Merkel's criminal 'state' terror against AFD. So-called 'police' does nothing


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Financed by Merkel - Gang ( CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts) Antifa launches Terror against German AFD-Patriots; when you support AFD you can lost jour job, house, car, health and very often life.So-called 'police' does not want to stop Antifa - Terror. Due to lack of punishment Antifa Terrorists do not need even to hide their names.They threat openly and without fear their victims.
A typical case:

The all-purpose weapon against the AfD: landlords are threatened
The most popular and successful approach is to threaten the owners of hotels, restaurants and other venues where AfD intends to hold events. The pattern is always the same:
Stage 1: First, the owner of the establishment is informed in a letter or telephone call that he makes his premises available "to the rights". It is then pointed out that such events will in future be accompanied by protests and that his establishment could possibly be damaged. If the operator remains stubborn and continues to make his premises available to the AfD, stage 2 follows: dastage mage to the building such as graffiti and broken windows. In most cases, the operator is then cured and then asks the "AfDler" to understand that he no longer wants them with him in the future. In "difficult cases", stage 3 is used: the cars of the guests are targeted so that in future they no longer visit the restaurant or hotel for fear of damage and the operator suffers massive losses in turnover.

Something new: The authors confess to their deed
As a rule, the masterminds of such actions hide cowardly in the protection of anonymity. This is why the latest case in Straubing is a novelty. For the first time the local youth organizations of the left-green party spectrum openly admit to such a procedure. The following has happened:
A Straubinger landlady, we call her Maria Leitner, was given a brown envelope by a young lady in her restaurant on Tuesday 23 April at 8 pm. Before the landlady could say a word, the messenger had disappeared again. The following pamphlet was found in the envelope:
"Stage 1" was initiated and the authors are known.
As Maria Leitner explained to PI-NEWS, she is a completely apolitical person, who has no proximity to any party. For her it is self-evident to entertain everyone who is in a good mood and pays his bill. The thought of having someone tell her who she can and cannot let into her restaurant makes her very angry. She does not want to give in under any circumstances: "No matter what happens to me, I won't let myself be dictated who I let in".
The Straubing police did not take any charges in this matter, because the letter is formulated in such a way that it has no criminal relevance. The author, whose profession included legal training, agrees with this opinion.
Fact is however that it does not concern a criminally relevant coercion, but nevertheless a hardly concealed threat, which is morally reprehensible and deeply undemocratic.


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