Merrick Garland publicly displays his stunning ignorance of basic news stories

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.

Kennedy is so damn dumb.

Also they shouldn't be any investigation of Gov. Cuomo.
I heard a considerable amount of his testimony. Sounded fine to me, but was not looking for a "gotcha" moment. Looks like he will be going after extremist hate groups associated with the insurrection as a beginning priority and will not become Joe's personal lawyer. Sounds fine to me. He will be a good Attorney General, though I have no idea what he is like organizationally, and organizational management skills are important in something as large and complex at the Department of Justice. He would probably been a good Supreme Court judge, if not for the political duplicity of Moscow Mitch.
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.

Kennedy is so damn dumb.

OMG, you didn't know about the nursing home scandal in NY either!!! Holy sh-t you people are ignorant!
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.
Garland is going to be a rubber stamp for the biden agenda
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.

The left loon also refused to say illegals crossing the borders is a crime.

Thank God he was never confirmed
"Mr. Kim and the Governor's office have had a long, hostile relationship. The animosity initiated when Mr. Kim supported a bill protecting nail salon workers only to do a 180 degree reversal after he received significant funding from the owners of the nail salons. He was criticized by good government groups at the time and the Governor's office called his actions into question. Mr. Kim continues to receive funding from nail salon owners and continues his attempts to remove the protections for nail salon workers. It is an ongoing unethical situation with Kim receiving funding from owners attempting to stop our efforts to protect victimized nail salon workers. We believe Kim's continuing pay-to-play actions are at a minimum unethical and when and if investigated will prove to be illegal. To be clear, neither the Governor nor his aides threatened any legislators and in fact, the meeting in questions was considered positive by those who attended. It is the distortions of the meeting by those with different agendas that we object to.

"On the merits Mr. Kim and the NY Post and republicans argue that the state's March 25th order on nursing homes was bad policy. What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

"Dr. Zucker does not believe the March 25th order was wrong. Even with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, health experts do not believe it was wrong. We believe it saved lives and the facts demonstrate that. If, with the advantage of hindsight, we concluded the March 25th order was wrong, Commissioner Howard Zucker would admit that and we would take action against the federal government for malpractice in issuing flawed guidance. COVID was already in the nursing homes by the time March 25th arrived. That is a proven fact. Hospital beds were critical. And that is a proven fact. People needed hospital beds with ventilators and critical care nursing staff to save their lives. We provided that. Unlike other states and countries our hospital system was not overwhelmed and we went from the highest infect rate to the lowest and saved lives. That is the irrefutable truth.

Statement from Senior Advisor to the Governor Rich Azzopardi | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.

Kennedy is so damn dumb.

OMG, you didn't know about the nursing home scandal in NY either!!! Holy sh-t you people are ignorant!

I know that recently it was doubled, perhaps Cuomo didn't want to cause a panic like tramp did.
What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.
"Mr. Kim and the Governor's office have had a long, hostile relationship. The animosity initiated when Mr. Kim supported a bill protecting nail salon workers only to do a 180 degree reversal after he received significant funding from the owners of the nail salons. He was criticized by good government groups at the time and the Governor's office called his actions into question. Mr. Kim continues to receive funding from nail salon owners and continues his attempts to remove the protections for nail salon workers. It is an ongoing unethical situation with Kim receiving funding from owners attempting to stop our efforts to protect victimized nail salon workers. We believe Kim's continuing pay-to-play actions are at a minimum unethical and when and if investigated will prove to be illegal. To be clear, neither the Governor nor his aides threatened any legislators and in fact, the meeting in questions was considered positive by those who attended. It is the distortions of the meeting by those with different agendas that we object to.

"On the merits Mr. Kim and the NY Post and republicans argue that the state's March 25th order on nursing homes was bad policy. What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

"Dr. Zucker does not believe the March 25th order was wrong. Even with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, health experts do not believe it was wrong. We believe it saved lives and the facts demonstrate that. If, with the advantage of hindsight, we concluded the March 25th order was wrong, Commissioner Howard Zucker would admit that and we would take action against the federal government for malpractice in issuing flawed guidance. COVID was already in the nursing homes by the time March 25th arrived. That is a proven fact. Hospital beds were critical. And that is a proven fact. People needed hospital beds with ventilators and critical care nursing staff to save their lives. We provided that. Unlike other states and countries our hospital system was not overwhelmed and we went from the highest infect rate to the lowest and saved lives. That is the irrefutable truth.

Statement from Senior Advisor to the Governor Rich Azzopardi | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (

Ah, blame the Asian guy. You're a good DemoKKKrat!
What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

What Cuomo did was not federal policy. He lied about that, and you bought it because you're a dumb rube.
"Mr. Kim and the Governor's office have had a long, hostile relationship. The animosity initiated when Mr. Kim supported a bill protecting nail salon workers only to do a 180 degree reversal after he received significant funding from the owners of the nail salons. He was criticized by good government groups at the time and the Governor's office called his actions into question. Mr. Kim continues to receive funding from nail salon owners and continues his attempts to remove the protections for nail salon workers. It is an ongoing unethical situation with Kim receiving funding from owners attempting to stop our efforts to protect victimized nail salon workers. We believe Kim's continuing pay-to-play actions are at a minimum unethical and when and if investigated will prove to be illegal. To be clear, neither the Governor nor his aides threatened any legislators and in fact, the meeting in questions was considered positive by those who attended. It is the distortions of the meeting by those with different agendas that we object to.

"On the merits Mr. Kim and the NY Post and republicans argue that the state's March 25th order on nursing homes was bad policy. What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

"Dr. Zucker does not believe the March 25th order was wrong. Even with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight, health experts do not believe it was wrong. We believe it saved lives and the facts demonstrate that. If, with the advantage of hindsight, we concluded the March 25th order was wrong, Commissioner Howard Zucker would admit that and we would take action against the federal government for malpractice in issuing flawed guidance. COVID was already in the nursing homes by the time March 25th arrived. That is a proven fact. Hospital beds were critical. And that is a proven fact. People needed hospital beds with ventilators and critical care nursing staff to save their lives. We provided that. Unlike other states and countries our hospital system was not overwhelmed and we went from the highest infect rate to the lowest and saved lives. That is the irrefutable truth.

Statement from Senior Advisor to the Governor Rich Azzopardi | Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (
Mr Kim is not the only person in NY criticizing cuomo
Wow, we really dodged a bullet with this guy. Obama's ignorance and corruption almost put this idiot on the SCOTUS!

Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s attorney general pick, declined to get into details on Monday about the COVID-19 nursing home disaster that plagued New York following Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s mandate.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Garland how he would have handled COVID-19 had he been chief judge when the pandemic began. Kennedy wondered if he “would have adopted a rule that” deemed it “discriminatory” to ask someone to take a COVID-19 test to return to work after the individual went to the hospital for the virus and was treated and released.

Garland said “no,” he would not have adopted that rule.

Kennedy followed this up by wondering aloud if this is “what happened with a lot of our nursing homes throughout the country.” While Kennedy did not name New York in particular, Cuomo has come under fire for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He mandated that nursing homes accept patients who had previously tested positive for COVID-19 while barring facilities from requiring negative tests for a period of time in 2020.

“I honestly don’t know what happened with the nursing homes,” Garland responded. “I don’t know what they’re doing with respect to – I’m sorry, I’m not again, I’m not trying to be evasive. I really, I really don’t know the facts here. I mean, I think in the example you gave me, there’s nothing discriminatory about asking people who might be infected from a public health point of view to be sure they don’t infect other people, and if a determinations made they’re not infected, then of course that’s the end of it. Equal treatment doesn’t mean we don’t take into consideration the possibilities of different degrees of health in a particular circumstance.

“And I don’t, I honestly, don’t know what happened, but the nursing home – I know it was terrible that many people got the COVID in the nursing homes and it was a major vector in the spread of the infection. But I don’t know why that was, except that there are people cooped up in one place and it’s easy to spread,” he continued.

The FBI is reportedly investigating Cuomo over the nursing home deaths. The alleged investigation comes after revelations indicated that his administration underreported nursing home COVID-19 deaths by up to 50% and reports that they tried to hide the correct death count.

The left loon also refused to say illegals crossing the borders is a crime.

Thank God he was never confirmed
And he sounded worse than Jen Psaki in trying to evade giving an answer.

And this stammering numbskull is supposed to be USSC material?
they should blame Donald Trump
There was no federal policy that mandated sending patients infected with wuflu to nursing homes

But Cuomo lied and said there was, and as you can see, the dumber among us fell for it:

What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.
What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

What Cuomo did was not federal policy. He lied about that, and you bought it because you're a dumb rube.

Yes it was and I can prove it.

March 13
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

QSO-20-14-NH - REVISED (
What they fail to mention is the state was following federal policy and if the Post and republicans want to play a political blame game, they should blame Donald Trump and they should have blamed Donald Trump's since last March 25th when they promulgated the guidance. We will stick to the facts.

What Cuomo did was not federal policy. He lied about that, and you bought it because you're a dumb rube.
Not to mention the fact Trump sent a fully equipped hospital ship to New York and pos cuomo didn't use it!

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