Mental illness on parade aka "Women's March"

But I thought that liberals don't believe in biological gender? I thought "gender" to them was something that was "optional", and something you could change from day to day?

So why were they marching for "woman's" rights? Isn't that hypocritical of them?
Do yourself a favor and don`t tell anyone what you "thought".
PP is a racket and has been exposed repeatedly as such. It counts on sad baby killing cultists like you to lie and cover for it.
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.
There was no kind of unity for the march. Some were protecting the polar bears, others were stating their displeasure with those horrible men. Well, the white ones, anyway. More still worried about the weather. Others because they hate Trump for publicly giving anal to Hillary. And on and on.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.
They hate that people admit to sex and are not ashamed. They are into sex as a shameful, sneaky thing.
Please lock these people up:

Yes I posted about this last night.

Remember that when Leftist Maniacs comment that The Donald should have a psychological test, remember this:

Kate Brown signs bill making Oregon first to offer free abortions for all, including illegal aliens

Though this is just a formalization. PP clinics have funding to cover abortions for those who can't pay.

Excellent news! I'm sure that no one who doesn't believe in having an abortion will not avail herself of these services. And thanks to PP for having provided low-cost birth control for decades. It's an organization that has always tried to lessen the need for abortion services by helping people to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Kudos.

In other news, I am happy to hear that the state of Missouri is being sued by violating the Establishment Clause:

Doe has the “right to reject any part of any medical procedure on religious grounds,” the suit states. Nevertheless, Doe, who obtained an abortion in a St. Louis clinic in 2015, was required by Missouri law to view an ultrasound of her fetus and read what she considered a “political and religious statement” that life begins at conception. In addition, she was required to wait 72 hours after her first appointment before she could obtain an abortion. She was forced to incur all costs of the law’s requirements, including for the ultrasound and lodging.​

Satanic Temple Religious Challenge To Missouri Abortion Law Heads To Court | HuffPost

It seems that the state was mandating that people seeking abortions must go through sectarian religious indoctrination attempts first and the state government was openly colluding with religious sects, while forcing these people to pay for it all. I hope that the extent of this collusion comes out during discovery in this case.

There was no legitimate reason to put her through this, and I hope that she gets a whopping award of both compensatory damages and punitive damages, which I hope are available in her case as the state officials deserve such an award against them. It would be great if such an award came out of their own personal pockets.

Baby killers hate the thought of women being told their options.

One practically-written simple, forthright pamphlet would do that in a matter of minutes. How is forcing a person to read religious statements, have an ultrasound, which involves touching the person's body, and wait three days necessary to tell people their options? We're in modern times. We are way beyond the printing press. We have computers now. How about federal- and state-government regulations that forbid discussing abortion at all or states like Texas that knowing force false and misleading "information" on women?

New Abortion Pamphlet In Texas Pushes False Health Risks, Experts Warn

Abortion booklet Texas requires for women cites refuted link to breast cancer | Texas Politics | Dallas News

It seems that the right-wingers hate the thought of women being told their options.
Real heterosexual men don't wear pussy hats. How do I know that? I'm married to one. He is proud, responsible and working. He isn't in the streets posing for selfies.

Ask yourself whether he would fight for your rights. Why isn't he protesting the GOP's continuing disrespect and denigration of women? Are you cult people?
You consider a difference of opinion disrespect and denigration. Real men don't have to fight for women over an imaginary loss of rights.

The loss of rights is very, very real, sad to say, particularly in the area of reproductive rights. These guys' so-called "opinions" are rooted in the fact that they think that they are superior, and you, apparently, are falling for it.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
OK. Explain what "reproductive rights" those "superior" men are depriving you of.
What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.
They hate that people admit to sex and are not ashamed. They are into sex as a shameful, sneaky thing.

Yet they love someone like trump, who has admitted it and bragged about it every chance he gets, and so many of them get caught with their pants down. I think what they actually hate is women admitting to sex. The seem to hate the idea that women actually have libidos. Too weird.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:

Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.
They hate that people admit to sex and are not ashamed. They are into sex as a shameful, sneaky thing.

Yet they love someone like trump, who has admitted it and bragged about it every chance he gets, and so many of them get caught with their pants down. I think what they actually hate is women admitting to sex. The seem to hate the idea that women actually have libidos. Too weird.

^^^^ :cuckoo:
We hate the sex trade, not sex. Baby killers like to conflate those things. They maintain prostitution and human trafficking and incest are enjoyable women's rights. In this way they convince women to degrade themselves and kill tgeir order to make miney for the men who exploit and harm them.

What absolute nonsense. The vast majority of people, male and female, are not involved in prostitution, human trafficking, or incest. This nonsense that our entire nation is composed of whores or the sexually exploited has got to come from the right-wing cults. Most people are in relationships. Women do not "degrade" themselves.
Ask yourself whether he would fight for your rights. Why isn't he protesting the GOP's continuing disrespect and denigration of women? Are you cult people?
You consider a difference of opinion disrespect and denigration. Real men don't have to fight for women over an imaginary loss of rights.

The loss of rights is very, very real, sad to say, particularly in the area of reproductive rights. These guys' so-called "opinions" are rooted in the fact that they think that they are superior, and you, apparently, are falling for it.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
OK. Explain what "reproductive rights" those "superior" men are depriving you of.

As a woman I would like all these Leftist Maniac Moonbat women to tell me exactly WHAT RIGHTS I have lost, because I have lost NO rights and if I have not lost any rights then they have not.

What they are afraid of is that they lose the right to murder their own baby as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their slutty lifestyle or whatever. Why Radical Militant Feminists are even in this who knows, considering they hate men and do not fuck men they are NEVER going to get pregnant so what are their Reproductive Rights, they have NO Reproductive Rights because they thank goodness will never reproduce.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.
They hate that people admit to sex and are not ashamed. They are into sex as a shameful, sneaky thing.

Yet they love someone like trump, who has admitted it and bragged about it every chance he gets, and so many of them get caught with their pants down. I think what they actually hate is women admitting to sex. The seem to hate the idea that women actually have libidos. Too weird.

Getting imoregnated by your dad then being forced into having your uterus scraped to protect him is a *feminist's* concept of healthy female libido. That is why we need nuthatches for them. They are a threat.
Kate Brown signs bill making Oregon first to offer free abortions for all, including illegal aliens

Though this is just a formalization. PP clinics have funding to cover abortions for those who can't pay.

Excellent news! I'm sure that no one who doesn't believe in having an abortion will not avail herself of these services. And thanks to PP for having provided low-cost birth control for decades. It's an organization that has always tried to lessen the need for abortion services by helping people to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place. Kudos.

In other news, I am happy to hear that the state of Missouri is being sued by violating the Establishment Clause:

Doe has the “right to reject any part of any medical procedure on religious grounds,” the suit states. Nevertheless, Doe, who obtained an abortion in a St. Louis clinic in 2015, was required by Missouri law to view an ultrasound of her fetus and read what she considered a “political and religious statement” that life begins at conception. In addition, she was required to wait 72 hours after her first appointment before she could obtain an abortion. She was forced to incur all costs of the law’s requirements, including for the ultrasound and lodging.​

Satanic Temple Religious Challenge To Missouri Abortion Law Heads To Court | HuffPost

It seems that the state was mandating that people seeking abortions must go through sectarian religious indoctrination attempts first and the state government was openly colluding with religious sects, while forcing these people to pay for it all. I hope that the extent of this collusion comes out during discovery in this case.

There was no legitimate reason to put her through this, and I hope that she gets a whopping award of both compensatory damages and punitive damages, which I hope are available in her case as the state officials deserve such an award against them. It would be great if such an award came out of their own personal pockets.

Baby killers hate the thought of women being told their options.

One practically-written simple, forthright pamphlet would do that in a matter of minutes. How is forcing a person to read religious statements, have an ultrasound, which involves touching the person's body, and wait three days necessary to tell people their options? We're in modern times. We are way beyond the printing press. We have computers now. How about federal- and state-government regulations that forbid discussing abortion at all or states like Texas that knowing force false and misleading "information" on women?

New Abortion Pamphlet In Texas Pushes False Health Risks, Experts Warn

Abortion booklet Texas requires for women cites refuted link to breast cancer | Texas Politics | Dallas News

It seems that the right-wingers hate the thought of women being told their options.
I can't speak for all the right-wingers, but I hate the thought of women killing their own children.
You consider a difference of opinion disrespect and denigration. Real men don't have to fight for women over an imaginary loss of rights.

The loss of rights is very, very real, sad to say, particularly in the area of reproductive rights. These guys' so-called "opinions" are rooted in the fact that they think that they are superior, and you, apparently, are falling for it.
Wrong. The idea that free condoms and free abortions are reproductive rights is delusional. What exactly do you think I'm "falling for"? A certainty that that I am perfectly capable of running my own life without freebies and special treatment?

What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
OK. Explain what "reproductive rights" those "superior" men are depriving you of.

As a woman I would like all these Leftist Maniac Moonbat women to tell me exactly WHAT RIGHTS I have lost, because I have lost NO rights and if I have not lost any rights then they have not.

What they are afraid of is that they lose the right to murder their own baby as it slumbers in the womb because to allow it to be born would be inconvenient to their slutty lifestyle or whatever. Why Radical Militant Feminists are even in this who knows, considering they hate men and do not fuck men they are NEVER going to get pregnant so what are their Reproductive Rights, they have NO Reproductive Rights because they thank goodness will never reproduce.
You lose the right to maintain your girlish figure so you can be used as a sex toy/income source by men who despise you.
What "free condoms and free abortions"? Where in the U.S. can one get either? They are available either at the market rate or at non-profits that offer these things on a sliding scale depending on income.
Walk into any dhs office or public school. Free condoms at the counter. Free abortions available upon request. Shows what you know.

Condoms might be available at schools to safeguard the health of their students. Where are free abortions being offered?
Free abortions aren't offered...pp is first and foremost a racket and rackets make money.

But funding for abortions is available. National Abortion Federation Hotline - National Network of Abortion Funds

Condoms are contraception. They are free at school and at offices. Other forms of birth control are available for free at county health departments and walk in clinics....and always have been. Your dishonesty is showing, Lies.

PP is not a "racket" except in the sick minds of cultheads, fool. It's always been a nonprofit.
I didn't know about the network. It means that women will not be denied an abortion just because they can't pay. Great!
Condoms also prevent the spread of STDs, but I guess that you didn't know that. I am not dishonest, just not up to date.

Now if we Americans can just get a proper system of fact-based sex education together, we'll have a clear shot at eliminating unwanted pregnancies. Of course, our federal government has already wasted $2 billion of our tax money on moronic "abstinence education," telling kids that they are like well-chewed gum on the floor if they have sex and insulting and frightening them every which way.

The Looming Threat to Sex Education: A Resurgence of Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only Programs?

Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids. Anyone who ever told a kid that she was like discarded gum would need a dentist very soon if I overheard it.

I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined.

"Such undignified trash should never be directed at American kids."

But you have no problem with children being told about Anal Sex, buttfucking directed at children is okay yes? Of course it is. What about telling children that a boy can also have a period and a vagina, that's okay also yes? Of course it is.

"I will never understand why these trashy right-wing monkeys hate sex so much. Not just birth control, or abortion, but sex itself. They need their pointed little fucked-up heads examined."

STFU you deranged fanatical Leftist Maniac Moonbat, NOBODY is against birth control, NOBODY hates sex, we just do not think that it's a good idea for people under the age of 16 to be having sex and getting pregnant and having abortions, we know that Leftist Maniac Moonbats like you support that type of thing though which is why you need your heads examined....oh wait hold on I forgot here's what an X-Ray of the Leftist Maniac Moonbat skull shows:


you are a totally deranged asshole if you think that anyone supports teenagers have sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions. This is why we need practical, fact-based education to prevent these things. And if teenagers have sex, considering that they are at a stage when their hormones are raging, we should focus on teaching them how to prevent pregnancy and the spread of STDs.
You're just a nutty culthead.

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