Men in women's bathrooms

Here's what you get when you bigots and haters demand that people "use the restroom based on their physical anatomy":

And what you are going to get with your stupid political correctness, is a lot of transvestites being severely harmed by people like me who are not going to tolerate this. So if you want to pick this mountain to die on, that's entirely up to you. Call me names, rant and rave, protest and boycott... you're not bringing your penis in the restroom with my daughter. Try it and die.
Okay asshole. I've tried being nice to you. You realize most of Transgender (that's different then Transvestite) realize there are willfully ignorant and obsessively aggressive people like you out there in the world.

And we also happen to love CHL. I happen to be one of those ladies. So IF, IF we were somehow in a place where I was using the restroom with your daughter, and you somehow figured out I've not had GRS yet and you decided to try to harm me...

I'd have no regrets defending my life.
"Men in women's bathrooms"

…is an idiotic nonissue, a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their unwarranted contempt for transgender Americans, and ‘justify’ disadvantaging transgender Americans through force of law.
Please don't say "the right", that's both intellectually bigoted and wrong. I've run into bigotry from lefties as well. I prefer to say "Willfully ignorant" as it's far more accurate.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but an inane lie – it is in no way a ‘democratic policy.’

It is a principle of democrats to respect the rights of all Americans, to embrace change and diversity, and to protect citizens’ individual liberty to engage in self-expression.
I have no idea what you're trying to say. When you come upon public restrooms labeled WOMEN and MEN... look between your legs for a penis. IF you have one, you belong in the MENS room and NOT in the WOMENS room. There is nothing callous about that. It's doesn't require anything more than knowing if you have a penis.
So if I, a pre-operative transgender woman decides to go to the bathroom you believe I should use the men's room. Even though the only way you're really going to tell I have penis is if I use the urinal. That's absurd. Totally absurd. I'm not using the men's restroom in skirt.

Again, if you need to use the restroom and you have a penis... MENS room. No penis... WOMENS room. That is NOT homophobic. I don't care if you are gay or straight. I care about a penis not being in the same restroom with my daughter. Understood???

I'll tell you something else... I don't care about protests, boycotts, movements, PC laws passed, etc. IF you have a penis and I catch you in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to regret your choice.
How, you think I and people like myself are a threat to your daughter? Please. We are just women, trying to use the restroom. Also, I've been in restrooms, with my penis with daughters, so have thousands of others. We go in, we sit, we do our business, we leave. What are you going to do about that?
Your mental illness is YOUR PROBLEM, not everyone else's.
And yes, transgender IS a mental illness.
I notice that the people who are fine with a male in a bathroom with their 8-year old daughter are the same people who would be fine with their scantily-clad 18-year old daughter alone at a frat party with a bunch of horny, drunk football players.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.
OK with you?
If it is, you are one sick piece of shit.
Another wonderful democratic policy to add to their list.
And Bruce Springsteen: Fuck You. Your music sucks and apparently you do too. Pansy Ass worthless POS.
This country is fucked.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but an inane lie – it is in no way a ‘democratic policy.’

It is a principle of democrats to respect the rights of all Americans, to embrace change and diversity, and to protect citizens’ individual liberty to engage in self-expression.
Change and diversity? More like embracing sexual perversity to our children.
Didn't we get to enjoy all these sort of hysterical horror stories over allowing gays to serve in the military?

...and now that's ancient history.
Yes, and conservatives were wrong then as they’re wrong now.

Most on the right are just not happy unless they’re discriminating against someone.
OK so your 8 year old daughter is in the women's bathroom washing her hands. A man, who thinks he's a woman, walks in, whips his dick out in front of her, and takes a leak.

He's pissing in the sink? What backwoods shithole are you from?
Oh so now you gonna bring bathroom ethics into the equation? I think that went out the window when we decided it was ok to allow an adult, sexual perverse male in the same bathroom as my little girl.

No one ‘decided’ any such thing.

What you believe as an ignorant bigot doesn’t make true your ridiculous lies and fallacies.
This is not a gigantic movement (pardon the pun). It's a handful (pardon the pun again) of freakazoid men supported by the left wing and turned into a political issue. If New York City wants to risk traumatizing girls and women with a freak show in the ladies room let them do it and if some states want to protect women from this kind of unstable behavior it should be O.K. with everyone else. Why punish basketball and circus fans?
omg how does dad keep anyone from whipping out their a female ...i assure you .....the dicks some pervert has exposed in public has never been in or near a bathroom...parking lots..yes, hidden doorways yes.....not one damned bathroom...
A lot of perverts pretend to be females on the internet.
So if I, a pre-operative transgender woman decides to go to the bathroom you believe I should use the men's room. Even though the only way you're really going to tell I have penis is if I use the urinal. That's absurd. Totally absurd. I'm not using the men's restroom in skirt.

Then don't use a public restroom.

There is no difference in the men's restroom, it also has stalls.

What is absurd is that you don't have any respect for others.
Here's what you get when you bigots and haters demand that people "use the restroom based on their physical anatomy":

And what you are going to get with your stupid political correctness, is a lot of transvestites being severely harmed by people like me who are not going to tolerate this. So if you want to pick this mountain to die on, that's entirely up to you. Call me names, rant and rave, protest and boycott... you're not bringing your penis in the restroom with my daughter. Try it and die.

It's not political correctness, it simple correctness.

Who are you going to beat up and why would you do it? You're going to beat this guy up because he uses the men's room but has a vagina?


or are you going to beat up this individual for using the mens room?

Or are you going to hang out outside of women's rooms and beat up this individual for using the ladies restroom?


So who are you going to "beat up" for the "crime" of having to use the restroom to pee?
non gender bathrooms allow parents to go in with opposite sex kids what could be safer?

Children are already allowed into the restroom with their parent. This is not suddenly allowing parents to supervise kids in the restroom. Kids currently accompany their parent to the restroom. Are you thinking it is somehow a good thing to have grown hetero man men going to the women's restroom if they happen to have a daughter?

Women do not want grown men in their bathroom. We adjust undergarments, tweeze stray hairs, put on makeup & style hair. You might be surprised at the levels of undress in there. Just make the men's room gender neutral. Men don't care who sees them.
so if i am okay with allowing the safest option for kids...i am people are just amazing in the homophobia

It's been a very good 7.5 years of Obama's presidency that people have the luxury to sit around and argue about this in the first place. How many times has any of us ever in our lifetime been in the same public restroom with a cross-dressing transgender?

Somebody wants to get their hands on little Suzie a stupid law passed by a bunch of uni-brow conservatives isn't going to change that.
"Men in women's bathrooms"

…is an idiotic nonissue, a ridiculous red herring fallacy contrived by the right in an effort to conceal their unwarranted contempt for transgender Americans, and ‘justify’ disadvantaging transgender Americans through force of law.
Please don't say "the right", that's both intellectually bigoted and wrong. I've run into bigotry from lefties as well. I prefer to say "Willfully ignorant" as it's far more accurate.
You are sick. The willfully ignorant individuals are those who encourage & support your behavior because the put "feelings" ahead of biological reality.

Kinda like that stupid woman who ran a chapter of the NAACP and got the job by "claiming" she was something she was not, black.
Just because you proclaimed something to be true doesn't make it so. If it were biology would bend to your will but it does not.
How, you think I and people like myself are a threat to your daughter? Please. We are just women, trying to use the restroom. Also, I've been in restrooms, with my penis with daughters, so have thousands of others. We go in, we sit, we do our business, we leave. What are you going to do about that?

I don't want your penis in the restroom with my daughter. I don't care what you're doing. If I catch you and your penis in a public restroom with my daughter, you're going to wish you were dead. And hey... I am tolerant... a lot of fathers out there aren't.

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