Merkel To Blame for Vigillante Justice, Retaliation For Sex Attacks?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Two Pakistanis, Syrian man injured in gang attacks in Cologne

The people did not want the refugees there.
Merkel did not listen - she brought them anyway.
Merkel did not protect the people....
On New Year's eve roaming gangs of refugees surrounded, attacked, sexually harassed and raped women.
German police were overwhelmed, unable to respond to all the attacks
Germans, not allowed to carry guns after their government disarmed them, were left defenseless

Today it is being reported that some of the enraged German people have engaged in vigilante justice.
It is impossible to ID all of the large numbers of Syrians/Refugees who participated in the attacking and raping of their women so they lashed out at refugees in general.

Do you blame the Germans doing this?
Would you want JUSTICE for your wife, your daughter, if she was raped by animals you did not want there, animals your government could not guarantee were safe, and animals your government failed to protect you and your family from?

I do not blame the German people. I understand where they are coming from, but I do not condone the random attacks. I blame Merkel.

Obama and liberals better take a good, long, damn look at what is going on, how the German people have had enough of their government throwing them to the wolves, putting their families in danger. If Obama continues to bring thousands of refugees into this country and they start raping our women - we have guns. Americans will not put up with it, and there will be a lot of dead refugees in the street should they try to attack and rape our women.

Had the Germans been allowed to have concealed carry weapons that night there would have been a lot of dead Refugees in Germany!
Merkel is sunk. SHe has done a great job as Chancellor but this is a gross failure. She failed to protect the citizens in her country and exposed them to danger. She will likely not survive this politically.
Two Pakistanis, Syrian man injured in gang attacks in Cologne

The people did not want the refugees there.
Merkel did not listen - she brought them anyway.
Merkel did not protect the people....
On New Year's eve roaming gangs of refugees surrounded, attacked, sexually harassed and raped women.
German police were overwhelmed, unable to respond to all the attacks
Germans, not allowed to carry guns after their government disarmed them, were left defenseless

Today it is being reported that some of the enraged German people have engaged in vigilante justice.
It is impossible to ID all of the large numbers of Syrians/Refugees who participated in the attacking and raping of their women so they lashed out at refugees in general.

Do you blame the Germans doing this?
Would you want JUSTICE for your wife, your daughter, if she was raped by animals you did not want there, animals your government could not guarantee were safe, and animals your government failed to protect you and your family from?

I do not blame the German people. I understand where they are coming from, but I do not condone the random attacks. I blame Merkel.

Obama and liberals better take a good, long, damn look at what is going on, how the German people have had enough of their government throwing them to the wolves, putting their families in danger. If Obama continues to bring thousands of refugees into this country and they start raping our women - we have guns. Americans will not put up with it, and there will be a lot of dead refugees in the street should they try to attack and rape our women.

Had the Germans been allowed to have concealed carry weapons that night there would have been a lot of dead Refugees in Germany!

Maybe the Countries should have made protective borders in Syria, fought there and made it a place where they could live there, instead of having them flee a place where they are used to.
Merkel is sunk. SHe has done a great job as Chancellor but this is a gross failure. She failed to protect the citizens in her country and exposed them to danger. She will likely not survive this politically.
I think she will go down in history as Germany's second worst leader only beat by Hitler and she still has a shot at beating him.

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