bill of Rights had to do with trials and accusations. The rights of the accused mattered so much to the founders they had multiple amendments to protect those rights. Not just one.

There is one amendment covering all the freedom of expression rights. One for speech, press, religion, taking your grievances to the government, and assembly.

There is one amendment that covers guns. One.

The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth, cover rights of the accused and conduct of the courts.

You denounce those rights as caring more about the criminals than the victims. I say I care more about the Constitution than your sadistic delusions. And so did the Founders.
Then help me out. Why did the torture of the same people at Abu Ghraib go on for months? Surely they broke in seconds right?

The experts are the people actually doing this stuff. The ones actually questioning prisoners and suspects. The ones who actually do this work.

Alan West decided to try his hand at it. He allowed a Prisoner to be roughed up. And the execution of the prisoner was staged. The prisoner began babbling and naming names. Only. None of the names were actually terrorists. None. That is what happens. The real life experiences of Alan West. The real story. The actual history backing up the experience of others.

But let’s look to the tough guys. The folks who think that the Miranda Warning is scream all you want. We don’t care.

The Soviets had a Serial Killer.

He wasn’t broken by the usual techniques. He wasn’t broken by intimidation or coercion. Even roughing him up had no effect. He was broken in two hours by someone using the effective techniques. Nine days with no success. Two hours to success.

Wood chipper? What happens if he doesn’t start talking in sixty seconds? You have to follow through on the threat. You have to feed him to the chipper. And then the information is lost. If you don’t. He knows you are not seriously going to kill him.

And he will have beaten you.

You said you were a Soldier. I say you were a cook or supply clerk if you were ever in. Something far to the rear removed from danger. Otherwise you would understand such things better. You would have been trained.

But that isn’t the real reason I doubt you. You would have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.

You would have understood that half of the Bill of Rights had to do with trials and accusations. The rights of the accused mattered so much to the founders they had multiple amendments to protect those rights. Not just one.

There is one amendment covering all the freedom of expression rights. One for speech, press, religion, taking your grievances to the government, and assembly.

There is one amendment that covers guns. One.

The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth, cover rights of the accused and conduct of the courts.

You denounce those rights as caring more about the criminals than the victims. I say I care more about the Constitution than your sadistic delusions. And so did the Founders.
When you cut your empty posts down to where I don't have to waste too much time bothering with them, maybe there's a chance that there could be a possibility, that maybe, I just might read one or two.

Problem is you talk a lot, but you don't say anything. I issued 2 challenges, and nobody has faced up to them. With there being such a "plethora of laws against torture, and the laws on what can and can not be done to someone in custody," with or without reporting to actual torture, you sure do talk a lot without mentioning just one of these "plethora of laws", and what they SPECIFICALLY say to back up your argument (that is, if you HAVE an argument). Still waiting to see the STATUTE and the words you have to offer to this discussion. Ho hum. Yawn***
When you cut your empty posts down to where I don't have to waste too much time bothering with them, maybe there's a chance that there could be a possibility, that maybe, I just might read one or two.

Problem is you talk a lot, but you don't say anything. I issue 2 challenges, and nobody has faced up to them. With the being such a "plethora of laws against torture, and the laws on what can and can not be done to someone in custody," with or without reporting to actual torture, you sure do talk a lot without mentioning just one of these "plethora of laws" and what they SPECIFICALLY say to back up your argument (that is, if you HAVE an argument). Still waiting to see the STATUTE and the words you have to offer to this discussion. Ho hum. Yawn***
You are a liar your questions were answered you just did not like the answers. try the amendment on no unusual punishment or cruel punishment for one then try the one that says no matter what evidence is available a person is innocent until a COURT rules them guilty.
You belong in a straitjacket, in a padded cell with the door welded closed, in the highest-security ward of a maximum-security nut house.
Where you DON'T belong, is in a computer forum that requires SUBSTANCE relating to a specific subject. Why you don't provide that, and instead just babble hot air, I have no need to contemplate. 😐
Where you DON'T belong, is in a computer forum that requires SUBSTANCE relating to a specific subject. Why you don't provide that, and instead just babble hot air, I have no need to contemplate. 😐
said by the guy that can not support a legal or constitutional reason to torture and when presented with the facts that torture violates both cries like a baby.
The fantasies of those that scream “ Torture the asshole “ have no clue what it takes to push that envelope that far.

Are you willing to kill the suspect?

I read zapping the balls to get the information but that isn’t going to work on someone that knows already they killed the person.

You have to factor in if the person you want to torture is inhuman and lack the mental capacity to understand what they did wrong.

Take the perp that killed the woman and do you believe for a moment he cares if he dies or not?

He doesn’t and he has nothing to lose, so how effective will your torturing be if he is in that mental state?

Also many of you need to stop thinking the Movies are real life and learn psychology and understand the mindset of a criminal because the monster that killed that woman has no soul and they would kill their own mother, so again your idea of torture will backfire.

Now the woman is dead so what do we as society do with this monster?

I say bury him alive and let him suffocate to death with live feed of the punishment.


Let me be clear those claiming had we tortured this guy the woman might still be alive, well she was dead and he knew it and wasn’t going to help at all knowing he is going to be sent to Prison and most likely death roll but alas he might not even get the death penalty in today society.

So children stop acting like you can kill someone because believe me it is a lot harder than you think and believe me torture doesn’t work as well as you think either and I have been on the other end of the torturing and have the scars to prove it from physical to mental.
If you read the OP, like posters are supposed to do, before they come blundering in here foaming at the mouth, you would know that the subject of the discussion is pressuring a suspect WITHOUT TORTURE, and only resorting to that, IF the innocent victim's life is being endangered, as a result of the suspect's unwillingness to reveal the LOCATION of the victim.

In the case of Eliza Fletcher, her life may have been lost, from the Memphis Police inaction, inspired by the same kind of stupidity that some posters are expressing here.

Looks like you have joined the lynch mob here spouting hysterical babble, while not knowing what you're talking about. I don't lower myself to that, but rather I stay with common sense that puts the life of the victim above the comfort of the criminal suspect - the same common sense that generated the 7 positive LIKE ratings for the OP.
said by the guy that can not support a legal or constitutional reason to torture and when presented with the facts that torture violates both cries like a baby.
Wow. Am I talking to a 6 year old kid ? You wanna talk about "reason" ? Of course. That's what I've been talking about all along here, and that reason is the LIFE of the innocent victim, while you oddities keep yammering about laws and constitution (without showing one word relating to torture or non-torture pressure).

NO, you have NOT presented any facts. Not one word. Show me a post # where any of you have posted WORDS which make torture or non-torture pressure illegal.
Wow. Am I talking to a 6 year old kid ? You wanna talk about "reason" ? Of course. That's what I've been talking about all along here, and that reason is the LIFE of the innocent victim, while you oddities keep yammering about laws and constitution (without showing one word relating to torture or non-torture pressure).

NO, you have NOT presented any facts. Not one word. Show me a post # where any of you have posted WORDS which make torture or non-torture pressure illegal.
already did you fucking moron you just ignore it.
You are a liar your questions were answered you just did not like the answers. try the amendment on no unusual punishment or cruel punishment for one then try the one that says no matter what evidence is available a person is innocent until a COURT rules them guilty.
Pressuring a suspect does not mean that you have concluded guilt. Lots of things occur in arrests which are discomforting to a suspect. Sometimes they are beaten to a pulp, wear painful handcuffs, and sometimes are legally shot to death in cases of self-defense to the police officer, all without anybody making any conclusions about guilt or innocence (the job of the courts).

As for the words "cruel" or "unusual", these are subjective words which can vary widely.
Most people like me, and the 7 people who gave LIKE ratings in the OP, appear to conclude that the cruelty in the Eliza Fletcher case was imposed on Eliza Fletcher who suffered death, not the suspect. Who knows if the suspect might not have talked if just placed in a very cold room for a half hour. Something as simple as that. Maybe that might have saved Eliza Fletcher's LIFE, the one ingredient of this thread that seems to, by some, be getting the short end of the stick.

When it comes right down to it, you're just putting a suspect's comfort over a victim's LIFE. Pure IDIOCY.
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already did you fucking moron you just ignore it.
You didn't and neither did anybody else. SHOW IT HERE RIGHT NOW, and without profanity, if your dirtbag bearing can handle that.

I notice we're not seeing that POST # I requested, are we ? 😐 :rolleyes:
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Not gonna repeat myself so you can ignore it again go fly a kite child.

You are advocating that the US be a torturing country. Can't get much more fascist than that.
You are advocating a slow torturous death of starvation and exposure to the elements. Can't get much more fascist than that.
BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN: 5 individuals have been reported missing, and witnesses, claim to have seen the 5 people being abducted and forced into a van. 3 days later, police caught an armed suspect, identified by a video and DNA found at the crime scene.

The suspects are bodecea, Canon Shooter, RetiredGySgt, Jaraxle, and SavannahMann. Even though tied up, they managed to make a cell phone call to police, claiming to be tied up in a very cold room, but are blindfolded, and don't know where they are. Police could not ascertain the location of them from the phone call. Victims claim they have had no food or water for 3 days, and have been breathing chemical smells of chlorine, a fatal gas when ingested in enough quantity. Suspects are in extreme life-threatening state. Suspect says he knows where they are (he put them there), but he refuses to tell police.
2 of the police detectives advise putting suspect in a very cold room to get him to reveal location of victims. The victims called again, asking police to please not do anything to discomfort the suspect ,as that would deprive him of his constitutional rights. Police acquiesced to their request and the suspect remains comfortable, while doctors estimate victims have about 1-2 more days, before dying of thirst, hypothermia, and gas poisoning.
Then help me out. Why did the torture of the same people at Abu Ghraib go on for months? Surely they broke in seconds right?

The experts are the people actually doing this stuff. The ones actually questioning prisoners and suspects. The ones who actually do this work.

Alan West decided to try his hand at it. He allowed a Prisoner to be roughed up. And the execution of the prisoner was staged. The prisoner began babbling and naming names. Only. None of the names were actually terrorists. None. That is what happens. The real life experiences of Alan West. The real story. The actual history backing up the experience of others.

But let’s look to the tough guys. The folks who think that the Miranda Warning is scream all you want. We don’t care.

The Soviets had a Serial Killer.

He wasn’t broken by the usual techniques. He wasn’t broken by intimidation or coercion. Even roughing him up had no effect. He was broken in two hours by someone using the effective techniques. Nine days with no success. Two hours to success.

Wood chipper? What happens if he doesn’t start talking in sixty seconds? You have to follow through on the threat. You have to feed him to the chipper. And then the information is lost. If you don’t. He knows you are not seriously going to kill him.

And he will have beaten you.

You said you were a Soldier. I say you were a cook or supply clerk if you were ever in. Something far to the rear removed from danger. Otherwise you would understand such things better. You would have been trained.

But that isn’t the real reason I doubt you. You would have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.

You would have understood that half of the Bill of Rights had to do with trials and accusations. The rights of the accused mattered so much to the founders they had multiple amendments to protect those rights. Not just one.

There is one amendment covering all the freedom of expression rights. One for speech, press, religion, taking your grievances to the government, and assembly.

There is one amendment that covers guns. One.

The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth, cover rights of the accused and conduct of the courts.

You denounce those rights as caring more about the criminals than the victims. I say I care more about the Constitution than your sadistic delusions. And so did the Founders.
You care more about the life and even comfort of the criminal. than you do of the victim(s). As for the wood chipper, if his face goes into it, he's dead. So to keep quiet at that point, for him, is to gamble with his life. Very few people would do that, so there is a strong chance that he'll talk. Even he doesn't, nothing is lost. You just try another way. Maybe forcing him to watch hours of Joe Biden talking (sort of) would do it.
You care more about the life and even comfort of the criminal. than you do of the victim(s). As for the wood chipper, if his face goes into it, he's dead. So to keep quiet at that point, for him, is to gamble with his life. Very few people would do that, so there is a strong chance that he'll talk. Even he doesn't, nothing is lost. You just try another way. Maybe forcing him to watch hours of Joe Biden talking (sort of) would do it.

Why did it take months to even get lies out of the people at Abu Ghraib? Why haven’t you explained that?
BREAKING NEWS BULLETIN: 5 individuals have been reported missing, and witnesses, claim to have seen the 5 people being abducted and forced into a van. 3 days later, police caught an armed suspect, identified by a video and DNA found at the crime scene.

The suspects are bodecea, Canon Shooter, RetiredGySgt, Jaraxle, and SavannahMann. Even though tied up, they managed to make a cell phone call to police, claiming to be tied up in a very cold room, but are blindfolded, and don't know where they are. Police could not ascertain the location of them from the phone call. Victims claim they have had no food or water for 3 days, and have been breathing chemical smells of chlorine, a fatal gas when ingested in enough quantity. Suspects are in extreme life-threatening state. Suspect says he knows where they are (he put them there), but he refuses to tell police.
2 of the police detectives advise putting suspect in a very cold room to get him to reveal location of victims. The victims called again, asking police to please not do anything to discomfort the suspect ,as that would deprive him of his constitutional rights. Police acquiesced to their request and the suspect remains comfortable, while doctors estimate victims have about 1-2 more days, before dying of thirst, hypothermia, and gas poisoning.
You need your head examined. Ideally, by sawing the top of your skull open.
Why did it take months to even get lies out of the people at Abu Ghraib? Why haven’t you explained that?
Because I'm not familiar with the Abu Ghraib, and don't know if you are either. I DO know that the suggestion I made here would work, and could have possibly saved Eliza Fletcher's life.

Why haven't YOU responded to Post # 216. (more related to the TOPIC of this thread)
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