Men in women's bathrooms

OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.

He's pissing in the sink? What backwoods shithole are you from?
Oh so now you gonna bring bathroom ethics into the equation? I think that went out the window when we decided it was ok to allow an adult, sexual perverse male in the same bathroom as my little girl.
How many have been in the terloit with your little girl?
Zero. And it will stay that way.
I doubt you know if it has or not...
WTF are you babbling about????
So how is Dad going to prevent Maurice from whipping out his dick in front of his daughter?

since libertards like to refer to our guns as as a penis substitute.., i would pull back my jacket and show that pervert my "PENIS" !!
Early American gender neutral toilet..

Not a public restroom. Sorry... straw man.
It was in it's day....

not if it were on PRIVATE property.., dumbass!!
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

In 40 years, I have never seen another mans penis in a public washroom. Just what exactly do you think goes on in public washrooms.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

In 40 years, I have never seen another mans penis in a public washroom. Just what exactly do you think goes on in public washrooms.
These guys are peekers..
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

In 40 years, I have never seen another mans penis in a public washroom. Just what exactly do you think goes on in public washrooms.
Apparently you've never been to a NFL football game.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.

In 40 years, I have never seen another mans penis in a public washroom. Just what exactly do you think goes on in public washrooms.

since you are normal, you would not be looking, but perverts are not normal and are looking and showing and flaunting.

people should use restrooms based on their physical anatomy, not what they THINK they might be.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
Most of trans folks don't walk in and "Whip it out". We sit, in a closed stall and pee like every other lady, do our business, maybe touch up our make up and hair and then we leave.

And believe it or not, many of us are just as horrified at the prospect of some pervert using our status to get his rocks off.
This is real simple. If you have a penis, you have no business in a women's rest room. It has nothing to do with homophobia or insensitivity to gender identity. Penis between the legs-- no ladies room. Simple. If trannies need accommodation, use the men's room.
You know, we have to go one year living as the opposite gender before we can fix the whole "Have a penis" requirement you seem to think is so important. That means we cannot work for a year? Should never leave our homes? Or do you mean for that year, you want us in our dresses and skirts using the urinals with the boys?

I get the fundamental point you are making, however its callous and too simple.
I can't understand why there is suddenly some big huge problem of injustice with this now. I think it's simply a matter of the LGBT crowd not having anything new to whine and moan about now that they've gotten Gay Marriage. It's part of that "slippery slope" that everyone warned about. Once you start accommodating sexual lifestyles with the law, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle.
It's partially recognizing that some of us need to use the restroom, and bigots and homophobes make that difficult. Part of it you are quite correct is the LGBT political agenda, and those idiots only make things far worse for everyone. They are as absurd as Feminazi's but much louder.
Here's what you get when you bigots and haters demand that people "use the restroom based on their physical anatomy":

You will demand that this individual use the women's restroom:


And that this individual use the men's room:


God you people are fucking stupid.

one does need to realize that gender neutral bathrooms will allow dads to go in with daughters.....i am so sick of this protecting your kids bullshit when what greater protection do you have...with the ability to accompany your child in the bathroom? yall are so full of homophobia you dont consider anything else...
Homosexual =/= transgender

You all are so full of educationphobia you don't even consider common sense
You know, we have to go one year living as the opposite gender before we can fix the whole "Have a penis" requirement you seem to think is so important. That means we cannot work for a year? Should never leave our homes? Or do you mean for that year, you want us in our dresses and skirts using the urinals with the boys?

I get the fundamental point you are making, however its callous and too simple.

I have no idea what you're trying to say. When you come upon public restrooms labeled WOMEN and MEN... look between your legs for a penis. IF you have one, you belong in the MENS room and NOT in the WOMENS room. There is nothing callous about that. It's doesn't require anything more than knowing if you have a penis.

It's partially recognizing that some of us need to use the restroom, and bigots and homophobes make that difficult. Part of it you are quite correct is the LGBT political agenda, and those idiots only make things far worse for everyone. They are as absurd as Feminazi's but much louder.

Again, if you need to use the restroom and you have a penis... MENS room. No penis... WOMENS room. That is NOT homophobic. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I care about a penis not being in the same restroom with my daughter. Understood???

I'll tell you something else... I don't care about protests, boycotts, movements, PC laws passed, etc. IF you have a penis and I catch you in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to regret your choice.
You know, we have to go one year living as the opposite gender before we can fix the whole "Have a penis" requirement you seem to think is so important. That means we cannot work for a year? Should never leave our homes? Or do you mean for that year, you want us in our dresses and skirts using the urinals with the boys?

I get the fundamental point you are making, however its callous and too simple.

I have no idea what you're trying to say. When you come upon public restrooms labeled WOMEN and MEN... look between your legs for a penis. IF you have one, you belong in the MENS room and NOT in the WOMENS room. There is nothing callous about that. It's doesn't require anything more than knowing if you have a penis.

It's partially recognizing that some of us need to use the restroom, and bigots and homophobes make that difficult. Part of it you are quite correct is the LGBT political agenda, and those idiots only make things far worse for everyone. They are as absurd as Feminazi's but much louder.

Again, if you need to use the restroom and you have a penis... MENS room. No penis... WOMENS room. That is NOT homophobic. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I care about a penis not being in the same restroom with my daughter. Understood???

I'll tell you something else... I don't care about protests, boycotts, movements, PC laws passed, etc. IF you have a penis and I catch you in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to regret your choice.
Sure buddy, sure....
Here's what you get when you bigots and haters demand that people "use the restroom based on their physical anatomy":

And what you are going to get with your stupid political correctness, is a lot of transvestites being severely harmed by people like me who are not going to tolerate this. So if you want to pick this mountain to die on, that's entirely up to you. Call me names, rant and rave, protest and boycott... you're not bringing your penis in the restroom with my daughter. Try it and die.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. When you come upon public restrooms labeled WOMEN and MEN... look between your legs for a penis. IF you have one, you belong in the MENS room and NOT in the WOMENS room. There is nothing callous about that. It's doesn't require anything more than knowing if you have a penis.
So if I, a pre-operative transgender woman decides to go to the bathroom you believe I should use the men's room. Even though the only way you're really going to tell I have penis is if I use the urinal. That's absurd. Totally absurd. I'm not using the men's restroom in skirt.

Again, if you need to use the restroom and you have a penis... MENS room. No penis... WOMENS room. That is NOT homophobic. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I care about a penis not being in the same restroom with my daughter. Understood???

I'll tell you something else... I don't care about protests, boycotts, movements, PC laws passed, etc. IF you have a penis and I catch you in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to regret your choice.
How, you think I and people like myself are a threat to your daughter? Please. We are just women, trying to use the restroom. Also, I've been in restrooms, with my penis with daughters, so have thousands of others. We go in, we sit, we do our business, we leave. What are you going to do about that?
"Men in women's bathrooms"

…is an idiotic nonissue, a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their unwarranted contempt for transgender Americans, and ‘justify’ disadvantaging transgender Americans through force of law.

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