Merkelstan Lugenpresse suppressed Putin response to 35 expelled by Obama diplomats


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Merkelstan Lugenpresse lyes much more as Soviets, Goebbels and the entirely former East Block Propaganda combined. It is an huge Industry of Fake News poor. Almost 99 % of all important news are perverted lies.Look what happen when communists run a former free and rich country. And every German must pay a government tax ( GEZ Gebur ) - 200 Euro annually to support this evil lying devilish marxist industry of fake news. If Germans do not pay GEZ-Gebur they can be jailed.

Rundfunkbeitrag verweigert: Das passiert, wenn man nicht zahlt

Almost nothing covered about Putin' response to Obama dumbness.

Here is a translation from one source for independent News in Merkelstan

After the half-baked US President Obama, three weeks before his departure as lame duck, 35 Russian diplomats of the country, all the world waited for a Russian retribution. And what did Putin do? He said that all US diplomats could stay in Russia and travel around there and celebrate. Putin also invited the children of the American diplomats to celebrate the Kremlin. A remarkably smart return coach. And what happened yesterday in the lie medium ARD ? Nothing!

The post-fictional gossip with her Fake News simply suppressed this ingenious, Christmas-flavored answer with the children in the 20 o'clock 'Tagesschau'. If it had been the reverse, Obama would have been cheered for ten minutes. The lying press was also clearly reduced; the invitation to the children had to be looked for with a magnifying glass. So the following is true: Lügenpresse halt die Fresse! It was left to Donald Trump to call Putin smart in public!

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The post-fictional gossip with her Fake News simply suppressed this ingenious, Christmas-flavored answer with the children in the 20 o'clock 'Tagesschau'. If it had been the reverse, Obama would have been cheered for ten minutes. The lying press was also clearly reduced; the invitation to the children had to be looked for with a magnifying glass. So the following is true: Lügenpresse halt die Fresse!

For heaven's sake!

From the 20 o'clock Tagesschau:

"Ein großartiger Zug" - der weltweit prominenteste Bewunderer der russischen Reaktion auf die US-Sanktionen ist ausgerechnet der designierte US-Präsident Trump. Sein künftiger Amtskollege Putin sei "sehr schlau", lobte er.

Der designierte US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin dafür gepriesen, dass er nach den neuen US-Sanktionen vorerst auf Gegenmaßnahmen verzichtet. Das sei ein großartiger Zug, schrieb er bei Twitter: "Ich habe immer gewusst, dass er sehr klug ist."

Putin hatte nach der Ausweisung russischer Diplomaten aus den USA erklärt, auf einen ähnlichen Schritt verzichten zu wollen. "Wir werden niemanden ausweisen", teilte der russische Präsident mit.​

So, it's all there, Putin's move, and also Trump's praise for it.

It pays to know something before blurting out. Of course, if one thought that the peddlers of fake news have a field day (every day of the year) with their marks, one would be about correct. Moreover, the old Nazi trope, "Lügenpresse", targeting media outfits that didn't toe the Fuehrer's line, is also there.
The post-fictional gossip with her Fake News simply suppressed this ingenious, Christmas-flavored answer with the children in the 20 o'clock 'Tagesschau'. If it had been the reverse, Obama would have been cheered for ten minutes. The lying press was also clearly reduced; the invitation to the children had to be looked for with a magnifying glass. So the following is true: Lügenpresse halt die Fresse!

For heaven's sake!

From the 20 o'clock Tagesschau:

"Ein großartiger Zug" - der weltweit prominenteste Bewunderer der russischen Reaktion auf die US-Sanktionen ist ausgerechnet der designierte US-Präsident Trump. Sein künftiger Amtskollege Putin sei "sehr schlau", lobte er.

Der designierte US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin dafür gepriesen, dass er nach den neuen US-Sanktionen vorerst auf Gegenmaßnahmen verzichtet. Das sei ein großartiger Zug, schrieb er bei Twitter: "Ich habe immer gewusst, dass er sehr klug ist."

Putin hatte nach der Ausweisung russischer Diplomaten aus den USA erklärt, auf einen ähnlichen Schritt verzichten zu wollen. "Wir werden niemanden ausweisen", teilte der russische Präsident mit.​

So, it's all there, Putin's move, and also Trump's praise for it.

It pays to know something before blurting out. Of course, if one thought that the peddlers of fake news have a field day (every day of the year) with their marks, one would be about correct. Moreover, the old Nazi trope, "Lügenpresse", targeting media outfits that didn't toe the Fuehrer's line, is also there.

You are wrong:

Die Propagandaschau
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Michael Mannheimer Blog
Bürgerbewegung PRO NRW | Wir lieben Heimat!!!

German MSM are from devil and the Lugenpresse poor.
Pathetic lying retard, off yourself. Just a suggestion, of course.

Chuckling here.

Yeah, there's more from the Tagesschau, Dec. 30, early afternoon:

Russland weist keine US-Diplomaten aus

Russland wird vorerst keine US-Diplomaten ausweisen - das teilte der russische Präsident Putin mit. Zuvor hatte sich der russische Außenminister Lawrow dafür ausgesprochen, 35 Diplomaten des Landes zu verweisen.

Russland wird keine US-Diplomaten ausweisen. Das teilte der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin mit.

Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow hatte zuvor in einem Fernsehinterview vorgeschlagen, die Regierung werde 35 Diplomaten aus den USA zu unerwünschten Personen erklären. Dies hätte 31 Mitarbeiter der US-Botschaft in Moskau und vier Mitarbeiter des Konsulats in Sankt Petersburg betroffen. Lawrow hatte außerdem dafür geworben, zwei russische Anwesen in den USA zu schließen.​

So, it's all there, Lawrow's threat to expel 35 diplomats, and Putin reversing his foreign minister. That's yesterday's news already, but ignorance and being an inviting mark for fake news peddlers go together exceedingly well.

Of course, had the roles been reversed, and had President Obama failed to expel diplomats in retaliation, the Trumpistanis would immediately have declared him meek, weak, cowardly, to be Putin's bitch, and accused him of selling out the homeland. Had the press not duly reported their screeching, the Trumpistanis would have declared it "Luegenpresse", hell bent on protecting their "boy".

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