merged threads on beheading in egypt

Originally posted by krisy
I said they make it look as if our guys RESEMBLE the terrorists. I guess it is a matter of opinion,just like your looney toon views. If the media hasn't been hard on our guys,then why is it that is all we have heard about in the last 5 or 6 days? Is there nothing else going on in the world? Get a grip. They are harder on our guys than the terrorists. Yes,my opinion.

Don't spin my words with your childish jabber. We all know the media goes one way-even them .I might not go so far as to say it's their fault,but then again,their constant coverage is what pissed these MF ers off.

Tell me krisy, which would piss you off more, if your own children decided to play mailbox baseball, or if some other kids decided to play mailbox baseball?

The human rights abuses in our "detainment" camps is a big deal, or at least, the President and Donald Rumsfeld seem to think so. We already know who the terrorists are and what they do, but we only found out recently that part of who we are includes at least a handful of human rights abuses. That's a huge deal. What's more surprising, that human rights violations are occuring in American run prisons, or that civilian contractors who were set down in the middle of a warzone with terrorists running all over the place are being murdered?
Originally posted by Patriot
Hey everyone ligthen up on spidy.....He has to spank his monkey somehow and if this is the only enjoyment he gets who are we to discourage the only sex he gets?

This Sir Evil, is where the mudslinging began. My only mistake was to bring myself down to its level, and for that, I apologize.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Tell me krisy, which would piss you off more, if your own children decided to play mailbox baseball, or if some other kids decided to play mailbox baseball?

The human rights abuses in our "detainment" camps is a big deal, or at least, the President and Donald Rumsfeld seem to think so. We already know who the terrorists are and what they do, but we only found out recently that part of who we are includes at least a handful of human rights abuses. That's a huge deal. What's more surprising, that human rights violations are occuring in American run prisons, or that civilian contractors who were set down in the middle of a warzone with terrorists running all over the place are being murdered?

So our soldiers are human. Maybe they are tired of seeing this crapola go on. Why aren't they reporting on the thousands of soldiers that are doing a great job? Oh -it's because it doesn't get ratings,and it makes Bush look good. Some of the stuff we did was wrong,and some of it,I could care less about. Humiliation-nothing more.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Tell me krisy, which would piss you off more, if your own children decided to play mailbox baseball, or if some other kids decided to play mailbox baseball?

The human rights abuses in our "detainment" camps is a big deal, or at least, the President and Donald Rumsfeld seem to think so. We already know who the terrorists are and what they do, but we only found out recently that part of who we are includes at least a handful of human rights abuses. That's a huge deal. What's more surprising, that human rights violations are occuring in American run prisons, or that civilian contractors who were set down in the middle of a warzone with terrorists running all over the place are being murdered?

IF anything this beheading should remind us just who it is we are fighting over there. The reason we are in Iraq is to stop groups like these from receiving funds, weapons and amnesty so that they can continue to kill our innocent civilians.

Your continuing to fucking cry about the evils of America which in comparison make us look like fucking kindergarten playground kids compared to these animals who we are fighting. You keep trying to bring us down from the inside and aide the enemy by destabilizing our country with your assinine remarks of isolated incidents of humiliation and your unfounded generalizations about killing civilians intentionally.

You sir are on the same level of humanity as the terrorists if you think the way they do. By continuing to put out that America is evil and wrong you are doing just that.
Originally posted by Patriot
In fact I am willing to start a charity thread for spidy. I would be willing to donate a tube of lube. What do you all think? You in?

And did I reply to Patriot's first barrage of mud? Nope, it took two to convince me to sink down to her level.
Originally posted by insein
Fine the 7 oclock national news then with Dan rather and Tom Brokass. Not everyone knows that the media is biased. Some people honestly feel that what they see is what really is happening. Obviously none of us here do, but that doesnt mena that alot of people can tell the difference between facts and the spin.

Hmm, yeah people are stupid.
I'm not sure wher eyou're going with this.
Back to the media sucks?
All I can do is vary my sources and try not to propagate bad intel, to use a military term. The media are only human. Last poll I saw(take it for what it's worth) shows thast the majority of AMericans don't support the war or Bush, so it wouldn't surprise me to see this slant in the media.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Hmm, yeah people are stupid.
I'm not sure wher eyou're going with this.
Back to the media sucks?
All I can do is vary my sources and try not to propagate bad intel, to use a military term. The media are only human. Last poll I saw(take it for what it's worth) shows thast the majority of AMericans don't support the war or Bush, so it wouldn't surprise me to see this slant in the media.

Thats great for you and for me. We're intelligent enough to know that the media slants the news or reports what they want seen. So to get the full news we need other sources.

They doesnt mean that what they are doing is right.
Originally posted by krisy
So our soldiers are human. Maybe they are tired of seeing this crapola go on. Why aren't they reporting on the thousands of soldiers that are doing a great job? Oh -it's because it doesn't get ratings,and it makes Bush look good. Some of the stuff we did was wrong,and some of it,I could care less about. Humiliation-nothing more.

Is that all you want to hear? That things are going great? This is a warzone, and in warzones, there are more bad things happening than good things. If you'd prefer to pretend there aren't horrible things going in Iraq, watch FOX News, and enjoy pretending war is a great thing.

Our soldiers are human. Terrorists are human, too, does that excuse work for them? I can think of a few other humans, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and just for kicks, Arkansas Slick Willie!
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
This Sir Evil, is where the mudslinging began. My only mistake was to bring myself down to its level, and for that, I apologize.

Oh please!!!!!!:rolleyes:

You loved every moment of the mud wrestling. Any kind of "look at me" type attention you can get is that which you desire.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Is that all you want to hear? That things are going great? This is a warzone, and in warzones, there are more bad things happening than good things. If you'd prefer to pretend there aren't horrible things going in Iraq, watch FOX News, and enjoy pretending war is a great thing.

Our soldiers are human. Terrorists are human, too, does that excuse work for them? I can think of a few other humans, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and just for kicks, Arkansas Slick Willie!

I want to know EVERYTHING going on!!! There are too many channels that I cannot get that. Yes,I want to hear good things. Do you not think that the parents of our men would like to hear how good of a job their boys are doing? The problem is,we hear nothing but bad,when there is good!
Originally posted by insein
IF anything this beheading should remind us just who it is we are fighting over there

Unlike you sir, I don't need to be reminded of who are fighting over there, I'm pretty damn sure of who we are fighting. If you need constant reminding, I suggest you write a note on your hand in permanent ink.

Your continuing to fucking cry about the evils of America which in comparison make us look like fucking kindergarten playground kids compared to these animals who we are fighting. You keep trying to bring us down from the inside and aide the enemy by destabilizing our country with your assinine remarks of isolated incidents of humiliation and your unfounded generalizations about killing civilians intentionally.

You sir are on the same level of humanity as the terrorists if you think the way they do. By continuing to put out that America is evil and wrong you are doing just that.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Brilliant neocon rhetoric! To bad its all :bsflag:
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Is that all you want to hear? That things are going great? This is a warzone, and in warzones, there are more bad things happening that good things. If you'd prefer to pretend there aren't horrible things going in Iraq, watch FOX News, and enjoy pretending war is a great thing.

Our soldiers are human. Terrorists are human, too, does that excuse work for them? I can think of a few other humans, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and just for kicks, Arkansas Slick Willie!

You continue to want to have it both ways.

We're bombing targets in a war. Spidey says "no your killing civilians intentionally."

We're doing lots of good by helping rebuild Iraq for the people. Spidey says "No its a warzone and there arent any good things worth reporting."

And i think the term human is very usely used when refering to these animals. The look like humans but they most certainly don't act like humans. There isnt a shred of human compassion within their bodies. To casually cut the head off of a innocent non-combatant DOESNT EVEN COMPARE TO STRIPPING PRISONERS NAKED AND HUMILIATING THEM!!!!
Originally posted by krisy
I want to know EVERYTHING going on!!! There are too many channels that I cannot get that. Yes,I want to hear good things. Do you not think that the parents of our men would like to hear how good of a job their boys are doing? The problem is,we hear nothing but bad,when there is good!

And how would you know there is good, if you hear nothing but bad?
Originally posted by insein
IF anything this beheading should remind us just who it is we are fighting over there. The reason we are in Iraq is to stop groups like these from receiving funds, weapons and amnesty so that they can continue to kill our innocent civilians.

Your continuing to fucking cry about the evils of America which in comparison make us look like fucking kindergarten playground kids compared to these animals who we are fighting. You keep trying to bring us down from the inside and aide the enemy by destabilizing our country with your assinine remarks of isolated incidents of humiliation and your unfounded generalizations about killing civilians intentionally.

You sir are on the same level of humanity as the terrorists if you think the way they do. By continuing to put out that America is evil and wrong you are doing just that.

Not that Spidey needs a lawyer, shit he has spidey-sense and a large power-tool or something, but did he really say ALL that? Addressing what happened in Abu in the context of the war is not anti-American I don't think. Contrarily, what those SELECT soldiers did was ani-American. The fact that some of these atrocities were reported in January and kept secret...that's anti-American.

in fact, this very war and the next two decades may re-shape what it is to be American? (that's my vague statement of the day)
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
And how would you know there is good, if you hear nothing but bad?

Because I have heard it from my husband's cousin who was there!!!Is that proof enough for ya? You can't honestly sit here and tell me that nothing good has come from this. People have been given freedon...nuff said.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Unlike you sir, I don't need to be reminded of who are fighting over there, I'm pretty damn sure of who we are fighting. If you need constant reminding, I suggest you write a note on your hand in permanent ink.

:clap: :clap: :clap: Brilliant neocon rhetoric! To bad its all :bsflag:

You have proven how much Bullshit you push buddy. You claim that we're are evil for bombing targets as carefully as humanly possible to try and eliminate civilian casualties as intentionally killing civilians. But you could give 2 shits about the life of an unborn fetus or the lives of those carrying them.

I take it back. You are worse then the terrorists. Terrorists have the excuse that they believe that God is going to give them 50 virgins and an eternal hard on in heaven for killing us. You simply want to undermine everything that America stands for by creating conspiracy theories out of minor incidents and blatantly calling the President and soldiers of our nation every derogatory name in the book all while they sit back and take your abuse and defend your ungrateful ass by the aforementioned terrorist scum.

Your are truly a piece of Living Breathing Shit.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Not that Spidey needs a lawyer, shit he has spidey-sense and a large power-tool or something, but did he really say ALL that? Addressing what happened in Abu in the context of the war is not anti-American I don't think. Contrarily, what those SELECT soldiers did was ani-American. The fact that some of these atrocities were reported in January and kept secret...that's anti-American.

in fact, this very war and the next two decades may re-shape what it is to be American? (that's my vague statement of the day)

From what i understood the media knew about all this in January as well. they just didnt have pictures, when they did they ran with us.

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