Merkel's Evangelical 'Church' offers workshop 'Vagina Painting' while Biblical Congress


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Look an example of Dead Church, the second large Evangelical 'church' in Merkel's mad 'state'A good example of a church subverted by lefts, commies, pedophiles,lesbians, zionists, feminists, democrats and other satanists.
Not the Bible Teaching ( already rejected years ago as 'hate speech' ), but the right painting of vaginas is important for the Church of Satan. Can you be saved in a such 'church'. Never. The 'German' Evangelical 'Church' is the highway to Hell. The same is about run by satanic NWO 'pope' Francis Catholic 'church'.
Where is the difference between a whore house and Merkel's politically correct 'church'?

Shitstorm für "Vulven malen" beim Evangelischen Kirchentag – dabei sieht so moderner Glaube aus

Evangelischer Kirchentag erntet Spott für Workshop ,Vulven malen‘ - WELT


Look an example of Dead Church, the second large Evangelical 'church' in Merkel's mad 'state'A good example of a church subverted by lefts, commies, pedophiles,lesbians, zionists, feminists, democrats and other satanists.
Not the Bible Teaching ( already rejected years ago as 'hate speech' ), but the right painting of vaginas is important for the Church of Satan.

The what?

Can you be saved in a such 'church'. Never. The 'German' Evangelical 'Church' is the highway to Hell.

Is what?

The same is about run by satanic NWO 'pope' Francis Catholic 'church'.

Satanic what?

Where is the difference between a whore house and Merkel's politically correct 'church'?

Whore house?

Funny. Why not penises too? ... Hmmm ... Why not a power outlet? ... or Lego bricks where a male-female-connection ís able to build complete worlds? ...


On critics the Kirchentag had answered:

Der Workshop sei nur "eine von mehr als 2000 Veranstaltungen" auf dem Kirchentag, er sei "inhaltlich in das 'Zentrum Geschlechterwelten' eingebunden" und werde von einer jungen, angehenden Theologin geführt. Es gehe darum, "sich kreativ mit der eigenen Körperlichkeit auseinanderzusetzen“ und in "ungezwungener Atmosphäre in Austausch über das weibliche, äußere Genital, die Vulva, zu treten". So solle den negativen Folgen jahrhundertelanger Tabuisierung weiblicher Geschlechtlichkeit entgegengewirkt werden. Dies stehte "in direktem Zusammenhang mit der lebensbejahenden Botschaft des Schöpfungsberichtes im Buch Genesis …"


Ah - got it - in my own words: In one of the 2000 activisties this was a little aspect in the global theme "Geschlechterwelten" - "world of genders". It was a way to share experiences informally about the own sexuality and to fight against the taboos in context female sexuality and a creative presentation of the own god-made body in this context. The reason was to free the life-affirming message of the book Genesis from very old taboos.

... Hmm ... the first what this pictures had remembered me were symbols of ancient cultures, so I guess they came indeed in the near of their intentions. Guess it was a very interesting workshop of and for this women.


And now tell me please what you call "Satanism" in this context and why you are so upset about this very harmless pictures. What's going on in you? Why? Has anything, what you said here on your own, any Christian background? What do you have to do with Christians? Why do you think to hate chancellor Angela Merkel, pope Francesco and everyone else who shares not your very little egocentric brain is Christian?

And the Rabshakeh said to them, “Say to Hezekiah, ‘Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria: On what do you rest this trust of yours?
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To clarify, in Germany, "evangelical" means the officially Lutheran state religion they have over there.

Not the same as what "evangelical" means here in America
Look an example of Dead Church, the second large Evangelical 'church' in Merkel's mad 'state'A good example of a church subverted by lefts, commies, pedophiles,lesbians, zionists, feminists, democrats and other satanists.
Not the Bible Teaching ( already rejected years ago as 'hate speech' ), but the right painting of vaginas is important for the Church of Satan. Can you be saved in a such 'church'. Never. The 'German' Evangelical 'Church' is the highway to Hell. The same is about run by satanic NWO 'pope' Francis Catholic 'church'.
Where is the difference between a whore house and Merkel's politically correct 'church'?

Vaginas come from Satan?

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