merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
And where did I say America was evil? Oh, nowhere? Oh, OK then, why did you say I said it? Because you're a liar? Oh, Ok, I already knew that.

Oh no asswipe you've at least got enough smarts not to say it out loud but you think that most of us are stupid and can't read between your smoke and mirrors. You're a joke!
Originally posted by OCA

Jethro you fucked up today! You are an un-American piece of shit, yeah thats right unfuckingAmerican. You work for the Pentagon too! Thats right I know, makes me feel real good that we got a faggot ass mole right in the midst of the shit! How any American today could utter anything even remotely against his country is beyond me. I'm sure that guys family would love to hear your stupid ass words of encouragement.

Why don't you go have sex with some New Orleans whore, get AIDS and slink quietly off into the special hell that they have for traitors. Hell maybe i'll even see you there. Until then fuck off and don't let me catching you talking shit or i'll fill that fucking pm box of yours up and also your email with so much spam you'll shit bricks! Think I won't do it, try me!

This load of horse shit is what you bothered me in my private mail about? If you haven't taken that valium yet, I suggest you do it now, you need to calm down.

New Orleans whores are quite nice, actually, though I'd recommend a condom.
Originally posted by OCA
Oh no asswipe you've at least got enough smarts not to say it out loud but you think that most of us are stupid and can't read between your smoke and mirrors. You're a joke!

You read what you want to read in what I say because it helps you to avoid real issues and it makes you feel better about yourself.
Originally posted by Kathianne
We're all a little upset tonight. I thought I couldn't get madder than 9/11, I was wrong.

Usually when I quote a lady I don't use harsh language but anybody who doesn't immediately show me murderous outrage tonight should have their balls ripped out through their mouth(Jethro, Spilly)
This is a bit off topic, but speaking of an assumption of stupid:

DANIEL L. DOW of Fremont, California was upset with his Congressman, Pete Stark. So he sent him a fax:

I am appalled that you voted against today's House Resolution 627, Roll Number 150. This measure would have shown publicly that you condemn the abuse of the prisoners in Iraq while simultaneously commend the service of the fine men and women who are serving in Iraq that bring honor to the uniform that they wear and to the Nation that they serve...
Much to Dow's surprise, Congressman Stark called back a few hours later, and left a message on his machine:

Dan, this is Congressman Pete Stark, and I just got your fax. And you don’t know what you’re talking about. So if you care about enlisted people, you wouldn’t have voted for that thing either.
But, probably someone put you up to this, and I’m not sure who it was, but I doubt if you could spell half the words in your letter, and somebody wrote it for you. So I don’t pay much attention to it.

But I’ll call you back later, and let you tell me more about why you think you’re such a great God-damned hero. And why you think that this general and the Defense Department who forced these poor enlisted guys to do what they did, shouldn’t be held to account. That’s the issue.

So if you want to stick it to a bunch of enlisted guys, have your way. But if you want to get to the bottom of the people who FORCED this AWFUL program in Iraq, then you should understand more about it than you obviously do.

Dow, who is himself a Staff Sergeant in the US Army, sent the recording to San Francisco talk radio station KSFO, who have been playing it on the air. Over, and over, and over again.

Good luck in the upcoming election, Congressman.

(Hat tip: Noble Eagle)

Posted by Smash on May 11, 2004 | Link | Iraq | Liberty | TrackBack
Originally posted by OCA
I am fucking pissed right now! You know that scene in Goodfellas where they have the card game and afterwards Jimmy, Murray, Tommy and that other guy are gonna go for donuts and Pesci sticks a big fucking needle up through the base of Murray's skull and clips him? Oh boy i'd love to see Jethro in person right now, i'd also go to Lowes and get me a big fat bag of lime and a shovel.

Sir Evil, am I to take it that when I've been around here long enough and have earned respect, it will be acceptable for me issue veiled threats on another posters life?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
I am really not interested in the amount of freedom there at the moment, it will come in time! I am interested in send rockets up the asses of those friggin terrorists!

I'd bet a lot of Iraqi women and children are interested in the lack of freedom they have now.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
This load of horse shit is what you bothered me in my private mail about? If you haven't taken that valium yet, I suggest you do it now, you need to calm down.

New Orleans whores are quite nice, actually, though I'd recommend a condom.

Do your superiors at the Pentagon know you hate your country so much? Also you don't tell me to calm down I tell you to calm down or in this case that I may arrange for you to be 86'd tonight.
Originally posted by Kathianne
We're all a little upset tonight. I thought I couldn't get madder than 9/11, I was wrong.

im not sure what emotions im feeling. Im angry. im angry over the act. Im angry over the fact that these people shouldnt be our enemies. That if they just left us alone we wouldnt have to hunt them down. Im angry that so many people have to die to stop these murderers. Im angry that there are people in country trying to undermine our efforts to stop these killers.

But oddly enough the overwhelming emotion im feeling right now is pity. What a waste of human life.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
I'd bet a lot of Iraqi women and children are interested in the lack of freedom they have now.

So lets see you think that Iraqis have less freedom now than they did under Sadaam. Are you reall this much of a mental invalid or do you try really hard?
Originally posted by OCA
Do your superiors at the Pentagon know you hate your country so much? Also you don't tell me to calm down I tell you to calm down or in this case that I may arrange for you to be 86'd tonight.

And would that mean I'd never have to hear from you again?
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
You are actually madder tonight than you were the day 3000 Americans were murdered?

Hey i'm sure that I saw you on 9/11 dancing around the streets of the west bank with a Palestinian flag. Don't feign your caring here, we don't buy it.
Spidey:You are actually madder tonight than you were the day 3000 Americans were murdered?

9/11 I was shocked, then angry. At the time of the Pearl murder, I was expecting that.

This just serves as a reminder of why there is no compromise possible. Our versions of truth and justice are irreconcilable.

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