"Mentally ill" and No Fly List

We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.
Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

And the notion of 'sealing the border' is idiocy.

Otherwise, the thread premise fails, as anyone denied a firearm because he's on a terrorist watch list has the same right to appeal the decision as anyone else denied pursuant to a background check – no due process rights are 'violated,' and no gun rights 'removed.'

Idiocy? No. Just letting unskilled and low skilled people into the country by the thousands, which places a huge burden on US and our system, is what is idiocy. Get a clue.
We need to put to rest this ridiculous idea that the government CARES about people's well-being.

We have a growing number of homeless every year, the government doesn't care. The government seems to actually have joy in the fact people who aren't in the system are rotting on the street as a punishment. Our government has actually worked against people who have come up with ideas and efforts to alleviate the homelessness.

If our government cared about national safety, step #1 would be to seal the border. We've all kinds of criminals walk into this country, run mafias and kill people here, the government never cared about the safety of citizens enough to seal the border.

There is one reason, and one reason only, why politicians want to ban gun ownership by declaring people "mentally ill" or placing them on the No Fly List, and that is because bureaucrats would have the power to remove rights simply by placing people in a category.

In the United States of America, it is illegal for the government to deprive people of their rights without a criminal conviction by a jury made up of citizens.

If you allow the government to remove gun rights from people by declaring them mentally ill, or placing them on a No Fly List, then you may as well heat your house this Christmas by burning the U.S. Constitution while the government writes their new Socialist manifesto.
this is a great thread, i wondered the same thing. giving the government more ways to isolate people that are political enemies is a bad idea.

either we have a country or we don't, once they are in they're in. although, i've been on government watch lists for years, it doesn't make much difference in my life. isis and regular illegal immigration are the same problem at our borders. (yes including canada, sorry toro)

what they really like s the reaction. "you had better be careful, you might be on a government watch list". whoooo....

i figure the government is such a joke right now, who cares ?

that said, i don't have any outstanding warrants, and i'm not on parole like akoula nakoula.

the government doesn't care about people at street level. this is proven by people going into politics and elected office to gain wealth ! this is evidenced by the area surrounding Washington DC becoming the wealthiest area in the world, and 'tis the arena of attaining government power. that means status.

with respect to gun control ? from my cold dead hand. i want the best firearms i can find, because when the grocery stores and gunstores are emptied in the cities, roving gangs will gather cutthroats, weapons and everything they need. so by the time they get to where i live, we will be prepared. it's not a foreign enemy i will be fighting, when the socialist government collapses, and the world as we know it begins to burn in hell..

anyway, merry Christmas everybody ! :)

Amen, brother!!!
We've allowed the government too much control, the forefathers warned us of this
No, the Framers warned us about unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent that might occur in any society, about how those perceived to be different are often disadvantaged through force of law – such as conservatives' animosity toward Muslims today, hence the First Amendment.

Indeed, much of what the right advocates is contrary the the Framers' vision, they created the Bill of Rights to safeguard citizens rights from the type of attack many conservatives pursue against women, gay Americans, and Muslims.

In essence the Founding Generation anticipated the fear and hate that manifest now among most on the right, and framed the Constitution in defense of our protected liberties from that fear and hate.
We've allowed the government too much control, the forefathers warned us of this
No, the Framers warned us about unwarranted fear and hostility toward diversity and dissent that might occur in any society, about how those perceived to be different are often disadvantaged through force of law – such as conservatives' animosity toward Muslims today, hence the First Amendment.

Indeed, much of what the right advocates is contrary the the Framers' vision, they created the Bill of Rights to safeguard citizens rights from the type of attack many conservatives pursue against women, gay Americans, and Muslims.

In essence the Founding Generation anticipated the fear and hate that manifest now among most on the right, and framed the Constitution in defense of our protected liberties from that fear and hate.

Oh shut up, I'm tired of you spewing BS then running away. Freaking coward, you're just an annoyance
My post has nothing to do with slavery but with the Bill of Rights which is the rights of the people to protect us against government tyranny. I know you are a government lackey who wants the government to wipe your crappy hiney whenever you see a gun. LOL.

Naw, I'm an average American who is SICK AND TIRED of watching children being wheeled away in BODY BAGS because you have sick fetish.

Here is a poster who complains about "racism" in the government, etc., yet he wants the government to be able to disarm citizens, and wants this same government's protection? Where the HELL is the logic in this mindset? It is the mindset of a kook.

As much as you people scream about "the government', your sort is the first one running out there when a rogue cop shoots a black child in the back making excuses. For all the smack you talk about "fighting the government', you are usually horrified when someone kills a cop (as we all should be.)

talk about kooks.
My post has nothing to do with slavery but with the Bill of Rights which is the rights of the people to protect us against government tyranny. I know you are a government lackey who wants the government to wipe your crappy hiney whenever you see a gun. LOL.

Naw, I'm an average American who is SICK AND TIRED of watching children being wheeled away in BODY BAGS because you have sick fetish.

Here is a poster who complains about "racism" in the government, etc., yet he wants the government to be able to disarm citizens, and wants this same government's protection? Where the HELL is the logic in this mindset? It is the mindset of a kook.

As much as you people scream about "the government', your sort is the first one running out there when a rogue cop shoots a black child in the back making excuses. For all the smack you talk about "fighting the government', you are usually horrified when someone kills a cop (as we all should be.)

talk about kooks.

What is my sort? Oh that's right. You have no idea. My sort is the sort that believes in our constitutional rights. Just because some nuts are going to abuse those rights does not mean that any of the law abiding should lose theirs.
My post has nothing to do with slavery but with the Bill of Rights which is the rights of the people to protect us against government tyranny. I know you are a government lackey who wants the government to wipe your crappy hiney whenever you see a gun. LOL.

Naw, I'm an average American who is SICK AND TIRED of watching children being wheeled away in BODY BAGS because you have sick fetish.

Here is a poster who complains about "racism" in the government, etc., yet he wants the government to be able to disarm citizens, and wants this same government's protection? Where the HELL is the logic in this mindset? It is the mindset of a kook.

As much as you people scream about "the government', your sort is the first one running out there when a rogue cop shoots a black child in the back making excuses. For all the smack you talk about "fighting the government', you are usually horrified when someone kills a cop (as we all should be.)

talk about kooks.

I'm horrified whenever any psycho murders anyone, but I'm intelligent enough to know that it is not having a right and being treated like an adult that causes it.
You Liberals really need to think this thing through. Suppose one of you Liberals decided for some reason or another that you wanted to purchase a gun. You would be prohibited from doing so if a law prohibited the sale of guns to the mentally ill. Just saying . . .
Idiocy? No. Just letting unskilled and low skilled people into the country by the thousands, which places a huge burden on US and our system, is what is idiocy. Get a clue.

I love how you say stuff like this, when you fail to realize who is putting the 'burden' on you by inviting these people in.

The reason why you have such a 'burden" is because rich people don't want to pay you a far wage. But they will totally get stupid tools like you upset about your bibles and your guns.

You could end the "illegal" problem in ten minutes. Go after the rich people who hire them.
Idiocy? No. Just letting unskilled and low skilled people into the country by the thousands, which places a huge burden on US and our system, is what is idiocy. Get a clue.

I love how you say stuff like this, when you fail to realize who is putting the 'burden' on you by inviting these people in.

The reason why you have such a 'burden" is because rich people don't want to pay you a far wage. But they will totally get stupid tools like you upset about your bibles and your guns.

You could end the "illegal" problem in ten minutes. Go after the rich people who hire them.

I am all for minimum wage requirements, so there goes that argument. Woosh . . . there it goes. Bye-bye. :D

I want to do that too.
I'm horrified whenever any psycho murders anyone, but I'm intelligent enough to know that it is not having a right and being treated like an adult that causes it.

except your sort has made it easy for psychos to get guns, that's the problem. An adult would say, "Yeah, this isn't something people should easily get."

Shit, we banned fucking LAWN DARTS after they killed a handful of kids.


'BUt the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put Lawn Darts in the Bill of Rights!!!"
I'm horrified whenever any psycho murders anyone, but I'm intelligent enough to know that it is not having a right and being treated like an adult that causes it.

except your sort has made it easy for psychos to get guns, that's the problem. An adult would say, "Yeah, this isn't something people should easily get."

Shit, we banned fucking LAWN DARTS after they killed a handful of kids.

How One Dad Got Lawn Darts Banned

'BUt the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put Lawn Darts in the Bill of Rights!!!"

That's because of wimps like yourself. That's right, lawn darts is NOT a right. I cannot even believe that people like you exist. I think you must either work for the government and you're a poser, or you are from another country and are being poser.
I am all for minimum wage requirements, so there goes that argument. Woosh . . . there it goes. Bye-bye. :D

I want to do that too.

Yes, you keep missing the point, like a typical right wing tool Clinging to her gun and her bible.

Since I don't own either of those things, it would be difficult to cling to them. You just need to face the fact that you are a traitor and a government lackey.
I am all for minimum wage requirements, so there goes that argument. Woosh . . . there it goes. Bye-bye. :D

I want to do that too.

Yes, you keep missing the point, like a typical right wing tool Clinging to her gun and her bible.

Sorry, this is America. If I want a gun or a bible, I can have them. :D There is not a damn thing YOU can do about it. Ha ha.
The founders knew about people like Joe.

I'm horrified whenever any psycho murders anyone, but I'm intelligent enough to know that it is not having a right and being treated like an adult that causes it.

except your sort has made it easy for psychos to get guns, that's the problem. An adult would say, "Yeah, this isn't something people should easily get."

Shit, we banned fucking LAWN DARTS after they killed a handful of kids.

How One Dad Got Lawn Darts Banned

'BUt the Founding Slave Rapists didn't put Lawn Darts in the Bill of Rights!!!"
Joe, your still stuck on more laws will fix everything.
The Most gullible of people are the one's who think that laws have anything to do with freedom.
Absolute power is always abused....
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I am all for minimum wage requirements, so there goes that argument. Woosh . . . there it goes. Bye-bye. :D

I want to do that too.

Yes, you keep missing the point, like a typical right wing tool Clinging to her gun and her bible.

Yes, a typical left wing sheeple that has no problem with muslims clinging to their guns and sharia law.

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