Mermaids are Fungets


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a metropolis/intellegentsia dialogue between Shiva (Hindu ruling-god of destruction) and Kartikeya/Kartik (Hindu princely-god of war) about 'mermaid divinity' and its link to modernism Internet 'pornography.'

Why do we celebrate network-mousetrap films such as Traffic and Tron?

Are we becoming...socialists?



SHIVA: Kids today like cartoons, YouTube, and video games!
KARTIK: They invent many 'fun avatars' for role-play.
SHIVA: It's the age of 'virtual experiences.'
KARTIK: It's a certain new art form to transcribe imagination into 'plastic.'
SHIVA: There's nothing demeaning about uniform consumerism junk-food (i.e., toys).
KARTIK: Is the Internet junk-food?
SHIVA: I liken the Internet to a 'new age crusade.'
KARTIK: Much of what is said on Internet chat-rooms is 'low-brow entertainment.'
SHIVA: Do you magnify the scarcity of 'mysticism/metaphysics' on the Internet?
KARTIK: I think there's some imaginative 'modernism graffiti' (e.g., cooking blogs) on the Internet!
SHIVA: Cooking-blogs may feel like what cooking play-sets do to children...
KARTIK: It all depends on how 'scientific' you want to be...
SHIVA: Young people like the 'virtual civilization aesthetics' of the Internet (e.g., Facebook).
KARTIK: There are a few crime-films about psychos killing people they met in Internet chat-rooms.
SHIVA: Maybe the Internet is a giant 'multicultural water-gun.'
KARTIK: Imagine if your daughter studied 'Internet-sociology' and obtained a Yale professorship!
SHIVA: Internet-sociology is not unlike 'coffee-shop archaeology.'
KARTIK: So no chit-chat on the Internet about the cryptozoological hunt for mermaids?
SHIVA: Mermaids are simply 'Fungets' (IQ-lingo creatures) and symbolize 'Internet apocrypha.'
KARTIK: Is that why Americans made the creature-paradise films Splash! and Species?
SHIVA: Americans like bizarre images of 'acrobatics-avatars' (e.g., The Bionic Woman).
KARTIK: Oh yeah, Americans like Wonder Woman and Squirrel Girl.



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