Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

The loss of rights is very, very real, sad to say, particularly in the area of reproductive rights. These guys' so-called "opinions" are rooted in the fact that they think that they are superior, and you, apparently, are falling for it.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
OK. Explain what "reproductive rights" those "superior" men are depriving you of.

As a woman I would like all these Leftist Maniac Moonbat women to tell me exactly WHAT RIGHTS I have lost, because I have lost NO rights and if I have not lost any rights then they have not.

What they are afraid of is that they lose the right to murder their own baby as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their slutty lifestyle or whatever. Why Radical Militant Feminists are even in this who knows, considering they hate men and do not fuck men they are NEVER going to get pregnant so what are their Reproductive Rights, they have NO Reproductive Rights because they thank goodness will never reproduce.
You lose the right to maintain your girlish figure so you can be used as a sex toy/income source by men who despise you.

Well again the Radical Militant Feminists don't have to worry about that either.
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.

Go away. When you decide to respond to people in a rational way and without calling people names then return, every post of yours since you unfortunately decided to join this forum from Moonbat Central or wherever, every post of yours I have ever read contains you calling people names, this illustrates either a low IQ and/or you have zero manners and/or both.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
In the old days families accommodated this by helping young adults pick suitable mates...and supporting them through marriage and other institutions which provided stability, safety and positivity for those who are ready to have sex. It works infinitely better than the depraved welfare system the deranged left forced upon us.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
Abortion solves none of the problems you mention.
One thing's for sure, Lysistrata doesn't appear willing or able to explain what rights she is being deprived of. Mayhap wearing a pussy hat in the sun done cooked her brain.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
Except you object to it when vulnerable women are provided with facts that show them what abortion consists of and you are adamant they not be counseled on alternatives to abortion. So yeah...we know how committed baby killers are to providing facts to their victims.
Remember when the butchers objected to sonograms to show exactly how far along the pregnancy is and the exact location of the baby? They object because they know women will change their minds and choose not to abort if they can see they are 18 weeks along instead of 9 weeks. PP lies to women . Those big babies are worth $$$. And they are willing to risk women's lives to get that $$. And scum like Lies help them exploit the most desperate.
But I thought that liberals don't believe in biological gender? I thought "gender" to them was something that was "optional", and something you could change from day to day?

So why were they marching for "woman's" rights? Isn't that hypocritical of them?
Come to think of it...I didn't see any signs that said "thank God demented men can now share our showers, bathrooms and locker rooms with us, by force of law!!"

Nor did I see any signs that said "Thank God we can be replaced in marriage to children as mothers by lisping bottom gay men!"

Odd. I thought liberal women and the LGBT cult were on the same page? :popcorn:
Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
In the old days families accommodated this by helping young adults pick suitable mates...and supporting them through marriage and other institutions which provided stability, safety and positivity for those who are ready to have sex. It works infinitely better than the depraved welfare system the deranged left forced upon us.

Well personally in an ideal world birth control would be completely free to all and everyone. Unfortunately like with everything else, it's a business, the manufacturers need to make a profit to stay in business, so they're not going to give their stuff away for nothing.

I support completely free contraceptives for the under-18s, there's no use people putting their head in the sand and thinking that 16 year-old's don't have sex, because they do and the rates of teenage pregnancy illustrate that they do.

Most Pro-Life people are also Pro-Birth Control, this is because we know this is the only way to prevent a pregnancy that's not convenient.

Very few Pro-Life people support Abstinence, this is just a ludicrous suggestion that teenagers must abstain from sex, sex is a purely natural happening for teenagers to experiment with.

We're NOT The fucking Taliban, despite what the Leftist Pro-Baby Murdering crowd says, nor do we wish to FORCE women who have been raped or victims of incest to carry a baby full-term and give birth to it, we do possess compassion and understanding for the psychological problems such women and girls would face if they were to be denied access to an abortion.

The Leftist Maniacs just want women and girls to go out and illustrate their RIGHTS by having completely unprotected sex, become pregnant and then go to an abortion clinic and say "well, I had a drunken one night stand and I'm pregnant, so can you just kill this thing now and then I can carry on with my life because a baby is just too inconvenient for me to deal with"
Please lock these people up:

Poor JEWISH(kosher?) is you who is Mad and the Flurry of so called America Men(Lemmings) that crawl around this site like Mummy Repressed Slackers.......Will the first real man on here stand up.....wasting your time theliq,they are all just a bag of candy floss,one touch and they melt away...the idiots LOL
Please lock these people up:

Poor JEWISH(kosher?) is you who is Mad and the Flurry of so called America Men(Lemmings) that crawl around this site like Mummy Repressed Slackers.......Will the first real man on here stand up.....wasting your time theliq,they are all just a bag of candy floss,one touch and they melt away...the idiots LOL

^^^^ Huh? :confused-84:
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
In the old days families accommodated this by helping young adults pick suitable mates...and supporting them through marriage and other institutions which provided stability, safety and positivity for those who are ready to have sex. It works infinitely better than the depraved welfare system the deranged left forced upon us.

Well personally in an ideal world birth control would be completely free to all and everyone. Unfortunately like with everything else, it's a business, the manufacturers need to make a profit to stay in business, so they're not going to give their stuff away for nothing.

I support completely free contraceptives for the under-18s, there's no use people putting their head in the sand and thinking that 16 year-old's don't have sex, because they do and the rates of teenage pregnancy illustrate that they do.

Most Pro-Life people are also Pro-Birth Control, this is because we know this is the only way to prevent a pregnancy that's not convenient.

Very few Pro-Life people support Abstinence, this is just a ludicrous suggestion that teenagers must abstain from sex, sex is a purely natural happening for teenagers to experiment with.

We're NOT The fucking Taliban, despite what the Leftist Pro-Baby Murdering crowd says, nor do we wish to FORCE women who have been raped or victims of incest to carry a baby full-term and give birth to it, we do possess compassion and understanding for the psychological problems such women and girls would face if they were to be denied access to an abortion.

The Leftist Maniacs just want women and girls to go out and illustrate their RIGHTS by having completely unprotected sex, become pregnant and then go to an abortion clinic and say "well, I had a drunken one night stand and I'm pregnant, so can you just kill this thing now and then I can carry on with my life because a baby is just too inconvenient for me to deal with"
You have a point but I still think you should drink a little more
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.
Please lock these people up:

Poor JEWISH(kosher?) is you who is Mad and the Flurry of so called America Men(Lemmings) that crawl around this site like Mummy Repressed Slackers.......Will the first real man on here stand up.....wasting your time theliq,they are all just a bag of candy floss,one touch and they melt away...the idiots LOL

Those are the people who decimated ISIS in under one year. You remember ISIS, they were slaughtering muslims like so much vermin.
PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.
In the old days families accommodated this by helping young adults pick suitable mates...and supporting them through marriage and other institutions which provided stability, safety and positivity for those who are ready to have sex. It works infinitely better than the depraved welfare system the deranged left forced upon us.

Well personally in an ideal world birth control would be completely free to all and everyone. Unfortunately like with everything else, it's a business, the manufacturers need to make a profit to stay in business, so they're not going to give their stuff away for nothing.

I support completely free contraceptives for the under-18s, there's no use people putting their head in the sand and thinking that 16 year-old's don't have sex, because they do and the rates of teenage pregnancy illustrate that they do.

Most Pro-Life people are also Pro-Birth Control, this is because we know this is the only way to prevent a pregnancy that's not convenient.

Very few Pro-Life people support Abstinence, this is just a ludicrous suggestion that teenagers must abstain from sex, sex is a purely natural happening for teenagers to experiment with.

We're NOT The fucking Taliban, despite what the Leftist Pro-Baby Murdering crowd says, nor do we wish to FORCE women who have been raped or victims of incest to carry a baby full-term and give birth to it, we do possess compassion and understanding for the psychological problems such women and girls would face if they were to be denied access to an abortion.

The Leftist Maniacs just want women and girls to go out and illustrate their RIGHTS by having completely unprotected sex, become pregnant and then go to an abortion clinic and say "well, I had a drunken one night stand and I'm pregnant, so can you just kill this thing now and then I can carry on with my life because a baby is just too inconvenient for me to deal with"
You have a point but I still think you should drink a little more

What are you babbling about, perhaps it is you who have had too much to drink today darling?
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.
You saying they take pride in killing their own children?
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Another instance of cognitive dysfunctionality of the left. I never said our entire nation is composed of whores. That comes straight from your brain...not mine. Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.

Also it's interesting that you view women who get abortions as whores...not as vulnerable and desperate people.
Seriously stupid statement. I never said that at all. You are the one who calls people "baby killers" and rambles on about people maintaining that "prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights." Of course, people who undergo abortions are experiencing problems of one sort or another. That goes without saying. You are the one who keeps refusing to acknowledge that many of these people are in normal, consensual relationships, not the sex trade, and have sex within those relationships. Many are even married.
Your ranting about women degrading themselves is just idiotic. Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion.

"Women don't "degrade" themselves by having sex or having an abortion."

That depends who they are having sex with, if they are having sex with some man they met five minutes ago and/or a man who treats them like shit and abuses them well then yes they are degrading themselves and have no self respect.

How is having an abortion as a mean of contraception NOT degrading, considering the baby is being killed because it's inconvenient to the womans lifestyle.

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