men show your abortion pride!

since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?
We have all paid for an abortion because the government takes our taxes and pays unplanned parenthood to abort 33,000 liberal babies a month. At one time I was against abortion, but after realizing what you libtards are doing for the country, I salute you for being such patriots and preventing the Dimocrap party from ever again gaining power. I think my taxes are being well used and am willing to write in a few more dollars just to see more liberal women use their CHOICE.

Blog: Are liberal women really proud to have abortions?
Taking a nod from the gay pride movement, abortionists are calling on women to celebrate their abortion experiences on Twitter with the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion. Really.

I must admit that I've had a similar sentiment when I discovered who is predominately using this "service". I still can't say it squares with me morally... But it sure does take some of the sting out of it.
I would pay for bodey to be a late term abortion ...prolly 60 years late.

He wants her to have an abortion and the guys in the video say over and over again how much of a scumbag this guy is.

You do see the difference between that and proclaiming how proud you are to have had an abortion, right???

And no, I have never paid for an abortion of my own free will nor would I ever even remotely consider it. Ever.
I offered to take a friend to the clinic if that's what she wanted. She was afraid. I also told her my wife and I would love to adopt her baby too. She choose life.
Can liberals explain how they concluded that:

Men and women are equally responsible for a child. A woman can end her obligation with an abortion, however a man cannot end his obligation with a signature before the child's birth?

Seems to me women are playing the victim role, and liberals only believe in equal rights when it suits the narrative.
Never even considered paying for one. I did get to pay to watch a child grow up to be a damn good adult. Seems like a better investment.
Can liberals explain how they concluded that:

Men and women are equally responsible for a child. A woman can end her obligation with an abortion, however a man cannot end his obligation with a signature before the child's birth?

Seems to me women are playing the victim role, and liberals only believe in equal rights when it suits the narrative.
That's an absolutely valid, and legitimate point. Prior to the birth, as long as women possess the ability to terminate their responsibility; so too should the man. C'mon liberal ladies! Get in here and start fighting for this. Fight for fairness. Show everyone that you don't take just one side of a three sided issue.
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?

I'm sorry, do you have a clip of a male who is proud of paying for an abortion like the actress I posted who was loud and proud about it?

There is Dr. Gosnell. Have you ever heard of him? Probably not because the media is hush, hush about him, even though he was the largest mass murderer in US history. For you see, he was an abortion doctor who was caught with a myriad of health inspection failures, but instead of closing him down cuz abortion is a political football, they just stopped coming around. That was in the 1970's. He continued to practice for about 30 years and over those years continued to abuse women and viable infants. It was later learned that he killed enough women and viable infants to win the highly esteemed rank of the countries biggest mass murderer.

He showed his pride by having a jar full of aborted fetus' on his desk. I reckon it gave him inspiration every day just looking at it.

Did I mention that Dr. Gosnell target minority women for abuse cuz he figured he could get away with it since they did not have access to proper legal council?

Hush, hush? Gosnell was one of the top news headlines across the country for weeks.

They tried to do a movie on it but Progs in Hollywood would not do it.

Too much bad press, so they kept it as quiet as they could

Imagine, the number one mass murderer in the US and no movie?
Pride? The dirty little secret is that the faction of society that benefits the most from abortion is the callus liberal man. At the stroke of a scalpel all his responsibilities literally die and the woman is left with the guilt and the pain and mental conditions similar to PTSD that sometimes last for life.
I will pay for anyone's abortion on this forum, no questions asked.
since we have an op trying to shame asking the to show their abortion many of you men have paid for an abortion....lets show the male pride in this ...why not? so men step up and tell us....have you paid for an abortion?

Until I heard some dipshit woman this last week, I never heard of anything being proud of abortion or talking about the best one they had. Leave it to liberals to pretend it's something to celebrate.

Deadbeats are relieved when a woman makes the responsibility go away and many wouldn't pay their half. And half is all they owe since the woman should pay the other half.

Those that would want to be fathers have zero say in the matter one way or the other and I feel bad for them.

Can liberals explain how they concluded that:

Men and women are equally responsible for a child. A woman can end her obligation with an abortion, however a man cannot end his obligation with a signature before the child's birth?

Seems to me women are playing the victim role, and liberals only believe in equal rights when it suits the narrative.
True but there are biological realities that make this the way it is.
So.........all this crap about women having abortions.........and not one argument about men taking the responsibility of NOT getting the woman pregnant in the first place?????
seems men have issues with controlling their sperm men its all about the woman taking charge of birth control then they scream bloody murder when they are not consulted on all choices....control your sperm and there is no problem
Most times an abortion is an easy way out of a fuck up... human nature

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