merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by OCA
Jihad you're the man! Oops I mean lady. Hey Johnny Horton rocks!

LOL!!! North of Alaska baby!!!

Waiting to see if spidey goes south:smoke: :smoke:
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Oh, my bad, only a few cases were rape, nevermind then, a few cases of rape are OK.

Quotes like this put you in your own special class of asshole......
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Oh, my bad, only a few cases were rape, nevermind then, a few cases of rape are OK.

Jethro you got a link to some sort of proof for this or should we take your very dubious word?
Thanks Evil for doin the deed. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Good night gents.:eek:
Originally posted by Sir Evil
OK Folks, it's a done deal! spidey has left the house!:hail: :hail: :hail:

Thank god. Ive never been so aggravated by one asshole in my entire life. How someone could have a mindset like that and be an America is beyond comprehension.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
OK Folks, it's a done deal! spidey has left the house!:hail: :hail: :hail:

Is this for tonight or forever?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
OK Folks, it's a done deal! spidey has left the house!:hail: :hail: :hail:

SO LONG AND VAYA CON DIOS JETHRO! I told you I could get what I wished for you scumbag traitor heathen.

Shit Evil I was just about to give up and hit the hay, glad I waited. YOU'RE THE MAN and I owe you a cocktail;) Now lets talk about RWA:D
Did someone say beheaded?
Man, that sure happened quick.
He sure didn't have much salt to him.

But that word... we shouldn't use that word like that today.
Spidey got Ice-Ice Babied.
not to be annoying, but anyway we can like start a new thread on this. i dont want to have to wade through like 20 pages of BS to actually discuss something significant.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Sorry did I keep you up Jihad? thought I would make it slow and painful but didn't realize I was keepin ya all in such suspense!:laugh:

Nah it's all good! Slow and painful......building up to a climax? LOL!

I better be careful, Patriot was talking about light sticks in the coolie or something:p:
Originally posted by nycflasher
Did someone say beheaded?
Man, that sure happened quick.
He sure didn't have much salt to him.

But that word... we shouldn't use that word like that today.
Spidey got Ice-Ice Babied.

That was me, I was trying to get under his skin.
Originally posted by Sandy73
:slap: :spank3: :whip: :whip3: :chains: is my guess right ?

Oh i'm sure it would start out alright in neutral corners but after a few drinks.....well you know. I sure hope you're kidding again:D
well being the fact I have no clue even where this guy lives I seriously doubt it ... But hey I can still have fun right ?? :D
Originally posted by Sandy73
well being the fact I have no clue even where this guy lives I seriously doubt it ... But hey I can still have fun right ?? :D

Yeah and i'm thinking is he worth the 300 some odd bucks? You two(Janeeng) are crazy, I wouldn't put anything past y'all.
Originally posted by Sandy73
well being the fact I have no clue even where this guy lives I seriously doubt it ... But hey I can still have fun right ?? :D

He claims to have gone to LSU, work in Washington and live in Flagstaff Arizona.
BTW was it a name ban or an IP ban Evil? Cause i see guest viewing this thread and another registering as we speak.

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