"Mentally ill" and No Fly List


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.
this is a great thread, i wondered the same thing. giving the government more ways to isolate people that are political enemies is a bad idea.

either we have a country or we don't, once they are in they're in. although, i've been on government watch lists for years, it doesn't make much difference in my life. isis and regular illegal immigration are the same problem at our borders. (yes including canada, sorry toro)

what they really like s the reaction. "you had better be careful, you might be on a government watch list". whoooo....

i figure the government is such a joke right now, who cares ?

that said, i don't have any outstanding warrants, and i'm not on parole like akoula nakoula.

the government doesn't care about people at street level. this is proven by people going into politics and elected office to gain wealth ! this is evidenced by the area surrounding Washington DC becoming the wealthiest area in the world, and 'tis the arena of attaining government power. that means status.

with respect to gun control ? from my cold dead hand. i want the best firearms i can find, because when the grocery stores and gunstores are emptied in the cities, roving gangs will gather cutthroats, weapons and everything they need. so by the time they get to where i live, we will be prepared. it's not a foreign enemy i will be fighting, when the socialist government collapses, and the world as we know it begins to burn in hell..

anyway, merry Christmas everybody ! :)
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Good to see more people waking up. Big Brother is not your friend. He just wants you to STFU and do what you're told.
Good to see more people waking up. Big Brother is not your friend. He just wants you to STFU and do what you're told.
Seriously how is the government going to stop the real threats, the mentally ill and take their guns away...Load of :blahblah: from the politicians.
I personally know of a father ( from Lebanon ) who's wife left him , he was a rich control freak so much of a control freak that he was mentally ill. He was not suppose to have a gun legally, yet had one and killed his 23 year old son and almost got his daughter too, he then killed himself.

Yes the government has made it almost impossible for the mentally ill to get into the system for help.
Pisses me off that help is cut so badly they have to be suicidal or a threat to even be assessed by a professional.
<<<<<I personally know of a father ( from Lebanon ) who's wife left him , he was a rich control freak so much of a control freak that he was mentally ill.>>>>>

with our current domestic violence rules, all your exgirlfriend has to do is tell "authorities" she's scared, and you're pretty much convicted of being mentally ill
We've allowed the government too much control, the forefathers warned us of this

Ain't it the truth.

Would you believe there are actually some who force women to have unwanted babies and control who you choose to marry?

Hard to believe, but true.

Get RWNJ Big Government out of our private lives.

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<<<<<I personally know of a father ( from Lebanon ) who's wife left him , he was a rich control freak so much of a control freak that he was mentally ill.>>>>>

with our current domestic violence rules, all your exgirlfriend has to do is tell "authorities" she's scared, and you're pretty much convicted of being mentally ill

Not in this case, he fell through the cracks: Neighbor describes finding two bodies inside Los Gatos area home

what do you mean by "fell through the cracks"?, are you implying the government can stop all murders?
<<<<<I personally know of a father ( from Lebanon ) who's wife left him , he was a rich control freak so much of a control freak that he was mentally ill.>>>>>

with our current domestic violence rules, all your exgirlfriend has to do is tell "authorities" she's scared, and you're pretty much convicted of being mentally ill

Not in this case, he fell through the cracks: Neighbor describes finding two bodies inside Los Gatos area home

what do you mean by "fell through the cracks"?, are you implying the government can stop all murders?

No, I said he fell through the cracks when legally he was not suppose to have a gun due to his mental illness
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.

Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.

Hi Wolfstrike :) ,

I'm an Agnostic but the Apostle Paul's writings in Romans 13:1-2 in the Bible about governments ring a bell with me.

Unfortunately I use to be involved with a religion that is alleged to be openly targeted by our government; BUT THANK GOD I AM NOT INVOLVED WITH IT ANYMORE!!! ("Thank God" in the sense that that phrase is used as an expression, as I am an Agnostic now.)

But this is Romans 13:1-2 from the Bible which I can and would agree with:

(1)Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. (2)Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.

Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.

yes, because we need to let the thoughts of guys who owned slaves, shit in chamber pots, bled themselves when theywere sick and wore powdered wigs be the last word on what is a good idea.

We should never look at other societies where they sensible limit who can own a gun, because clearly their intent to use their guns to keep their darkies in line should still make sense 200 years later.
Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.

yes, because we need to let the thoughts of guys who owned slaves, shit in chamber pots, bled themselves when theywere sick and wore powdered wigs be the last word on what is a good idea.

We should never look at other societies where they sensible limit who can own a gun, because clearly their intent to use their guns to keep their darkies in line should still make sense 200 years later.

My post has nothing to do with slavery but with the Bill of Rights which is the rights of the people to protect us against government tyranny. I know you are a government lackey who wants the government to wipe your crappy hiney whenever you see a gun. LOL.
Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.

yes, because we need to let the thoughts of guys who owned slaves, shit in chamber pots, bled themselves when theywere sick and wore powdered wigs be the last word on what is a good idea.

We should never look at other societies where they sensible limit who can own a gun, because clearly their intent to use their guns to keep their darkies in line should still make sense 200 years later.

Here is a poster who complains about "racism" in the government, etc., yet he wants the government to be able to disarm citizens, and wants this same government's protection? Where the HELL is the logic in this mindset? It is the mindset of a kook.
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.
Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

And the notion of 'sealing the border' is idiocy.

Otherwise, the thread premise fails, as anyone denied a firearm because he's on a terrorist watch list has the same right to appeal the decision as anyone else denied pursuant to a background check – no due process rights are 'violated,' and no gun rights 'removed.'
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.

Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.

It's an idiotic post – ignorant, wrongheaded, and ridiculous, as is the notion of government 'messing' with the Bill of Rights.
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.

Great post! Thumbs up! It's definitely a slippery slope when you let government mess with the Bill of Rights.

It's an idiotic post – ignorant, wrongheaded, and ridiculous, as is the notion of government 'messing' with the Bill of Rights.

It makes complete sense and makes a heck of a lot more sense than anything you on the left post.

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