merged threads on beheading in egypt

Hey everyone ligthen up on spidy.....He has to spank his monkey somehow and if this is the only enjoyment he gets who are we to discourage the only sex he gets?
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Hey dont even start your shit in this thread spidey! if you cant do that get the Fuck Off My Board!!!!:mad:

Sir Evil, I just don't understand why some neocons have to use the beheading of an American as an excuse to attack the media and liberals, it just seems like a shame to me. There's all sorts of ways to attack the media and liberals without using the beheading of an American, isn't there? All I think is perhaps we should be talking about solutions to the problem, though we may disagree completely on the best solution, using it as an excuse to attack one another doesn't get as anywhere.
In fact I am willing to start a charity thread for spidy. I would be willing to donate a tube of lube. What do you all think? You in?
Originally posted by Patriot
Hey everyone ligthen up on spidy.....He has to spank his monkey somehow and if this is the only enjoyment he gets who are we to discourage the only sex he gets?

Just saw the video. Sick tards. There is no doubt in my mind, if we don't settle this in Iraq, the thing will lead to a religious war, which is what the extremists want.

TG there are those in Baghdad and Basra marching today and yesterday. Sadr must go.
Originally posted by Patriot
In fact I am willing to start a charity thread for spidy. I would be willing to donate a tube of lube. What do you all think? You in?

Save it for yourself, a female friend of mine told me your husband doesn't last long enough, you'll need it for when he's done.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Sir Evil, I just don't understand why some neocons have to use the beheading of an American as an excuse to attack the media and liberals, it just seems like a shame to me. There's all sorts of ways to attack the media and liberals without using the beheading of an American, isn't there? All I think is perhaps we should be talking about solutions to the problem, though we may disagree completely on the best solution, using it as an excuse to attack one another doesn't get as anywhere.


Do you always have an intellectual hard on for bashing others who are venting? Or is that domain strictly only for geeks who cant get off any other way?
Hey Spidey,No one is making it about Dem's or Rep's.......people are upset and angry and not happy that the media has tried to make it look as if our soldiers resemble these terrorist pieces of shit.Our soldiers weren't even close.

We are honoring his getting angry and not wanting this for anyone else. Soooo.....shove it up your a$$!!!
Originally posted by Patriot
Hey everyone ligthen up on spidy.....He has to spank his monkey somehow and if this is the only enjoyment he gets who are we to discourage the only sex he gets?

:clap: :clap1: :clap: :clap1:
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Sir Evil, I just don't understand why some neocons have to use the beheading of an American as an excuse to attack the media and liberals, it just seems like a shame to me. There's all sorts of ways to attack the media and liberals without using the beheading of an American, isn't there? All I think is perhaps we should be talking about solutions to the problem, though we may disagree completely on the best solution, using it as an excuse to attack one another doesn't get as anywhere.

Oh the irony of watching you attack conservatives by critisizing their "Attacks" on liberals and the media.

The media is biased. its a fact. Every one in life has a bias. To try and pretend not to is deception. This beheading is a clear example of the liberal bias. They go on and on about about these none lethal abuses by the prison guards and virtiually nothing about an american getting Decapitated by the Terrorists the left claims arent even involved in Iraq. This is a double standard and open game to critisize. You may not like pointing out the medias bias to the left and have to resort to generalized attacks to obfuscate the issue, but that doesnt change that its a valid issue. Especially with something as grotesque as this.

Oh, practice what you preach and people might take you seriously.
Originally posted by SpidermanTuba
Save it for yourself, a female friend of mine told me your husband doesn't last long enough, you'll need it for when he's done.

You are just jealous cause I dont fuck you too! I have room for you say Thursday next March. Name the time and place and I will be there with a strap on!
That's funny Spidy,a male friend of mine told me that YOU don't last long enough...
FY Spidey. I'm not a neo-con, but rather a libertarian. It wouldn't matter if I was a liberal, in some ways I probably am. These bastards deserve to die.
I think people are way too effected by the media. Any "intelligent" person knows that the average American soldier is not about raping and torturing prsioners and/or innocents.

However, sick shit went down in Abu (that was initially reported in January!!!) and this is not only one HUGE P.R. problem but worth discussing and getting to the bottom of.

And then there is what happened to day. A cowardly act by the same sick fucks who have been killing us in our embassy's, on American soil, in Iraq, etc.

Fuck the media.
Use your brain.
My 2 cents...
Originally posted by Patriot
You are just jealous cause I dont fuck you too! I have room for you say Thursday next March. Name the time and place and I will be there with a strap on!

Honey, I can't be jealous of you, you're not mine, what you are thinking of is envy. Keep your strapon for use with your perverted husband, me, my woman, and my Buck Rogers is all I need.
I agree Flasher,but unfortunately,the media is the only way to get our news. Then we have to pick and choose what to bleieve,and what is and isn't biased. How do ever know the "real" story?
Originally posted by krisy
Hey Spidey,No one is making it about Dem's or Rep's.......people are upset and angry and not happy that the media has tried to make it look as if our soldiers resemble these terrorist pieces of shit.Our soldiers weren't even close.

We are honoring his getting angry and not wanting this for anyone else. Soooo.....shove it up your a$$!!!

Hmm, and when did the media try to make our soldiers look as if they were beheading innocent people? Do you have a source that says that, other than maybe Al Jazeera? No? OK, then I guess you just made it up because apparently you'd rather attack the media as if it were somehow their fault and not the fault of terrorists thugs.

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