Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

The baby killers deny there is such a thing as coerced abortion. They lie because they are hiding the fact they exploit and abuse women for money.

"...when it comes to legislation to prevent coerced abortion, abortion proponents trivialize the problem as a “myth,” as Think Progress’s Tara Culp-Ressler recently put it in her article “Anti-Choice Activists Use Myth of ‘Coerced Abortion’ to Push for Restricting Women’s Rights.” A legislative counsel for NARAL Pro-Choice Texas recently described a proposal to protect women forced to experience abortion as “creating a problem where none exists to push yet more abortion legislation . . . that is not needed.”

"The use of force and domestic violence to compel abortion is a widespread problem, especially in the domestic sex-trafficking industry and sometimes within families. But control can — and is — exerted without the use of violence in a multitude of ways. We use “coercion” to denote the process by which partners, family members, or others in a woman’s community selfishly pressure her to undergo an abortion she does not want."
Hidden Abuse of Women: Coerced Abortions
Abortion on demand functions specifically to protect men from the consequences of their actions and to keep women eternally ready for sex. The industry exploits desperate and abused women for $$ which is tgen funneled into political campaigns that protect porn, racketeering and sex trafficking industries. btw sixty percent of abortions are the result of coercion. But the disgusting pigs who promote it don't care. They help coerce women and girls into risking their lives for the purpose of killing their babies.

Back up the idea that 60 percent of abortions are the result of coercion. This is BS. The AMA, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynocology, and other medical associations have already said that the abortion procedure is low risk. You are an absolute idiot if you think that most of the people who elect to have an abortion are into porn, racketeering, or sex trafficking. Stop listening to male supremacist whores like dobson and perkins. You are brainwashed and it shows by your continuing to market this sort of fabrication. These whores have you all emotionally wound up. Women do this of their own accord, but whores like dobson and perkins try and market it, because of selfishness, as taking away the rights of women, when it is, in fact, the opposite. You have bought into their line of bullshit, hook, line, and sinker.

Low risk doesn't mean no risk. It kind of depends on who the butchers are.

And yes, 60 percent are coerced.

There, that's out of the way.

And I didn't say the victims of the abortion industry..aka desperate and vulnerable women, are *into* porn or racketeering. I said they are the victims of racketeers (PP and the porn industry giants) who use abortion to prolong their money making capability.

And yes, 60 percent are coerced.​

That is NOT "out of the way." You have never proved any of your assertions. You will remain stupid enough to believe this shit because you do not understand the concept of people making their own decisions. There is no abortion "industry" except in the warped minds of your "lovers" like frankie graham, tony perkins, dobson, duggars, etc. You choose to be a slave to trashy men who are into sexual dominance. There is nothing more to be said. Sad that you do not understand the notion of free will and choose to be a slave to a sexual dominant. At least Fifty Shades of Crap was a bit more honest than the cult guys. The people whom I've known who had abortions had them of their own free will, but you slave types don't understand the concept of free will. Normal heterosexuals don't respond like you do.

I've proven all my assertions.

My guess is you helped coerce the people you know who have had abortions.

I only found out afterwards. You have "proven" absolutely nothing. You are always talking crazy about the subject of abortion. You want to be a slave, be a slave. So be it. Kiss your little boys and give in to their demands. Enjoy what happens in your bed with your lovers.
You're just another disgusting reprobate who thinks women are slaves.
"The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.[1]"

"One study shows that up to 64 percent of women who had undergone an abortion reported that they were pressured to do so.[2]"
Liesrav thinks women being forced to get abortions is funny.
"The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.[1]"

"One study shows that up to 64 percent of women who had undergone an abortion reported that they were pressured to do so.[2]"

This Charlotte Lozier is exactly what? What are Michigan, and other states, doing to "protect" women from being coerced to continue their pregnancies? Do tell me.
What about the states that coerce pregnant people who choose abortion to attend religious indoctrination sessions as a condition of obtaining an abortion? All or these "counseling centers" that the states force people seeking an abortion are cult religious centers. Why should the states force "counseling" on people who already have made up their minds? Even if this is acceptable, which it is not because no level of government should be allowed to force a person to discuss her personal business with a third government-selected party, how come these states don't make available "counseling" that a person can pick according to their individual beliefs?
You apparently do not want to recognize the social pressures and family pressures assembled to coerce women into continuing pregnancies they don't want by men, families, religious cults.
"The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.[1]"

"One study shows that up to 64 percent of women who had undergone an abortion reported that they were pressured to do so.[2]"

This Charlotte Lozier is exactly what? What are Michigan, and other states, doing to "protect" women from being coerced to continue their pregnancies? Do tell me.
What about the states that coerce pregnant people who choose abortion to attend religious indoctrination sessions as a condition of obtaining an abortion? All or these "counseling centers" that the states force people seeking an abortion are cult religious centers. Why should the states force "counseling" on people who already have made up their minds? Even if this is acceptable, which it is not because no level of government should be allowed to force a person to discuss her personal business with a third government-selected party, how come these states don't make available "counseling" that a person can pick according to their individual beliefs?
You apparently do not want to recognize the social pressures and family pressures assembled to coerce women into continuing pregnancies they don't want by men, families, religious cults.
It's hard to do anything when the people protect the sex, human trafficking, and dead baby industries.
"The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.[1]"

"One study shows that up to 64 percent of women who had undergone an abortion reported that they were pressured to do so.[2]"

This Charlotte Lozier is exactly what? What are Michigan, and other states, doing to "protect" women from being coerced to continue their pregnancies? Do tell me.
What about the states that coerce pregnant people who choose abortion to attend religious indoctrination sessions as a condition of obtaining an abortion? All or these "counseling centers" that the states force people seeking an abortion are cult religious centers. Why should the states force "counseling" on people who already have made up their minds? Even if this is acceptable, which it is not because no level of government should be allowed to force a person to discuss her personal business with a third government-selected party, how come these states don't make available "counseling" that a person can pick according to their individual beliefs?
You apparently do not want to recognize the social pressures and family pressures assembled to coerce women into continuing pregnancies they don't want by men, families, religious cults.
It's hard to do anything when the people protect the sex, human trafficking, and dead baby industries.
I can't help your mental state.
"The best estimates indicate that somewhere between 30 to over 60 percent of women seeking abortions in the United States do so under pressure—from the father of her child, her parents, her family members, friends, or employer.[1]"

"One study shows that up to 64 percent of women who had undergone an abortion reported that they were pressured to do so.[2]"

This Charlotte Lozier is exactly what? What are Michigan, and other states, doing to "protect" women from being coerced to continue their pregnancies? Do tell me.
What about the states that coerce pregnant people who choose abortion to attend religious indoctrination sessions as a condition of obtaining an abortion? All or these "counseling centers" that the states force people seeking an abortion are cult religious centers. Why should the states force "counseling" on people who already have made up their minds? Even if this is acceptable, which it is not because no level of government should be allowed to force a person to discuss her personal business with a third government-selected party, how come these states don't make available "counseling" that a person can pick according to their individual beliefs?
You apparently do not want to recognize the social pressures and family pressures assembled to coerce women into continuing pregnancies they don't want by men, families, religious cults.
It's hard to do anything when the people protect the sex, human trafficking, and dead baby industries.
I can't help your mental state.
Ah, more female love. Women who don't submit to abortion are stupid, crazy, whores. They're supposed to support and defend human trafficking and the dead baby industry.
Why do so many Americans hate women ?
Yeah, the way we treat them like second class citizens, make them wear clothing that covers their entire body and, don't let them go out without their husbands, prosecute them when they get raped, and when they REALLY piss us off, behead them and pop it onto the internet.

I don't know. We're sick here. Stipulated.
Why do so many Americans hate women ?
Yeah, the way we treat them like second class citizens, make them wear clothing that covers their entire body and, don't let them go out without their husbands, prosecute them when they get raped, and when they REALLY piss us off, behead them and pop it onto the internet.

I don't know. We're sick here. Stipulated.
Bit of over reaction there Mac. There is a place between the extremes.
Why do so many Americans hate women ?
Yeah, the way we treat them like second class citizens, make them wear clothing that covers their entire body and, don't let them go out without their husbands, prosecute them when they get raped, and when they REALLY piss us off, behead them and pop it onto the internet.

I don't know. We're sick here. Stipulated.
Bit of over reaction there Mac. There is a place between the extremes.
If that's the case, why did you use the word "hate"?

And why did you limit it to America?

Just kidding, I know why. Those were rhetorical questions.
Why do so many Americans hate women ?
Yeah, the way we treat them like second class citizens, make them wear clothing that covers their entire body and, don't let them go out without their husbands, prosecute them when they get raped, and when they REALLY piss us off, behead them and pop it onto the internet.

I don't know. We're sick here. Stipulated.
Bit of over reaction there Mac. There is a place between the extremes.
If that's the case, why did you use the word "hate"?

And why did you limit it to America?

Just kidding, I know why. Those were rhetorical questions.
Im just responding to the comments on this thread. I would expect to see them in a backward society. America should be better than that.

it's just that I will not hear any more negativy against President Trump!

he is a hero I respect him and admire him to the very end.

President Donald J. Trump is

Making America Great Again

By Spanking liberal Ass Day In and Day Out.

He certainly has made no secret of his orange disdain for the Constitution --- you know that shining document of Liberalism on which this country is based and which he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" --- which he apparently heard as "pervert, detest and end".

Give me one example of Trumps disdain for the Constitution...

Bet you can't....
Well he had distain for his wife whilst she was pregnant with Barron......Old Dick Face Trump was busy out Porn Starlet Stormy Daniels,so I am informed

What a man NOT.....What a president.........NOT>>>Like a lot of men in his position(excuse the Pun),he has a below WAISTLINE MENTALITY...I understand the Lady in question received US$130,000...

Your liberal Butt Hurt is but a Fart in the wind....

All the while Trump keeps kicking your asses..............

Seventy something new Federal Judges...

Another Supreme Court Judge or two...

We will own your asses for the next 30 years....

We will see how you like the Courts Legislating.
And Clinton was getting blow jobs. So? What they do in their private lives is nobody's business. Clinton did great as POTUS, in my opinion. So is Trump.
Hardly Presidential but then some people enjoy SLAGGERY,maybe you are one???????????
Not sure what slaggery is, but if I remember are australian. Since when is it your business what americans think or do?
Unlike you we not only have an internal view of politik BUT a world view,which is very important in todays Global Economy and Society....That you and your Country has become only inward thinking ..does not mean the rest of the world has to be so myopic and negative and dare I say it confrontational...Listen,no one these days are really listening to Trump and his backward America.......but still we have to be on guard to the potential negative excesses of your weird Government at present.....more over I don't need to be told anything by a slagg like you.
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