merged threads on beheading in egypt

The video is quite disturbing! did you really wanna see it?
by Sir Evil

Truth to tell, I'm sure I don't. I chose to avoid the graphic stills of Danny Perle. Yet, with the broohaha over the prison photos and the 'soon to be released' porno videos, I guess I do want to. I want to remind myself of the evilness that we as a country confront.

Our media has done a dastardly good job of keeping American victims from 9/11 and other terror attacks sanitized. When they realized just how inflamed citizens were becoming after 9/11, they curtailed the graphics within 48 hours. On both following anniversaries they went out of their way to make us confront, "Why they hate us." Sorry, I don't buy that.
Originally posted by Pale Rider
The more of this I see and hear, the more I tend to become an isolationist.

Me too. Let's just spend the military money in defending our borders. If some country wants our help in creating freedom/democracy or whatever, we can help. But i think we should stop taking the initiative, seeing the thanks we get.
Originally posted by Kathianne
by Sir Evil

Truth to tell, I'm sure I don't. I chose to avoid the graphic stills of Danny Perle. Yet, with the broohaha over the prison photos and the 'soon to be released' porno videos, I guess I do want to. I want to remind myself of the evilness that we as a country confront.

Our media has done a dastardly good job of keeping American victims from 9/11 and other terror attacks sanitized. When they realized just how inflamed citizens were becoming after 9/11, they curtailed the graphics within 48 hours. On both following anniversaries they went out of their way to make us confront, "Why they hate us." Sorry, I don't buy that.

Well said Kathi!! My husband wants to see it too. I asked him are you sure you want to and he said he thinks we all need to get a little more angry at what is happening to us. The media has total control of us. We only hear what they want us too,and that is scary,very scary.
Originally posted by krisy
The media sucks ass! I don't like to curse so much,but I am fired up!!!! What ticks me off over more is that the media did not seem to be half as concerned over our POW's,and our Seals,and our men dying. Whatever happened to national pride? Oh that's right,the media has never had national pride(except for maybe Fox news)

Oh brother, it's a sad state of affairs when FoxNews is the ONLY respected news source. It's a source, but not the be all and end all.

Let's not blast the media too much, many like Daniel Pearl lose/have lost their lives by their efforts to bring us the unadulterated version of what is going on overseas.

Originally posted by spillmind
until you hammer your partisan board cronies as well, this is total hypocrisy.

That makes so much sense.

i didn't say kerry would be able to handle it better, did i?. I SAID WE NEED A CHANGE! so far bush HAS FAILED. PLEASE prove me wrong.

Well to prove you wrong is simple.

Two liberated nations.

Thousands of dead terrorists.

Saddam Hussien and the Taliban no longer in power.

broad coalitions for bother liberations.

And this is only the war on terror. Thats not even touching the domestic side. Which includes

The greatest economic boom in 20 years.

The greatest Education initiative ever.

What has Bush failed on?

Also why on earth would you vote to change things for the worse even if you wanted change?

People keeping their money.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Yes, and I believe Bush will be removed from office.
The uglier things get in Iraq the more the people of the United States will question their leader for his decision to invade Iraq. The people don't question the decision to go after terrorists, but they question Bush's bloodlust...

Bloodlust? what the heck are you talking about. The Bush administration just arranged one of the least bloodiest wars in history. They specifically tried not to incurr civilian damage as much as humanly possible.

And i still cant figure out why you guys dont understand that Iraq is part of the war on terror.
Originally posted by Bern80
Me too. Let's just spend the military money in defending our borders. If some country wants our help in creating freedom/democracy or whatever, we can help. But i think we should stop taking the initiative, seeing the thanks we get.

I don't think we do these things for the thanks, neccesarily. But if anyone wants some, try hanging out around any immigration center when someone gets granted permission to stay in the United States where they MIGHT be free from indescriminate rape and torture.

Believe me, may are thankful.

BUT... we do seem a bit overextended now don't we?
Originally posted by spillmind
why do you think they cut and run? think seriously and unobjectively, if this is something you would really consider. if you don't think this is a good idea, you and i are wasting our time.

Um no ones really cut and run, except for Spain and thats only because the socialist party was elected in. They are the equivalents of the Democrats and spend money on social programs then liberate nations.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Well it should serve as a little wake up call to those who think the war on terrorism is a waste of time! These scummers will commit these acts at any given chance they can get! I may be the only one who thinks so but these bastards are here to stay unless they are dealt with in form of lethal force!

Don't worry your not the only one. It pains me to see that actual Americans are still more outraged at our troops then these animals. I didnt hear hillary or KErry or Kennedy coming out today to condemn this act.

How can someone just not have enough moral clarity to realize that this was wrong? How can they sit back after blasting Bush and Rumsfield for the Prison abuse thing and then be quiet on this? What the hell are they waiting for? Are they playing politics even with an issue like this? Are they so out of touch with reality that they can't even show that they bleed by condemning this brutal act of terror for what it is? You don't have to agree with the president or agree with the abuse or the prisoners to just come out and say, This is wrong and these people will die! Instead they are sitting back and waiting to see if the polls say its ok to be outraged.
Originally posted by spillmind
bush STARTED the war in iraq. he chose to forego diplomacy by not taking it to it's fullest extent, and he was intent on going to WAR, NO MATTER WHAT.

Actually two people started the war in Iraq and its wasnt Bush.

1)Saddam Hussien for invading Kuwait and then not following through with his end of the ceasefire agreement. This war is on part a simple continuation of the Gulf War.

2)Osama Bin Laden. For attacking the World Trade Center and Pentegon on 911 and showing us that we arent safe by doing nothing and hoping these evil men wont hit us. We have to go out into the world and change things for the better.

As for your diplomacy comment. Two problems with it.

A)We were diplomatic with Iraq for 12 years. It was the Clinton administration which passed the resolution for Regime Change in 98. Bush was simply following through with the previous administrations resolution and with good reason. How much time has to pass before diplomacy is taken to its fullest extent?

B)The main problem with your statement is War is Diplomacy to its fullest extent. people tend to think of diplomacy as just talking, but its more than that its also exerting force.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Oh brother, it's a sad state of affairs when FoxNews is the ONLY respected news source. It's a source, but not the be all and end all.

Let's not blast the media too much, many like Daniel Pearl lose/have lost their lives by their efforts to bring us the unadulterated version of what is going on overseas.


Daniel Pearl has my respect and his family my condolenses(sp)?

This doesn't change the fact that the media are biased Liberals that only report what they want us to think. What? I'm not allowed to excercise my free speech now against the media because some of them have lost their lives.? If they go to Iraq,I due respect the fact that they are brave enough to go,but it is a decision they made,I didn't ask them to go.

Fox News is the only station that doesn't have Libs all over the place. They also give Bush a fair shake. So what should I watch-CNN? No thanks,I will stick with Fox so I can get a view of ALL sides,not just one.
Originally posted by krisy
Daniel Pearl has my respect and his family my condolenses(sp)?

This doesn't change the fact that the media are biased Liberals that only report what they want us to think. What? I'm not allowed to excercise my free speech now against the media because some of them have lost their lives.? If they go to Iraq,I due respect the fact that they are brave enough to go,but it is a decision they made,I didn't ask them to go.

Fox News is the only station that doesn't have Libs all over the place. They also give Bush a fair shake. So what should I watch-CNN? No thanks,I will stick with Fox so I can get a view of ALL sides,not just one.

There are many other news sources out there. The AP is pretty unbiased. I'm compiling a list of others and I'll post it when it's done.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
That will be of the biggest problems right there! call me what you want but I see no need to be worrying about what damages are done! It's war, and they have it coming! they need to take the gloves off and send a uppercut!

Im aware of that. I just think its ridiculous that these liberals are ignoring the amazing lengths this administration has gone to not inflict civilian lives and say he has bloodlust. What the heck!? I mean these people tried to kill us and we are trying are hardest not to kill them because quite frankly even though its come to this we really dont want to kill them. If they would have left us alone to begin with we wouldnt be there! but 911 happened. So we are going to take care of terrorism wherever it is.

Do you people understand this. These terrorists dont want to negociate. They dont want peace. They dont want to be left alone. They want us dead. They want our culture obliterated. They want our freedom destroyed and their tyranical rule imposed on us. We have to fight them and the regimes that support the like Aghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Etc. These nations are their supply lines. We have to strike against them and bring freedom to these places if we are going to succeed. Complain all you want but if we dont do this we will be dead. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and someday soon if we arent dilligent in liberating these places.

I dont like seeing people die any more than the rest of you people. But im not going to leave my children a world thats worse off than when i recieved it. its not going to happen. If i have to fight, if i have to die to do it. so be it.
Originally posted by remie
Thanks to the media blowing Iraqi prisoner treatment completely out of proportion, shit like this happens

CAIRO, Egypt - A video posted Tuesday on an Islamic militant Web site appeared to show a group affiliated with al-Qaida beheading an American in Iraq (news - web sites), saying the death was revenge for the prisoner-abuse scandal.

The video showed five men wearing headscarves and black ski masks, standing over a bound man in an orange jumpsuit who identified himself as an American from Philadelphia.

I knew it. It took you guys about three posts, and you're already turning the beheading of an innocent American citizen into a conservative vs. liberal debate, way to go guys, I'm sure his parents appreciate it.
Originally posted by insein
This is fucking ridiculous. These are th kinds of animals that are in those jails. So i don't have a bleeding heart for them and their shame culture. I still think our soldiers actions were wrong because it hurts the militaries image, but more and more it seems these bastards deserved worse.

How do you know what kind of people are in these jails?
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
As I knew, it took CNN nearly half an hour to cover it, too busy with their wall-to-wall Abu Ghraib "atrocities." And, of course, they are blaming us for not making a deal with these butchers.

Yeah, the LMM is just a myth........RIGHT!

Ahh yes, another proud patriot turning the death of an innocent American citizen into a liberal vs. conservative issue! Way to honor his memory!
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Im aware of that. I just think its ridiculous that these liberals are ignoring the amazing lengths this administration has gone to not inflict civilian lives and say he has bloodlust. What the heck!? I mean these people tried to kill us and we are trying are hardest not to kill them because quite frankly even though its come to this we really dont want to kill them. If they would have left us alone to begin with we wouldnt be there! but 911 happened. So we are going to take care of terrorism wherever it is.

Do you people understand this. These terrorists dont want to negociate. They dont want peace. They dont want to be left alone. They want us dead. They want our culture obliterated. They want our freedom destroyed and their tyranical rule imposed on us. We have to fight them and the regimes that support the like Aghanistan, Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Etc. These nations are their supply lines. We have to strike against them and bring freedom to these places if we are going to succeed. Complain all you want but if we dont do this we will be dead. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday and someday soon if we arent dilligent in liberating these places.

I dont like seeing people die any more than the rest of you people. But im not going to leave my children a world thats worse off than when i recieved it. its not going to happen. If i have to fight, if i have to die to do it. so be it.

What amazing lengths! 28 kiltons of explosives, yep, we sure saved a lot of civilian lives by dropping bombs!

These people tried to kill us? How many Iraqis were trying to kill Americans the day before we invaded Iraq? Any??

Do your children need an entire world?

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