merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I was aware of the fact that about 100 women coming back from Iraq claim to have been raped by fellow US soldiers, yes.

Spiderman, site evidence of this statement with a credible source.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
:laugh: :laugh: I dunno, I am feeling a psychotic reaction coming on!! someone wanna save me from myself??? or should I just do the deed??
He's had many chances. He's only here to antagonize with his lies and baseless accusations. He never apolgized to Patriot. So i think its time to pull the plug. That would be the worst thing you could do to him.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Interesting. You say these contractors raped iraqi women? Whats your proof. You have said they havent been convicted. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Innocent until proven guilty works real well when you're immune to prosection, doesn't it?
This guy did the exact same things that you guys have banned many idiots for. He came on here firing double barrel blasts of flame instead of giving himself some time and explaining his political positions like just about everybody else. I SAY OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
Do what you must do. I noticed that he sprang to answer those who went negative. He never answered my queries.
Originally posted by OCA
There is absolutely no evidence of this. Evil you going to let Jethro continue to spread lies on the board? I think the time has come to say adios to this moron. Y'all asked him to apologize earlier and he said no so why wait?


You're a liar, I did apologize, and Sir Evil accepted it.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
I dunno spidey, there calling for your head here tonight! maybe there is something you can say to reverse the minds around here? better hurry though, I feel it coming - - - :blowup:

Oh this ought to be interesting:D
Night guys. Let's hope tomorrow brings better news. Is Spidey gone yet?
Originally posted by insein
Translataion, You are Living Breathing Shit that has stated unAmerican things about our president, our military and our women. So what am i too conclude that your a Patriotic America?

Translation - "You're translation is right Spidey, I'll fabricate lies about anybody if it will help me win an argument"
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba

You're a liar, I did apologize, and Sir Evil accepted it.

That link takes me to the NPR website. What the hell is wrong with you boy? I guess the suspense was killing ya, huh? Couldn't stand being away from your ol'daddy OCA!
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I was aware of the fact that about 100 women coming back from Iraq claim to have been raped by fellow US soldiers, yes.
You link says "sexually assaulted" you use the term rape, closely related. However you cannot assume all cases where rape. A pat on the ass could be classified as a sexual assault.
Originally posted by insein
He's had many chances. He's only here to antagonize with his lies and baseless accusations. He never apolgized to Patriot. So i think its time to pull the plug. That would be the worst thing you could do to him.

Yes I did aplogize to Patriot, Sir Evil can testify to that. I'm amazed at your willingness to fabricate lies over and over again.
Originally posted by MtnBiker
You link says "sexually assaulted" you use the term rape, closely related. However you cannot assume all cases where rape. A pat on the ass could be classified as a sexual assault.

Oh, my bad, only a few cases were rape, nevermind then, a few cases of rape are OK.

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