merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by JIHADTHIS
Nah it's all good! Slow and painful......building up to a climax? LOL!

I better be careful, Patriot was talking about light sticks in the coolie or something:p:

Light sticks were for the prisoners. Spidy needed the strap on!
Originally posted by insein
BTW, what do you look like patriot. Indulge me, lol.

Well for starters I am all female at least that is what my ta-ta's are saying to me. *looks down her shirt* Yep they are still there!
Originally posted by insein
Lol, well if they're big enough to talk to you then thats a good thing. ;)

You must be kidding right? These pups could knock an eye out. Definately a mood breaker.
Originally posted by Patriot
Well for starters I am all female at least that is what my ta-ta's are saying to me. *looks down her shirt* Yep they are still there!

Wow, i thought only my one friend used the word ta tas. lol

I guess that means you are a woman then? got to question cause some guys have tatas too (ewww)
haha all of this is reminding me of a phone scam a local dj pulled years ago calling a woman pretending to need to alter her brides maid dress because her boobs were too big.
Originally posted by insein
this thread needs to be restarted cause it has gotten waaaaaaaay off subject thanks to said asshole.

Oh come on there has to be some way a beheading is related to TaTas...hmmm well i know that some girls will behead a guy if he stares too much. there is a connection i suppose:p
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Wow, i thought only my one friend used the word ta tas. lol

I guess that means you are a woman then? got to question cause some guys have tatas too (ewww)

That would be a resounding YES to being a woman. Titties and boobies are boring words for female anatomy. I like to spice things up some.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
hmmm question is is that a good attribute or a bad one:p

Well it is bad when the HO is yelling back at her man "go get your own damn beer!"

However, when use in the act of gratification I would say that most men would be in their happy place.
Originally posted by Patriot
That would be a resounding YES to being a woman. Titties and boobies are boring words for female anatomy. I like to spice things up some.

You know. Im not sure there are any boring names for them. I mean any word you can think of for them and guys get excited. so it doesnt bore us that much.
Originally posted by insein
Don't give me too many ideas, lol. I do have something big that i....nevermind i wont go there, lol.

dont start thinking. its a dangerous pastime.
Originally posted by Patriot
Well it is bad when the HO is yelling back at her man "go get your own damn beer!"

However, when use in the act of gratification I would say that most men would be in their happy place.

haha i dont know what to say to this one. All i know is its late and im feeling crazy which is probably why im still posting and not asleep.

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