merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by nycflasher
Not that Spidey needs a lawyer, shit he has spidey-sense and a large power-tool or something, but did he really say ALL that? Addressing what happened in Abu in the context of the war is not anti-American I don't think. Contrarily, what those SELECT soldiers did was ani-American. The fact that some of these atrocities were reported in January and kept secret...that's anti-American.

in fact, this very war and the next two decades may re-shape what it is to be American? (that's my vague statement of the day)

They werent kept secret. The reason the media even knew about it was because the military told them there was an investigation ongoing. They were keeping the information under wraps until ALL OF THE INFO WAS GATHERED so these soldiers could receive a fair trial as part of their constitutional rights.

What they did was completely morally wrong. But in their situation, if i had just watched my fellow soldier die in battle from one of these prisoners guns, I'd hate to think of what i'd be capable of doing to them.
Originally posted by krisy
Because I have heard it from my husband's cousin who was there!!!Is that proof enough for ya? You can't honestly sit here and tell me that nothing good has come from this. People have been given freedon...nuff said.

Actually even stupid Sean Penn "penned" (haha) an article that he was amazed at the changes from one year to the next from his visit. He went on to say that their has been many improvements since America "invaded" Iraq.
Originally posted by insein

Your are truly a piece of Living Breathing Shit.

Not very Obiwan of you, but I guess sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. (and that's not a racial reference Big D so go back to humping sheep and lay off)
Originally posted by insein
They werent kept secret. The reason the media even knew about it was because the military told them there was an investigation ongoing. They were keeping the information under wraps until ALL OF THE INFO WAS GATHERED so these soldiers could receive a fair trial as part of their constitutional rights.

What they did was completely morally wrong. But in their situation, if i had just watched my fellow soldier die in battle from one of these prisoners guns, I'd hate to think of what i'd be capable of doing to them.

Hmm.... well if you'd sodomize a prisoner with a lightbulb then you're pretty fucked up.

I thought that type of stuff was left to police officers in Brooklyn. Boom!
Originally posted by Sir Evil
But let's not forget that Sean Penn is one serios asshole!

I think of him more as an AMAZING actor, but I suppose he has his moments, mainly with the press.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Hmm.... well if you'd sodomize a prisoner with a lightbulb then you're pretty fucked up.

I thought that type of stuff was left to police officers in Brooklyn. Boom!

Hmmm...You never know...Some of those prisoners could be lying and like that light bulb. In fact some of those prisoners could be sticking a ligthbulb up their own ass.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Hey I would be the first to agree that we have done some serious good thus far! I would just never give Penn any credit for saying so!

Yes but it shows that if a leftwing nut like Penn can say good has been accomplished, then perhaps good has been accomplished.
Originally posted by krisy
Because I have heard it from my husband's cousin who was there!!!Is that proof enough for ya? You can't honestly sit here and tell me that nothing good has come from this. People have been given freedon...nuff said.

Well I don't know anyone coming back from Iraq yet, but I still know that we're building schools, retoring utilities, training police, organizing an Iraqi Army, and many other good things, and you know where I heard it from? The media. Which is why it strikes me as odd you would accuse the media of never reporting good news, because they have reported good news. So either you are a liar, or you don't watch the news to often.

People have been given freedom? You consider a society where suspected criminals are rounded up off the streets and thrown is prisons where they are sexually humiliated and psycologically tortured a free society? You consider a society where its not safe to walk on the stree in the day time a free society? A society with a government appointed by a foreign sovereign power is a free society? If you think that is freedom, I suggest you do some reading.
Originally posted by insein
You have proven how much Bullshit you push buddy. You claim that we're are evil for bombing targets .

Please, before we move on, I want you to quote me saying I think we're evil for bombing targets. Until then, I refuse to particpate in a conversation with an opponent whose only strategy is to fabricate lies and half truths about my belief system. Thank you, and have a nice day.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Please, before we move on, I want you to quote me saying I think we're evil for bombing targets. Until then, I refuse to particpate in a conversation with an opponent whose only strategy is to fabricate lies and half truths about my belief system. Thank you, and have a nice day.

How many times have you said we are intentionally killing civilians? Your so wound up in semantics that you dont even know what you mean anymore.

Jethro you fucked up today! You are an un-American piece of shit, yeah thats right unfuckingAmerican. You work for the Pentagon too! Thats right I know, makes me feel real good that we got a faggot ass mole right in the midst of the shit! How any American today could utter anything even remotely against his country is beyond me. I'm sure that guys family would love to hear your stupid ass words of encouragement.

Why don't you go have sex with some New Orleans whore, get AIDS and slink quietly off into the special hell that they have for traitors. Hell maybe i'll even see you there. Until then fuck off and don't let me catching you talking shit or i'll fill that fucking pm box of yours up and also your email with so much spam you'll shit bricks! Think I won't do it, try me!
I am fucking pissed right now! You know that scene in Goodfellas where they have the card game and afterwards Jimmy, Murray, Tommy and that other guy are gonna go for donuts and Pesci sticks a big fucking needle up through the base of Murray's skull and clips him? Oh boy i'd love to see Jethro in person right now, i'd also go to Lowes and get me a big fat bag of lime and a shovel.
I9 just pm'd that fuck and told him to come out of hiding pronto. What happened to the other dirt bag Spilly? Thats another one that burns me up! Still thinks negotiation and winning hearts and minds is the answer. When will these people learn?
Originally posted by insein
How many times have you said we are intentionally killing civilians? Your so wound up in semantics that you dont even know what you mean anymore.

And where did I say America was evil? Oh, nowhere? Oh, OK then, why did you say I said it? Because you're a liar? Oh, Ok, I already knew that.
We're all a little upset tonight. I thought I couldn't get madder than 9/11, I was wrong.

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