Memphis Police Allow Kidnapping Suspect to Refuse to ID Location of Victim

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Yes. if they were sure that I did it with a video + DNA evidence, and if someone's LIFE was hanging in the balance,

Maybe someone will kidnap "you" and have you handcuffed somewhere. You could starve to death without food and water. If outside, you could succumb to the elements.
All while the suspect is not being tortured or forced somehow to reveal your location, "eh" ?
You are advocating that the US be a torturing country. Can't get much more fascist than that.
He raped and murdered her. Hopefully he gets the death penalty.

If I had my druthers, he'd get 1 appeal, then be hanged publicly within 2 months of his appeal fail.
It's about the LOCATION of the victim, not a confession. And letting a victim die who could have saved, opens up a lot of problematic doors.

I wonder what some of the posters would say if they were the victim right now.

Eat a nice, big steaming bag of my shit, dickhead.

I answered your question. You just couldn't find fault with it, so no you want to whine. Hey, I get it, it's your go-to tactic...
DODGE COWARD - you dont deserve to even be in this forum. Answer the question, punk.
I read post 45. It was idiotic.

It read like the plot of bad TV. It has no relation to real life. But let’s take your idiotic scenario and show you and the posters here who agree with you just how idiotic your ticking time bomb scenario is.

The NYPD has had mobile radiation detection all over the city for years now. But let’s pretend that the terrorist managed to move a hundred ton lead shielded bomb into the city. It would take that much shielding to stop all the radiation leakage.

They fly aircraft over the city, helicopters and airplanes looking for radiation sources. They’re more worried about a Dirty Bomb, but it would detect a man portable nuke.

Next, the idea that a Jihadist would just plant the bomb, and set the timer, and walk away. Bullshit. These idiots blow themselves up for the chance to kill a couple Jews in Israel, there is no way they make it a timer. Oh they may tell the idiot carrying the bomb there is a timer, but as soon as he turns it on, it’s going to blow the hell up right then and there. There ain’t gonna be a timer. Not on a nuke.

Then we get past that idiotic assumption on your part to the idea you can beat the information out of a Religious Zealot in time. Bullshit. He will tell you a location, and your bomb disposal guys rush there, and find nothing. Hours wasted while he recovers. Then you go back and beat it out of him some more. He gives you another location, and again the search and again nothing. He’s stalling. And he will tell you anything he can think of to stall you more.

Empathy works much better. It is fourteen times more effective than hostility or even torture for getting information. Confessions came four times as often.

Torture is well known to provide no information worth anything. It is useful only for the Torturer to get his Jollies off. Hell Napoleon wrote that Torture was useless.

But you know better. So let’s put it this way. You have kidnapped the man who murdered your child. You have him in a hole being tortured until he dies. You’re captured by the police. Are you going to break in ten seconds when they start smacking you around? Are you going to let the bastard get away who murdered your child? Or are you going to take whatever they throw at you to accomplish your mission? According to you, you are such a coward that you would break in less time than it takes to soft boil an egg.

So trusting you with any secret would be akin to publishing it in the International Herald right? I mean, if you stub your toe you’re going to be talking up a storm of information right?

As I said. Your entire premise is idiotic. It is historically disproven, and yet you cling to it because you want to see the bastard beaten and tortured. Not to get information, you have to know that it wouldn’t result in any information. But because you want to see him suffer.

Your sadism doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work, and it would never work in time. TV and Hollywood may say otherwise, but reality tells us a different story.
No need to elaborate on this pile of poppycock. There's 1000 scenarios that could be laid out for how you and all the other idiots in this thread would allow millions, or thousands, or hundreds, or ONE person to die, just to avoid pressuring some lowlife turd to talk. If you can't see how idiotic you are here, I pity you.
No need to elaborate on this pile of poppycock. There's 1000 scenarios that could be laid out for how you and all the other idiots in this thread would allow millions, or thousands, or hundreds, or ONE person to die, just to avoid pressuring some lowlife turd to talk. If you can't see how idiotic you are here, I pity you.

Help me out. I posted the results of the study that showed Empathy and understanding worked 14 times more often.

Now. For each time that you get useless information from torture. Someone with a brain gets information. Good information 14 times.

So answer me this. How long would you hold out under torture? According to your theory you would crack in minutes right?

At Fort Bragg we were taught that we needed to try and hold out for 24 hours. If we could hold out for one day then our information would be obsolete. We didn’t know much if any of the strategic and the tactical would be obsolete in a day.

If we could hold out for one day we could save the lives of thousands of our fellow paratroopers.

We tortured the Al Queada idiots for months and years and didn’t learn diddly squat. It took months for John McCain to crack.

In every one of your 1,000 ticking time bomb scenarios Torture would not work fast enough to stop the outcome.

That statement is not based upon Hollywood. It is based upon history and facts.

You can point to a handful of times it worked. I can point to the experts who say it doesn’t work reliably.

The experts. The people who know. The professionals who interrogate people every single day. The people trained and experienced at the task.

How is it that you know so much more than they do? How is it that you didn’t go into that line of work? What? Didn’t the CIA want you to torture the prisoners?
Hey, you doddering old fool, I DID answer the question.

You're just too big a pussy to deal with the answer, you bed-wetting little fuck...
:puhleeze:Well, we can go back & forth all week, little boy, but you're never going to answer the question, because you know that would have you admitting that you are one of the bungling buffoon idiots who been wrong all through this thread. 😐
Help me out. I posted the results of the study that showed Empathy and understanding worked 14 times more often.

Now. For each time that you get useless information from torture. Someone with a brain gets information. Good information 14 times.

So answer me this. How long would you hold out under torture? According to your theory you would crack in minutes right?

At Fort Bragg we were taught that we needed to try and hold out for 24 hours. If we could hold out for one day then our information would be obsolete. We didn’t know much if any of the strategic and the tactical would be obsolete in a day.

If we could hold out for one day we could save the lives of thousands of our fellow paratroopers.

We tortured the Al Queada idiots for months and years and didn’t learn diddly squat. It took months for John McCain to crack.

In every one of your 1,000 ticking time bomb scenarios Torture would not work fast enough to stop the outcome.

That statement is not based upon Hollywood. It is based upon history and facts.

You can point to a handful of times it worked. I can point to the experts who say it doesn’t work reliably.

The experts. The people who know. The professionals who interrogate people every single day. The people trained and experienced at the task.

How is it that you know so much more than they do? How is it that you didn’t go into that line of work? What? Didn’t the CIA want you to torture the prisoners?
If they asked you a question, and you refused to answer it, and they walked you over to a very loud woodchipper, and stuck your face about one inch from the moving blades, you would be hollering the answers at the top of your lungs.

OH No, torture (or just the threat of it) doesn't work. What kind of pills make you stupid, huh ?

The "experts" HA HA HA. Did those "experts" (nothing more than anti-torture shills) have electric wires attacked to their balls, when they made these "claims" ?
Stop being a DUPE. :rolleyes:
The fantasies of those that scream “ Torture the asshole “ have no clue what it takes to push that envelope that far.

Are you willing to kill the suspect?

I read zapping the balls to get the information but that isn’t going to work on someone that knows already they killed the person.

You have to factor in if the person you want to torture is inhuman and lack the mental capacity to understand what they did wrong.

Take the perp that killed the woman and do you believe for a moment he cares if he dies or not?

He doesn’t and he has nothing to lose, so how effective will your torturing be if he is in that mental state?

Also many of you need to stop thinking the Movies are real life and learn psychology and understand the mindset of a criminal because the monster that killed that woman has no soul and they would kill their own mother, so again your idea of torture will backfire.

Now the woman is dead so what do we as society do with this monster?

I say bury him alive and let him suffocate to death with live feed of the punishment.


Let me be clear those claiming had we tortured this guy the woman might still be alive, well she was dead and he knew it and wasn’t going to help at all knowing he is going to be sent to Prison and most likely death roll but alas he might not even get the death penalty in today society.

So children stop acting like you can kill someone because believe me it is a lot harder than you think and believe me torture doesn’t work as well as you think either and I have been on the other end of the torturing and have the scars to prove it from physical to mental.
Did you ever answer my question in Post # 45 ? (and posted again in Post # 127)

I'll answer this one more time for the retards in the thread (which would be you and... well, it'd be you):

Your question:

"Suppose a captured jihadist tells cops that a nuclear bomb is going to explode in New York City (which has extremely high population density) tomorrow. Has capability of killing MILLIONS of people instantly. Cops could stop it, if they knew where to go. Jihadist says he knows, but refuses to tell them. You beat it out of him, or you let millions of people die ? (millions more after radiation spreads)."

The fatal flaw in your question is that it assumes, and stupidly so, that the jihadist will give the police that information if they beat him enough.

The problem is he won't. In the jihadist's mind, he's already dead. He knows that, regardless of what's done to him, torture or not, he's a dead man, because a jihadist is dedicated to his cause. The lives of the millions he will kill will be worth the sacrifice of his own, and nothing the police say or do will compel him to betray his cause.

Now, there's your fucking answer, retard. Now, please stupidly claim, once again, that I didn't answer your question, you idiot fuck...
Hopefully you won't be a kidnapping victim, in a freezing cold basement somewhere, tied up, unable to call for help, and having no food or water for days.... or tied to a tree in the woods, and just having been spotted by some hungry wolves, after being set upon by fire ants.

Yeah, but it'd be funny if you were...
That is YOU doing the internet badass.
Hey, Methuselah, you were the retard chirping about being an Army vet and being from New York. But we all know you're nothing but some geriatric pussy trying to regain the long lost vigor of his youth.

Now, go slap your teeth back in your head, change your diaper go for a nice, long drive on your mobility scooter...
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